Stolen Pixels #109: Let me Tell You About "Evil"

Shamus Young

New member
Jul 7, 2008
Stolen Pixels #109: Let me Tell You About "Evil"

This week the definition of evil is settled once and for all.

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New member
Apr 23, 2008
HA, very true - the Overlord needs to be a 'troll for lols'. And to be fair, you can just enslave them all instead of killing them.


New member
Nov 5, 2008
How is it that game developers keep confusing "evil" and "reckless stupidity?"


New member
Jan 27, 2009
You do it for the lulz! Besides, I'm quite sure the army and the empire is trying to get rid of YOU aswell. Still hilarious though, good one.


New member
May 28, 2008
True, enslaving people is painfully difficult.

Plus, you'll probably end up doing it all over again for the sequel.


Questionably Opinionated
Jul 13, 2009
I never got the whole bit where the villen kills or enslaves everyone and everything and is thus dubbed "Evil". i think Yahtzee said it best, a truely evil person would build up a shroud of benevelance, slowly gaining everyones trust, when all of a sudden, BAM! off world mining..

when will there be a game where you get to be a ruler of some sort who has to appear rightgious and good to the masses, while maintaing exsplicitly evil activities on the side, like torture for giggles, or henous genetic research? Something along the lines of the Persona Franchise, but without the whole world saving and alternate universe bit?


New member
Jun 18, 2009
"See?" xD. Brilliant.
And I totally agree with the small motivation point.
But the especially annoying factor is the fact that you are not the real leader. In fact. The short smart minion is. All the way to... hmmm... say 1/5 of game he's nice and calm towards you. But after this he just becomes starts saying "do this! Kill this! Save this!" and you... do it.

No that really doesn't make you feel like an evil overlord.
That's one of the main reasons I didn't finish overlord II.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
cainx10a said:
randommaster said:
I don't see what that guy is complaining about, magma smoothies are the best.
not everyone is a fire type pokemon!
Are you sure? Every time I try to talk to someone, they're like, Char char charmander mander char.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
randommaster said:
cainx10a said:
randommaster said:
I don't see what that guy is complaining about, magma smoothies are the best.
not everyone is a fire type pokemon!
Are you sure? Every time I try to talk to someone, they're like, Char char charmander mander char.
I take it you have your translator set to pokeball?
And with games, doing it just because it is there is a weak motivator. At the least you can work to a point where you can off the short guy, or give him a severance package and implement your own agenda with a viable goal. Maybe at the least an achievement system?


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Okay, I need to comment here. Because if anyone in this whacked out world has worked on the subject of evil and harnessing its bountiful's me.

Part of evil is in its perception, for starters. I could do alot of good and someone still hates me for it. "Look, you stupid bastard, I just saved the world. It's not MY fault it required the sacrifice of 1,00o kittens to blow up Satan's head!". Though, actually, your good is my evil right now, because each and every one of you is doing my bidding and you don't even know it. How's that work, well take a look at this.

I am one single person, no army of minions that you can see. I have apparently no power and not even a criminal record. So, what I am in reality is in the most perfect position to do...anything. The rest of the world is a long long gathering of sheep, not all from the same herd. You're baying and yelling at each other, every one of you missing that big picture: The world at large. Oh, but I can see it. I'm one ordinary person with his head in the game. I don't care about the War On {Insert Subject Here} or there's a new brand of something-or-other. Life's too much a game in itself to take it all seriously.

What is going to happen, pretty much, is this... The world is grinding itself along and it will reach a certain point where it needs people like me to act. Most people are cogs in a wheel, as though your spinning makes the world go 'round and not gravitational pull around a sun. In a situation, there are those who panic and those who do what must be done. If the act of a hero is for an ordinary person to set the world straight, despite all odds, then the one waiting to through you into chaos - for a laugh, if nothing else - is his antithesis.

The human race needs to be shown the worst psychological problem even known: Itself. The world is entirely petty and needs to be shown perspective. A hero's not going to help. You need a right bastard to throw some light on the subject here. And ironically, by that act of evil, there would be some good. Hah!
Feb 13, 2008
Like Yahtzee, you've missed the point Seamus.

You built up your hopes in finally playing an evil character and by the end you were so piqued in wanting to display a final burst of evilness on the world, the likes of which you would have never seen, or live to see again.

And then it let you down.

The only way it could have been more evil was to BSOD just at the final battle and wipe your save file. :)


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Too true, I would prefer killing the jester bastard first but that's a good start.


Raving Lunatic
Apr 30, 2008
Great joke. It's so true -- true evil isn't mindlessly slaughtering things because you are told to -- that's called a day at the office. True evil is doing it in your spare time, for fun, just because you felt like it.