The new average is about a 7, as so you can make any above average title into a 8 or a 9 effortlessly.
I rate games based on past experience's, design implementations and how fun something is to me.
Graphics? I could really care less, sound... same, music I can respect something that dose not fall into trends and pitfalls of modern design, something more than rock music,metal,metal,generic octrstia,metal,generic metal,ect,ect,ect and don't get me started on event music......... to me it has killed the greatness of simple and powerful background music.....
This is why I can say Dark messiah is a 7 because the story keeps it from an 8 but the ambition of the gamepaly is what makes it a gem worth owning.
Bioshock even Cryisis or Halo 2/3 on the other hand is a lulz fest of sloppy designs and barely earns the 6 I can give them.
Medicare story+medicare gameplay makes for a sub medicare experience....