E3 Preview: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Sarah LeBoeuf

New member
Apr 28, 2011
E3 Preview: Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

All for one, one for all.

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PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Sarah LeBoeuf said:
I quickly gave up on the card-based Chain of Memories.
I don't understand why nobody seems to like this one. I thought it had pretty much the deepest combat in the series until Birth By Sleep came along with its fairly intricate dodge/block/counter system. It's one of the few games I've seen that actively punishes button-mashing, and I really appreciate it for that.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Oct 31, 2008
When KHIII eventually hits they better make sure the story doesn't depend on all these spin-offs :(


New member
Apr 2, 2012
I never have my stylus in hand when playing games. I avoid it like the plague if I can. So, WTF ;_;


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
I saw the E3 trailer for the game, and it sorely disappoints me that Squenix of America doesn't think Neku and co. were worth showing off. Then again, E3 is more about showing off to the investors than the fans now, and I suppose most of them don't even know who Neku is - acting like he'd sell more units when his own game was niche at best probably wasn't something they'd like.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I want KH back on the consoles, ive enjoyed the handhelds but the combat can get reeeeeeeeeally clustered on dem tiny screens.

Stars, stars everywhere!


New member
Jul 18, 2011
PunkRex said:
I want KH back on the consoles, ive enjoyed the handhelds but the combat can get reeeeeeeeeally clustered on dem tiny screens.

Stars, stars everywhere!
I want a return to consoles simply so I can actually play the games in my favourite gaming series, instead of having to watch them on YouTube. It's just embarrassing, but there's no way I'm spending hundreds of dollars on three different handhelds. That's why there really needs to be some sort of KH collection.

As for continuity, I'd imagine there would be a flashback 'previously' cutscene, or a montage of important events in the past series.


New member
Feb 18, 2010
Volan said:
PunkRex said:
I want KH back on the consoles, ive enjoyed the handhelds but the combat can get reeeeeeeeeally clustered on dem tiny screens.

Stars, stars everywhere!
I want a return to consoles simply so I can actually play the games in my favourite gaming series, instead of having to watch them on YouTube. It's just embarrassing, but there's no way I'm spending hundreds of dollars on three different handhelds. That's why there really needs to be some sort of KH collection.

As for continuity, I'd imagine there would be a flashback 'previously' cutscene, or a montage of important events in the past series.
I know this game has a "Memoirs" feature that gives recaps of the previous games. Still, Birth By Sleep should definitely be played before this game, and I'm pretty sure Days gets some callbacks as well.
Mar 7, 2012
The only reason I took any interest in this at all is because The World Ends With You is involved.

Which still ranks among the best games this generation.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
Covarr said:
Sarah LeBoeuf said:
I quickly gave up on the card-based Chain of Memories.
I don't understand why nobody seems to like this one. I thought it had pretty much the deepest combat in the series until Birth By Sleep came along with its fairly intricate dodge/block/counter system. It's one of the few games I've seen that actively punishes button-mashing, and I really appreciate it for that.

P.S. Thanks
Ninja'd in the first post. Loved deck building in Chain of Memories and Birth By Sleep is amazing. KH2 was far too easy since you would mash attack to beat everything once you got some Combo+, Finisher+, and a good finish move. Reaction Commands were pretty overpowered and Drive forms were just for show and made it even easier.

My only issue with BBS is that it's far too easy to be overleveled for the plot if you do Mirage Arena but you'll still be too weak to do any meaningful damage on the later arena missions. For the record though, I've been doing only Critical Mode and have no other point of reference. Will a No EXP run be scratch damage only?


New member
Jul 4, 2006
I'm so bored of these spin-offs. Granted, I haven't really played any of them, but can't we just get KH3 now? Also, anyone get annoyed that they seem to be using a lot of cool worlds (Tron Legacy, Hunchback etc) in these games? Why not save them for the real deal.

Heartless look ridiculous in this too. Much to....'watered-down'. Ok, so they're not Heartless - they are "Dream Eaters", but look at them! They look ridiculous. Granted, some of the Heartless look a bit stupid too...but nothing like this.

Maybe I'm just annoyed because I loved KH1 and 2 and I'm sick of seeing all these spin-offs as opposed to the actual third game...
Also, I hope that when KH3 DOES eventually come out, it doesn't require you to have played these to understand aspects of the game.

Titan Buttons

New member
Apr 13, 2011
BrotherRool said:
When KHIII eventually hits they better make sure the story doesn't depend on all these spin-offs :(
Saddly Birth By Sleep explain why Sora "became" Roxas and explains a lot of the key blade universe, such as the fact there is an academy for key blade users.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
cursedseishi said:
BrotherRool said:
When KHIII eventually hits they better make sure the story doesn't depend on all these spin-offs :(
Depends honestly. I think the only games that have revealed any major details to the overall story of Kingdom Hearts is Birth By Sleep and Re:Coded.

Dream Drop Distance relies on something you find out about during BbS (Keyblade Mastery exams and such), yet BbS also explains how and why who can wield the keyblades currently (and more).
Re:Coded also will very likely play a big role in KH 3, because of something it reveals throughout the story.

The other spin-offs were more or less just to flesh out what was already present, or fill in a blank here or there.
I hope they manage to find a way to explain those bits then that isn't annoying to people who know them. I'm okay being a little offguard in a story, it's fun to try and catch up but if theirs new character, or changes in relationships with those characters, that's the sort of thing you need to know for a story to work


New member
Jul 1, 2011
I genuinely enjoyed all the little spin-off games, I thought they were a great way to flesh out some story aspects and characters (after 358/2 days, I'm almost more attached to Roxas than I am Sora). Dream Drop Distance is pretty near the top of the list of reasons I bought a 3DS in the first place, so I'm definitely looking forward to playing it.


I am a banana!
Sep 11, 2009
It looks interesting... maybe I'll look into it more. I'm still not holding my breath for a release of Kingdom Hearts 3 anytime soon, though...


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Console Kingdom Hearts or I don't care...I did play Birth By Sleep but damn it if it's just not as comfortable.

Don't even try to follow the story of Kingdom Hearts anymore. It's batshit. And if you don't own every single stupid hand held game you're going to be utterly lost.

I just want Kingdom Hearts 3 SE, why do you suddenly hate money.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
yer... not shelling out for a 3ds just for this.
But it looks good, I just wish you could play it on a regular one.