French Presidential Candidate Embraces 8-Bit Campaigning


Shipwrecked, comatose, newsie
Aug 2, 2011
French Presidential Candidate Embraces 8-Bit Campaigning

Francois Bayrou's campaign has unleashed a new weapon: retro gaming nostalgia.

The European political scene is beside itself with speculation over the upcoming French presidential election. Two political heavywieghts - incumbent President Nicholas Sarkozy and Socialist leader Francois Hollande - are staring one another down in preparation for the final vote. Hollande has widespread support and a tenuous lead in the polls, but ideological fractures in France's left wing have forced him to spend precious time fighting for already left-leaning votes to throw at Sarkozy's well-founded, right-leaning campaign.

Meanwhile, Francois Bayrou of the Mouvement Démocrate party is polling low and hide an 8-bit campaign video in his website []. Said video can only be accessed by hitting the old Konami keys (up up, down down, left right, left right, B, A, yo) into his site's homepage.

Zut alors! I hear you cry. Typing in the Konami code unlocks a video of 8-bit M. Bayrou inviting voters to join him on a quest to take France back from Sarkozy and his ilk. "Nothing can resist a united nation!" spits his grainy voice.

The rest of the video shows sprite-Bayrou marching across the land of Sarkollande (oh we see what you did there) on his mission to gather the six ancient artifacts which will allow him to purge the land of sad faces and false promises. The pieces in question, composed of (translations hastily provided by yours truly) "The Medallion of Redressing Public Finances" and "The Orb of Europe and the World," along with your vote, will allow M. Bayrou to succeed in his journey.

M. Bayrou has yet to reveal why chasing the 8-bit vote from the knows-or-cares-about-that-Konami-code demographic has become a feature of his campaign. But does that matter? No. At least one of Bayrou's staffers appreciates older games and wants you to help her/his employer win the election by collecting six artifacts from six temples. Were I French, Monsieur Bayrou, you'd have come a few steps closer to having my vote.

Source: The Telegraph []



New member
Nov 17, 2010
I don't speak a lick of French and I'm not French in any way, but I'd vote for him just for the cuteness that spilled off my computer screen.
Sep 14, 2009
I don't speak a single letter of french, but that was just awesome. Smiled through the whole damn thing.

If this guy is even 1/100th as awesome as his campaign is, then i would vote for him.

captcha: "sacred cow"

damn right he is a sacred cow


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Hevva said:
Were I French, Monsieur Bayrou, you'd have come a few steps closer to having my vote.
My thoughts exactly. It might not secure my vote, but it would certainly push me in that direction a bit. Other factors would of course apply, but this would be a worthy consideration.


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
Oh - My - Gosh. How did I not know this? I like the guy (won't be voting this year because we moved on January 2nd, and if you didn't sign up by December 31st, too bad for you), he was on my shortlist.

I have to say, though... One of his web designers must've been bored. ^_^

Edit: Also, I have to say this... no one says "zut alors" anymore, it's much too... sedate. Try to get your curses from another source than Maurice Chevalier and Disney's appalling stereotypes (The Little Mermaid's Chef did more harm than good).

General BrEeZy

New member
Jul 26, 2009
aaah, the good ol' days of graphics! blast from the past!! very cool!

1000th post FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Thinker

New member
Jan 22, 2011
... Where the hell is my yo key?

Please note: I know I don't actually have to type anything after A for it to work.


Shipwrecked, comatose, newsie
Aug 2, 2011
Eleima said:
Edit: Also, I have to say this... no one says "zut alors" anymore, it's much too... sedate. Try to get your curses from another source than Maurice Chevalier and Disney's appalling stereotypes (The Little Mermaid's Chef did more harm than good).

Heh, I'm aware - I spent a year as an assistante d'anglais in a lycée (in sweet Mulhouse, Alsace). Zut alors, while miles out of date, is something you can expect readers to actually get. It's horrible, but our teachers and general French comprehension are way behind - one of my university lecturers was genuinely surprised to hear that people say things like "t'inquiete" three years ago. We've got a lot of work to do.


New member
Apr 18, 2012
No way ! My dad's from Mulhouse ! Apart from the center, it's the most depressing town in the world...

I was already planning on voting for him in the first round, he recently announced the Konami code easter egg on twitter, stressing that video games are one of the levers of a strong economy based on "produire français".

Needless to say this sweetened the deal even more. There's no chance he'll get to the second round of the elections, but at least in the first round we get to vote for (more or less) who we WANT, as opposed to voting against whom we DON'T...


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
DVS BSTrD said:
It's not often we get news this amusing from across the pongd.
The good thing is that there's no Contraversy over using alternative tactics


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
Hevva said:
Heh, I'm aware - I spent a year as an assistante d'anglais in a lycée (in sweet Mulhouse, Alsace). Zut alors, while miles out of date, is something you can expect readers to actually get. It's horrible, but our teachers and general French comprehension are way behind - one of my university lecturers was genuinely surprised to hear that people say things like "t'inquiete" three years ago. We've got a lot of work to do.
You know what, you're 100% right, I hadn't seen it in that light. (How about Merde alors, everyone knows "merde") But.. Mulhouse? You poor, poor thing! ;) Can't say I'm surprised about the university lecturer, though. When I see how French is taught in high schools, I don't really expect much more from undergrad and grad courses, unfortunately. But it truly seems to be a universal problem, the teaching of foreign languages. You must've shivered with dread when you saw how English was being taught at the lycée!

RamaTheVoice said:
No way ! My dad's from Mulhouse ! Apart from the center, it's the most depressing town in the world...
I was already planning on voting for him in the first round, he recently announced the Konami code easter egg on twitter, stressing that video games are one of the levers of a strong economy based on "produire français".
Needless to say this sweetened the deal even more. There's no chance he'll get to the second round of the elections, but at least in the first round we get to vote for (more or less) who we WANT, as opposed to voting against whom we DON'T...
A long, long time ago, Ubisoft was French... I like him if only because he's been saying for years that we need to do something about "la dette". That's our taxes going down the drain, dammit!


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Eleima said:
You know what, you're 100% right, I hadn't seen it in that light. (How about Merde alors, everyone knows "merde") But.. Mulhouse? You poor, poor thing! ;) Can't say I'm surprised about the university lecturer, though. When I see how French is taught in high schools, I don't really expect much more from undergrad and grad courses, unfortunately. But it truly seems to be a universal problem, the teaching of foreign languages. You must've shivered with dread when you saw how English was being taught at the lycée!
Oh god ! We're something like the thrid or fourth WORST country in Europe when it comes to mastery of foreign languages, it's awful. Then again, it also makes for good prospects when you're a translator (which I am). Still a damn shame though.

Oh, and don't forget putain, which is more or less the equivalent of the F-word (can we type that in full ? I'm new here...) in that it's basically used as a form of punctuation.

Eleima said:
A long, long time ago, Ubisoft was French... I like him if only because he's been saying for years that we need to do something about "la dette". That's our taxes going down the drain, dammit!
Ubi are still "officially" French, Atari technically are as well (originally Infogrames), and there are loads of brilliant (or at least somewhat profitable) French devs when you think about it. Arkane, Nadeo, Ankama. I for one really miss Adeline Software :'(

Oh, and "yay, political debate !" I guess...