No Right Explanation: Sarah Connor Chronicles vs Firefly


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May 27, 2011
No Right Explanation: Sarah Connor Chronicles vs Firefly

Which series was most regrettably cut by Fox?

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New member
Apr 16, 2009
Cool stuff. I was waiting for your guys to finally get a column, so I'm glad you finally did. It is cool to see how in depth you actually get with these arguments, so kudos to that!


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Lena Headey's in A Game of Thrones. Though TSCC should not have been cut at a cliffhanger like so many network sci fi serials are (V, Heroes, Flash Forward just to name 3), she at least has moved on. Summer on the other hand is in actor limbo, only appearing in the Cape (silly Batman knockoff that it was) and an episode of Alphas since. Somewhere in the back of my mind I hope that these shows will see a tv-movie to close the lingering plotlines, I know that this likely will never happen. Firefly was lucky to see a movie greenlit like it did, another point for its rabid fanbase. TSCC likely doesn't have a following because Terminator has been the go-to action movie staple for decades. It's easy to not care about a serialized version of a movie franchise.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
algalon said:
Lena Headey's in A Game of Thrones. Though TSCC should not have been cut at a cliffhanger like so many network sci fi serials are (V, Heroes, Flash Forward just to name 3), she at least has moved on. Somewhere in the back of my mind I hope that these shows will see a tv-movie to close the lingering plotlines, I know that this likely will never happen.
Yeah, I came here to basically say both, I can't believe he missed Headey in Game of Thrones. Anyway, I really want a movie sequel to The Sarah Conner Chronicles, that would be great, or at least a novel or comic. It would have been nice if Heroes got one too, since Season 4 really picked up. Couldn't care less about V though that show got really bad (Soul sucking machines? Really?), and I never bothered with Flash Forward since I had a flash forward to it's inevitable demise (Gee, aren't I clever?).


New member
Mar 22, 2008
I appreciate how we can also get a more coherent version of the debate in column form.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I always wondered how the points worked, it didn't seem to me that Dan could be judging it so easily as they went along and immediately tell them the result. I'm pleasantly surprised, I thought a lot of this must be scripted to be so good, but it turns out you guys are just that talented :D


New member
Jul 2, 2011
Great read still I'm going with firefly on this one even though both are great. And again my most disappointed cancled show has to be the middleman at least the last episode was a proper one.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
To be fair, it's impossible to say that Firefly had hit its peak when it got the axe, based upon Whedon's past history. His shows are slow burners, and the first season is never the best(with the obvious exception of Firefly). Would anyone have been satisfied with Dollhouse(if you liked Dollhouse) if it hadn't gotten a second season? What about Buffy? Heck, I would go as far to say that Whedon might not have even had a career if Buffy had only its first season to stand on(which was formulaic monster-of-the-week business).

The Sarah Conner Chronicles were certainly great, and I wish it hadn't gotten canceled, but I don't think it had more potential(though not necessarily less either) than Firefly. I will say that I found the direction they were heading questionable though(traveling to the future the first time was a way of modernizing the show without breaking continuity[such as it is in a show with time travel{yes I'm nesting parentheses and brackets in the English language}], the second time was just a gimmick, IMO). They might have turned it into something great, but its equally likely that they were coming up with story hooks via a repurposed D&D loot chart and dice with that one.


New member
Sep 11, 2008

If you actually remember when it was released, Fox sat there with a dumb look on it's face while it failed to compete with the ending seasons of Friends.

No one was competing with Friends when it was going through the final seasons, but Fox decided it needed to give Firefly the kiss of death and give it a friday time slot.

And the "Han Solo" archetype predates....Han Solo.


New member
Aug 12, 2008
Isn't Lena Headey in a Game of Thrones? Yeah I think she is pretty set ;)

Regardless of that I this TSCC was probably the better choice for this debate (despite me not seeing it and me loving Firefly) as Firefly, unfortunately, really never got the chance to get going with a major storyline. Sure there were hints of it being awesome with the blue hands guys but mostly it was a series of stand-alone episodes. Very good stand-alone episodes mind you.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Personally i liked Firefly better. After all, its my top 2 best Sci-Fi tv series. But i liked the Sarah Connor Chronicles too. As far as FOX goes, if you take a list of good tv series cancelled after their first/second season, you will notice that FOX takes 75% of the list, and the other ~10 channels take the rest 25%.
This can tells us two things: either other channels dont have good/popular series or they don't let go of them.
However i can see how FOX can go and retaliate with the fact that "we are letting many small guys try their best but then people dont watch it". except that people don't watch it not because its bad series, but because its FOX, and they know its going to be cancelled mid-season anyway and its not like FOX reputation is very good either.

There's just one exception to the rule - Babylon 5, where the whole friggin story for 5 seasons was written in advance. At one point, it seemed the show will be canceled prematurely so they had to stuff two seasons into one. That's the only case where a TV show was actually moving too fast. In every other show, it's the opposite.
Actually this is untrue. The original contract was for 3 seasons. After its success they got extension to 4th season, then 5th season. The guy says so himself in the commentary. Bablylon 5 is my top 1 Sci-Fi tv show :D

Swny Nerdgasm

New member
Jul 31, 2010
Having never seen Firefly up until recently, due to my Joss Whedon allergy, I'm voting for Terminator.

Rabish Bini

New member
Jun 11, 2011
II'm not sure if this has been suggested or not before, but wouldn't it be nice if under each video a poll was open for us to vote on? I'd like to see what the consensus is here at a glance.

OT: Firefly. Definitely.


and Now My Watch Begins
Sep 8, 2009
Lena Headey is doing Just fine as CERSEI FUCKING LANNISTER, I know it has been said before but she came out of TSCC probably better than anyone from both series, she now has one of the major roles in what is hopefully going to be a 7-8 season long HBO blockbuster and from that she will either end up as an HBO staple for further seried or get herself some other big roles.

as a GoT fanboy I may be (read I am totally) biased but few Production companies have the pedigree that HBO commands