Magic at Escapist Expo


New member
May 6, 2005
Magic at Escapist Expo

Looking at the Magic presence at last weekend's Escapist Expo.

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For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Were you at Expo?
Yes! :D

Did you play in the tournament?
No. I was not confident that my partially untested deck could handle professional gamers. My two friends were though!

What deck did you play and how did you fare?
I played a few games against my friends and some others using my Blue/Green token deck. It didn't do very well, in about 10-12 games it only did what it was designed to do twice. Sunday night however I removed the 8 cards that my deck was designed around [footnote][mtg_card=Aether Mutation] x4 and [mtg_card=Parallel Lives] x4. Originally my deck was designed to get tokens on the field, play [mtg_card=Mass Polymorph], watch opponent cry[/footnote] and ironically it started winning three quarters of the games it was playing! Even though I hadn't removed the [mtg_card=Polymorph] and [mtg_card=Mass Polymorph] cards, as they were still handy!
So maybe next year I'll enter a tornament!


Jan 4, 2010
United States
We played two-headed giant with the free decks you got with your badge. Fuck that White deck. God damn!


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
Fappy said:
We played two-headed giant with the free decks you got with your badge. Fuck that White deck. God damn!
I played a couple of games with the Black starter, it can destroy anything easily except the Green deck as far as I found out. But that was only in 1v1s.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
TimeLord said:
Fappy said:
We played two-headed giant with the free decks you got with your badge. Fuck that White deck. God damn!
I played a couple of games with the Black starter, it can destroy anything easily except the Green deck as far as I found out. But that was only in 1v1s.
Yeah, I was playing my Black with a Red deck against White/Green.

I did not have enough removal to deal with all of those creatures D:


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Encaen said:
Magic at Escapist Expo

Looking at the Magic presence at last weekend's Escapist Expo.

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Unfortunately I wasn't at the expo (Maybe next year!). Nice to hear it all went so well and a mox as a prize! Veryyy nice.

I spent my weekend doing very naughty things with a new legacy brew utilising [mtg_card=Hypergenesis]/[mtg_card=Shardless Agent] and [mtg_card=Show and Tell] to a top 8 regional legacy tourney. Deck could use some work though and I noticed that the Japanese guys are also tinkering with the hyperscience plan so they'll probably have it tuned before I do.

Now that the new set has been spoiled what are your thoughts on it or shall we have to wait for any brews until next week? :p


Watch the spinning tails...
May 2, 2010
I didn't take part in the tournament because I had low funds and figured I'd be stomped since I don't have anything pre-Innistrad. But when I did play, I used my Naya aggro deck built around Somberwald Sage and Descendants' Path for getting big creatures out fast. Managed to go 2-0 in a game against Mr. Finkle using that deck, mostly because I was able to get Gisela out both games and bonded her to Silverheart. Hitting for 18 with one creature is pretty awesome. The second game he seemed to get bad draws though and had to mulligan twice.


New member
May 6, 2005
TheGuy(wantstobe) said:
Now that the new set has been spoiled what are your thoughts on it or shall we have to wait for any brews until next week? :p
Haha! That will probably have to wait until next week, but in the meantime, we've got the post-tourney wrap up panel posted if you care to check it out here [].

I will, however, say that I've finally decided to go Izzet for the pre-release. I'm not necessarily convinced that it's stronger, as it seems like Scavenge may be a bit more powerful in limited, but my fiance is going Azorius and I wanted to be in blue without stepping on any toes. :D


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
Encaen said:
TheGuy(wantstobe) said:
Now that the new set has been spoiled what are your thoughts on it or shall we have to wait for any brews until next week? :p
Haha! That will probably have to wait until next week, but in the meantime, we've got the post-tourney wrap up panel posted if you care to check it out here [].

I will, however, say that I've finally decided to go Izzet for the pre-release. I'm not necessarily convinced that it's stronger, as it seems like Scavenge may be a bit more powerful in limited, but my fiance is going Azorius and I wanted to be in blue without stepping on any toes. :D
You're going Izzet, you're going to be stepping on toes.

