Haha! Managed to (somehow) miss the release of this one! But I love it! I had hoped Bobby had applied! The other Bobby cartoon with the scream was my favourite!
I worked in retail too, and have seen my fair share of applicants! Some of the horrifying ones are people desperately trying to scrape achievements from the pits of their armpits to impress us! Seriously, someone just finishing school and getting a weekend job, I am not expecting to have done much... but 'came third in the year maths test when I was 14' (like your cologne one, that was also real) just doesn't impress me at all! Seriously... Tip to all... be real! If you don't have many achievements say so...! Not many people actually do have many achievements!
On the other hand, dont do what I did, and foget your biggest achievement, because you are modest and talking about it embarasses you...! That sucks!