John Romero Talks "MMO-ish" Shooter Plans

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
John Romero Talks "MMO-ish" Shooter Plans

John Romero hasn't actually started working on a new FPS but he's definitely going to do it and his plans are big.

I can understand having to explain who Jane Jensen [] is, but John Romero? Come on. He's only the guy who, as a part of id Software, basically invented the FPS genre and gave the world online shooters; think Wolfenstein, Doom or Quake and you're thinking Romero. Of course, the same can be said about Daikatana and that slowed things down for him a bit, at least in that particular genre, but he said last month that he's not done with shooters yet and apparently he means it.

"I'm definitely going to be making another shooter and it will be on the PC first," Romero told Eurogamer []. "I don't want to talk about the details but I already know what it is. I've already kind of designed the thing and it's pretty cool - though of course, I am going to say that."

The plan is to create an "MMO-ish" shooter, with a persistent world that lets players grow and improve their characters over time. It will "feel" like a shooter, presumably because it will be a shooter, "but the specifics of your situation, narrative wrapper and reward system are all unique," he said. And while he said it won't be an "old-school shooter," he made it clear that he's not a fan of modern shooter conventions like cover system or "bullet sponge" characters, either.

"I do realize that a lot of the movement in new shooters is directly attributable to the console controller because you can't play well and fast with them so they had to come up with some design to make it so the player can do something else if they can't skillfully move quickly. They have to do something different," he said. "But I'm a PC mouse and keyboard type player. I love twitch 180s, fast targeting, fast firing, fast movement. So anything that's not like that - like current shooters that are basically a track going through a level to the exit and everything is closed off - is not interesting to me."

Whatever Romero has in mind, don't expect him to fire up the hype machine anytime soon. "I wouldn't want to give out any specifics until I'm close to shipping it," he said. "I've learned my lesson about talking too soon about specific game features and release dates."

Romero's Loot Drop studio is currently working on Ghost Recon Commander, a mobile and Facebook social game based on the Ubisoft shooter franchise that's expected to come out this summer.



The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
*raises hand*

I have a question.

Has this guy done anything remotely relevant in the last decade? Because I'm having real trouble seeing why I should give the slightest of shits.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
He might have been there to invent the genre, but has he really touched the FPS genre much in the past decade? Here's hoping it turns out well whenever it does see the light of day. I miss the days when an FPS meant I had more guns on me than fingers to count them on and tension was gained from sitting with a small platoon of angry men with guns between you and the only way to refill your measly remaining 10 HP, as opposed to ducking behind cover hoping no-one accidentally wings you before your bullet wounds are done closing up.


Reinventing the Spiel
Feb 2, 2012
Folji said:
but has he really touched the FPS genre much in the past decade?
Let's hope he hasn't!

The vast majority of shooters, especially in the latter half of that period have been hulking sacks of lowest common denominator, controller-orientated shite. Even alleged "old-school" inspired PC shooters like Hard Reset make a right mess of things by having slow movement speed and console style sprint.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
GoaThief said:
Let's hope he hasn't!

The vast majority of shooters, especially in the latter half of that period have been hulking sacks of lowest common denominator, controller-orientated shite. Even alleged "old-school" inspired PC shooters like Hard Reset make a right mess of things by having slow movement speed and console style sprint.
Thought about getting that game, but in the end wound up not getting it. Even the Duke succumbed to slow movement speed, but then again he succumbed to everything that's happened to the FPS genre in the 14 years of development hell. Remember back in the day when he'd run down the street at forty miles per hour while face-stomping standing enemies with both his feet at the same time.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
The guy is turning up the hype machine just by this annoucement.

That said Romero is a developer that has to earn back a LOT of trust as far as I'm concered, and also the whole "MMO Shooter" concept is something that has been tried before. APB, Tabula Rasa, War Rock, Neocron, and others are all examples. It presents some unique challenges in terms of monetization and encouraging long-term play.

Basically those who play shooters pretty much want to log in and start fragging things immediatly, a huge, persistant world means that finding other players can be tricky, and then there is the issue of how you reward players for success without basically handing them the game and totally unbalancing the entire thing.

I'm not saying these issues are insurrmountable, but there is a reason why we haven't seen any massive successes from this design concept, which has probably been in the back of people's minds ever since MMOs started to appear. You generally see MMORPGs because the nature of those types of games happen to work well together.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Romero is synonymous with 'overhyped ' il taking this witb an enture dune of salt.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Scrumpmonkey said:
John D. Carmack...continue to be totally irrelevant.
You're right about Romero and to some extent American McGee, but Carmack is still quite relevant.

