Check Out Max Payne's Sexy "New" Moves

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Check Out Max Payne's Sexy "New" Moves

The new Max Payne 3 Targeting and Weapons video explains how the game has been completely redesigned to do the same thing it did in 2003.

Okay, that's not entirely fair. The truth is that the new Max Payne 3 "Design and Technology" video looks absolutely gorgeous. Computer animation has come a long way in the past decade and the level of detail on display here is nothing short of astonishing. I don't think I've ever seen a video game character empty a pair of MAC-10s into a semi-literate Colombian thug in as fluid and downright sexy a fashion as Max does in this video.

And I have no doubt that the technology driving the game is light-years ahead of Remedy's second, and sadly last, entry in the series, either. At the same time, the narrator's claim that Rockstar has "reimagined" and "redesigned" the gameplay strikes me as a just a wee bit over the top. It's smooth and cinematic, yes, but I'm pretty sure I've done the "dive headlong into a room with guns blazing" thing before, and the "slow-motion sniper bullet to some dude's face" thing, and especially the "shooting sideways while running past a bunch of guys" thing. Maybe not quite as lushly and realistically as this, but hey, 2003 was a long time ago.

Oh, and that line about being able to holster two pistols and carry a two-handed weapon for "countless combinations to handle all situations?" That's some funny stuff.

Max Payne 3 [] comes out in May 2012 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC, and will probably be awesome.



New member
Sep 10, 2009
Even the makers themselves speak of mere evolution, instead of being revolution(ary). Plus? "countless combinations" of weapons? Sounded to me like 2 single handed weapons + one two handed one on his back. That's? an extreme exaggeration. Overall, Andy, I do not see what you appearantly saw. Just Max Payne 2 imho, hardly more impressive than it at any rate, in my book...

Plus, like Matthew94 says, being unable to carry all weapons and switch when tactics -and much more importantly: FUN- demand it... just sucks and is a setback.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
The narration is extremely over-zealous but actually seeing this video has made me somewhat excited for the game.. More than i can say for the equivelant Mass Effect videos.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
I hope they fix the Parallax problem inherent with Third Person Shooters.

You know, how with the camera off the right shoulder the line the bullets travel from the gun is distant and at remote angle from the line-of-sight of the camera. First person shooters are popular for how you can have the bullets travel right down in a straight line from where you are looking. Some FPS games like Serious Sam even have auto-paralax correction with first person.

I'm so fed up of in Red Dead Redemption trying to ease around a corner to shoot a waiting goon the sights are lined up but the bullet instead is lodged in the wall you supposedly have peeked around from.

I like Gears of War solution of sticking the camera literally right above the right shoulder, right in the crook between head and shoulder, then it seems the projectiles actually travel right down the centre-line of the view port.

I'd love a game where it was third person movement and fighting and all that but when you aim your weapon it goes fully into first person.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
While the narration was pretty hilarious, the game does look pretty slick. Everything seems fluid, so it looks like it'll be fun to run through...



New member
Nov 26, 2009
The vid really did excite me, the game looks really fancy.
But damn, weapon carry limits? But what if i want to fool around and there`s no "fooling around" weapon closeby?
So yeah, that kinda sucks. Still, this won`t hinder my determination for the game. Well, not a lot, anyways. Still really looking forward to it.
Also, damn. Those really are some smooth, sexy movements.


New member
May 26, 2008
As far as I can tell, the 'countless' combinations of weapons amounts to about 12 variations. Of course, that's me assuming they don't differentiate between pistols and revolvers, and specific calibre of weapons.

Still looks fun though.