Former 38 Studios Exec "Clarifies" Amalur Trailer

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Former 38 Studios Exec "Clarifies" Amalur Trailer

The former Kingdoms of Amalur creative director wants to clear up a few things about that leaked trailer.

The Kingdoms of Amalur trailer that found its way to the tubes [] yesterday is pretty cool, if somewhat generic, but definitely in need of polish. That shouldn't come as too much of a surprise, since the game was nowhere near ready for launch when 38 Studios disappeared in a greasy puff of unfortunate circumstance and recrimination, but ex-Creative Director Steve Danuser still wants to clarify what the trailer is all about.

"[The video] was a rough cut to get the pacing right; pretty much every asset would have been reworked or replaced by the time it went final," Danuser wrote on his blog.

One aspect that apparently would have remained was the "illustrated style," which he said was intended to feature throughout the game. "Our cinematics team was packed with amazing illustrators, and we were using animation like this to introduce our races and tell little bits of history you'd encounter as you traveled through Amalur," he continued.

The Kingdoms of Amalur logo that appeared that the end of the trailer is based on the Ouroborus, the ancient symbol of a serpent eating its own tail, and was intended to reflect the game world's never-ending cycle of creation and destruction. Similarities to The Elder Scrolls Online [] logo are entirely coincidental, he explained, adding, "That's what you get for basing your IP on classic themes."

"I wanted to get these points across because it would be unfair to the cinematics or audio teams for anyone seeing this to think it represented a final version of a trailer," he wrote. "Even though it's really cool, it would have been spectacular by the time we were done with it."

Alas, we will never know.

Source: Mobhunter []



New member
Jan 2, 2011
Well I do have to admit the graphic style was very nice looking and interesting.

Though I had a feeling the basically monotone narrator was a placeholder.

Besides those things, this makes me even sadder. RIP 38 Studios.


[Insert Witty Remark Here]
Apr 6, 2010
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (console one) looked really good, unfortunately I was still in full Skyrim mode and waiting for Witcher 2 to appear on consoles at the time of release. I ended up getting Reckoning for £16 brand new online in the end but it's really sad what happened to 38 Studios, so much potential lost.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
"He then added, 'well, it was also unfair to stop paying them, but frankly, all we can afford to do right now is defend their honor as hard workers, regardless of how the project ended up wasting everybody's time and money, and how empty this gesture is when compared to those events.'

Danuser proceeded to stifle a small cough while awkwardly glancing to the side and shifting his weight slightly."