Command & Conquer: Generals 2 Single Player May Still Exist

Timothy Chang

painkillers and whiskey
Jun 5, 2012
Command & Conquer: Generals 2 Single Player May Still Exist

EA President Frank Gibeau thinks that the next C&C can be built to fans' demands.

When it was revealed that Command & Conquer: Generals 2 would lack a single-player campaign [], the decision was met with disapproval from series fans. After all, the hallmarks of the franchise include its plot-driven missions and extra cheesy FMV cutscenes. In a bid to keep the peace, Electronic Arts has announced that a single-player campaign for the game (which is now rebranded as Command & Conquer) is not totally out of the question.

Frank Gibeau, president of EA Labels, explained the situation in a recent interview. "Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience, and by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics.

"Does that mean it's not going to have single player? No, that's something we've obviously heard loud and clear that is important to people," he says. "The beauty of free-to-play is that we can adjust and adapt to what we're hearing as opposed to, 'I'm sorry, it's two months from ship and it is what it is.' It's a very different model because you don't have to build as much. You build in response to your audience."

Command & Conquer is expected for release in 2013.

Source: Polygon []



New member
Feb 28, 2010
"Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience, and by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics."
Because graphics are, of course, the most important thing.

Mister Six

New member
Aug 16, 2010
BlackNoel said:
"Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience, and by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics."
Because graphics are, of course, the most important thing.
To EA they are.

I swear EA just doesn't give a fuck anymore.


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
BlackNoel said:
"Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience, and by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics."
Because graphics are, of course, the most important thing.
They obviously are. That and egregious multitplayer abuse because, hey, the future belongs to Call of Duty and Battlefield, and we here at EA want a piece of that hot money-pie.

Honestly, this is good news, in a roundabout sense. See, the part we have to remember is that they caved in under the demands of fans. The fans WANTED a single-player campaign, and they finally got one. What this means is that with enough pressure, we can make individual studios back away from Gibeau's claims of "all multiplayer, all the time".

Yes, some people actually do want to spend all their gaming time up against other people for the sake of competition, but others just want a good story or unpretentious, simple fun that doesn't rely on them developing perfect habits for this or that genre. I'm one of those people. You'll rarely, if ever catch me doing multiplayer stuff - unless it's with a gaggle of friends I've known for about seventeen years.

It's setting yourself for multiplayer with complete strangers that gets my goat. Laughging up our failures in Left 4 Dead 2's Expert mode between friends is okay. Being called a ****** because I couldn't reach the safe room in time on that difficulty level? That isn't okay.


Someone's Dad
Nov 29, 2011
Frank Gibeau said:
Does that mean it's not going to have single player? No, that's something we've obviously heard loud and clear that is important to people.
Well, that didn't take long. Whether or not it ends up being something fun to play remains to be seen, but at least there's some hope they aren't totally abandoning single-player. Sure wish they wouldn't have dropped the Bad Company bit for what they did with BF3. Bad Company was a lot of fun... *le sigh*


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Frankly, being the newbie guy I am with RTS games, it's really a no-win situation when it comes to the C&C series. On one hand, the single player campaigns have always been silly and obtuse, ending up being outright bad in the last installment. On the other, the multiplayer experience seems to be dominated by people who actually know what the hell they're doing.

Skirmish has always been where it's at for me. :p


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Command & Conquer was dead by the time C&C 4 came out.

Generals was enjoyable if you mentally replaced the words "Command & Conquer" with "Age of"
Since it resembled a well done "Age of Empires" game in the modern setting.
Then again EA seems to like to ruin franchises. I'm pessimistic to say the least.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
BlackNoel said:
"Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience, and by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics."
Because graphics are, of course, the most important thing.
Funnily enough, that's more likely to stop me getting it than the lack of single player.

I bought a reasonably priced PC last year, but it won't be able to play a high end graphics game from next year, and I don't plan on upgrading it soon.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Oh for pete's sake.

I get the hate when EA messes up (like when they said Generals 2 turned f2p).

But seriously. Why do EA get hate even when they listen to the fans? I mean come on.

And don't give me that "C&C died with C&C4" b/s.

A gaming franchise can't die. It can only have a bad iteration.

captcha: do more sit-ups.

OI. I am alright.


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Sigh even when EA is (maybe) conceding they were being idiots they still come off just as douchy as when they made their first statement... that takes the refined skill only a mega douche can produce, Bravo. And no one care's about your in studio engine Frostbyte EA. Besides didn't you already make one game which was centered around showing us the meaningless spectacles the Frostbyte could produce? Why don't you just stop dancing around the issue and put Frostbyte watermarks into every textures? I know you want to.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Aaaaaaand then they slap a price tag on the single-player campaign and fans will cry bloody murder.

Best case scenario is that they don't and the campaign turns out to be spectacular, but I doubt it'll happen. I'll give credit to EA that they actually took note to fan's demands.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
FelixG said:
(Sorry double)

Hornet0404 said:
Oh for pete's sake.

I get the hate when EA messes up (like when they said Generals 2 turned f2p).

But seriously. Why do EA get hate even when they listen to the fans? I mean come on.

And don't give me that "C&C died with C&C4" b/s.

A gaming franchise can't die. It can only have a bad iteration.

captcha: do more sit-ups.

OI. I am alright.
Because they did an abysmal job with C&C 4, now the reason I bring that up, is because they bult that wanting to compete with the Dawn of War 2 model and failed.

In this case their listening to the fans means slapping a single player campaign onto a F2P MMO... Everything will be geared and balanced for an F2P environment, not a singleplayer one.

So they get hate because they are backpedaling after getting shown how retarded they are and are likely to make things even worse, and people know it.

I am still willing to give it a chance, hell I wont lose anything if they shove it out for free, who knows, maybe they will surprise me!
Well at least they are backpedaling instead of "bulldozing" ahead with a bad idea.

And as you said it's free so if it isn't good I haven't lost anything and might as well install the old Generals once more.


New member
Mar 14, 2011
It might help if EA actually had an artistic vision for C&C, instead of just trying to attract the largest possible audience.

I expect a pretty, playable and completely bland experience that isn't worth the time or the download.


New member
Mar 3, 2011
Frosthype 2 really is not a good engine at all.
it is not as powerfull as they make out it is, and it doesn't have amzaing graphics like they suggest it does.

Anyway, all i do is play skirmishes against ai, so doesnt look like there is anything in this one that appeals to me.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
Ok, if it actually gets singleplayer ill take it off blacklist and transfer to review-dependent.


New member
Mar 21, 2008
I don't care about command and conquer anymore. I honestly don't. EA raped and murdered the franchise. Let it die.