So I wonder if Romero is going to try and make us his ***** again?


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Ugh, if he had said he was going to make an actual full-blown old-school game it would turn me off so much.

I mean, the 90's were great, but selling a shooter based on nostalgia alone? Doesn't make it any better. I like to think of Serious Sam as "the one that got away" from this curse.

Therumancer said:
Not a MMO.


New member
Jun 16, 2004
Scrumpmonkey said:
*In other news;* John D. Carmack, John Romero, American McGee and the other Doom-a-crats continue to be totally irrelevant.
How anyone could consider Carmack irrelevant in the gaming world when id software continually rolls out ground breaking tech is beyond me.

American McGee is still making games, and you know his name, that puts his heads above the interchangeable, nameless masses that work on today's triple A titles.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
"I do realize that a lot of the movement in new shooters is directly attributable to the console controller because you can't play well and fast with them so they had to come up with some design to make it so the player can do something else if they can't skillfully move quickly. They have to do something different," he said. "But I'm a PC mouse and keyboard type player. I love twitch 180s, fast targeting, fast firing, fast movement. So anything that's not like that - like current shooters that are basically a track going through a level to the exit and everything is closed off - is not interesting to me."
Wow, Its funny as hell to see someone who was considered a visionary in the field not only reject conventions that were made to bypass his own lack of vision (IE the addition of cover mechanics, because theres nothing like standing behind a full fledged wall and bullets somehow penetrating pixels designed to look like concrete and still finding their target and doing damage) and then profess because HE doesnt like controllers in FPS games that he assumes that they must be slower and more unwieldy.

Yeah, if you hold such a narrow view of the genre you helped create, then I have no interest in playing a game that reflects that narrow view. Just sayin.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
The obsession with "relevance" as defined by people who weren't there for whatever topic happens to be at hand never ceases to amuse and aggravate me.

And regardless of what you think of the man or his opinions, I don't think anyone is seriously going argue that controllers aren't slower, clumsier and less precise than a mouse and keyboard. (Right?)

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
Andy Chalk said:
The obsession with "relevance" as defined by people who weren't there for whatever topic happens to be at hand never ceases to amuse and aggravate me.

And regardless of what you think of the man or his opinions, I don't think anyone is seriously going argue that controllers aren't slower, clumsier and less precise than a mouse and keyboard. (Right?)
I'll agree that the mouse is much faster and more precise (which is important in a genre about aiming), but I still maintain that the keyboard is awful for FPS games. Far, far too many useless keys that it's far too easy to hit by accident. Not to mention the terrible movement controls compared to console controllers (8 directions? Seriously?)

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
I'd say a mouse is better than an anolog stick for aiming, sure, only a retard would argue over that.

But a keyboard? For movement? Over an anolog stick? 8 directions over 360 degrees? May aswell use a NES D-pad for all the good it does. I think not Mr. Romero. Come back when you're relevant to gaming again.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
ElPatron said:
Ugh, if he had said he was going to make an actual full-blown old-school game it would turn me off so much.

I mean, the 90's were great, but selling a shooter based on nostalgia alone? Doesn't make it any better. I like to think of Serious Sam as "the one that got away" from this curse.

Therumancer said:
Not a MMO.
Incorrect, just about everything with online multiplayer is an MMO right now, even if that term is not used. This is why especially to begin with people were careful to specify MMORPG. Technically things like CoD's multiplayer, and other assorted things that have persistant tracking fill the definition. If you want to get technical MMOs started waaaay back in the day with things like "Club Cairbe" run through services like "Q-link" as an example of how far the definition can stretch, as that is around the time these started appearing... Club Cairbe, Kesmai, etc...


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Well, the guy pretty well outlined the problems I have with modern shooters (I usually describe it as "I'm fighting the controls, not my enemies" followed by "I'm going back to UT'99 now, call me if they make another shooter for me to bash").
I suppose I could be considered interested enough to sit back and watch at this point.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
mindlesspuppet said:
Scrumpmonkey said:
*In other news;* John D. Carmack, John Romero, American McGee and the other Doom-a-crats continue to be totally irrelevant.
How anyone could consider Carmack irrelevant in the gaming world when id software continually rolls out ground breaking tech is beyond me.

American McGee is still making games, and you know his name, that puts his heads above the interchangeable, nameless masses that work on today's triple A titles.
Because they released one major game in the last 7 years and that game is Rage. Ooh, technology. How wonderful. Most gamers don't give a shit, hence the Xbox and the Playstation.