I wasn't able to make it to the Expo, but I probably would have been able to do okay with my B/W Post deck.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I did play in the tournament! I played a green/black Aggro deck mostly focused on werewolves. It was my first competition and while I won nothing, I did decently and walked away with a lot of knowledge going forward. It was a great time and I'm looking forward to seeing some of the people I met at future tournies!

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Really wish I could have gone to the Expo, were I able to I would have LOVED to play me some Magic in the tournament!

That said, though, I do have a quick question about a situation that occurred between me and my brother over the weekend as we were playing Magic. Now my brother is a lot more into Magic than I am. I used to go to tournaments and stuff, but kinda dropped off once the friends that I went with lost interest. As such, I generally accept that my brother has a better knowledge of the rules and mechanics of the game. That said, however, I did take issue with something he did.

Quite simply: he played one of his deck's big bombs, so I used a counter spell. He then used Redirect to make my counter spell counter itself. And that's what I called bullshit on, but he insisted that you can use Redirect to make a counter spell counter itself. So what's the deal with this? Is it BS or is it legal?


New member
May 6, 2005
RJ 17 said:
Really wish I could have gone to the Expo, were I able to I would have LOVED to play me some Magic in the tournament!

That said, though, I do have a quick question about a situation that occurred between me and my brother over the weekend as we were playing Magic. Now my brother is a lot more into Magic than I am. I used to go to tournaments and stuff, but kinda dropped off once the friends that I went with lost interest. As such, I generally accept that my brother has a better knowledge of the rules and mechanics of the game. That said, however, I did take issue with something he did.

Quite simply: he played one of his deck's big bombs, so I used a counter spell. He then used Redirect to make my counter spell counter itself. And that's what I called bullshit on, but he insisted that you can use Redirect to make a counter spell counter itself. So what's the deal with this? Is it BS or is it legal?
Well the play is a little shady, I think, but the end result is perfectly legit. Basically, I don't believe you can target a [mtg_card=Counterspell] with itself, even via [mtg_card=Redirect]. That said, you can perfectly legally [mtg_card=Redirect] a [mtg_card=Counterspell], targeting the [mtg_card=Redirect]. Since Redirect will resolve first, Counterspell will then have no legal target and will fizzle.

From Oracle: "8/15/2010 If you cast Redirect targeting a spell that targets a spell on the stack (like Cancel does, for example), you can't change that spell's target to itself. You can, however, change that spell's target to Redirect. If you do, that spell will be countered when it tries to resolve because Redirect will have left the stack by then."

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Encaen said:
From Oracle: "8/15/2010 If you cast Redirect targeting a spell that targets a spell on the stack (like Cancel does, for example), you can't change that spell's target to itself. You can, however, change that spell's target to Redirect. If you do, that spell will be countered when it tries to resolve because Redirect will have left the stack by then."
Ahhhhh, so you can counter a counter spell with redirect, he just went about it the wrong way. Thanks for the tip. :D


New member
Sep 5, 2008
Playing at the Expo was my first real introduction into MTG, and I have to say, it couldn't have gone better.

After taking some steps to learn the basic rules the first day, I found myself with all the time in the world on Saturday (missed the morning panels due to sleeping in) and the Sealed tournament staring me right in the face. I figured I'd give it a shot, and soon found myself playing a White / Black deck against a guy named Matt.

Naturally, Matt wiped the floor with me, and I was handily beaten in two games. This didn't make me too optimistic for the rest of the tourney, but ultimately my loss was revealed as a blessing in disguise. Since our round had taken virtually no time at all, Matt decided take me under his wing and help me restructure my deck, explaining the importance of Mana ratios, cost curves and synergy.

Before I knew what had happened, it was the second round, and I was suddenly a completely different player. With Matt's help, my deck went on to win two rounds and tie one, against opponents who, while perhaps not quite experts themselves, proved formidable challenges all the same. When time was finally called, I found myself the thrilled winner of 5 additional booster packs. More valuable, however, were the encounters I had with my fellow players, and the appreciation I gained for MTG as a means of facilitating fun and engaging social interactions.

After the con, I promptly hopped online and looked up the nearest Friday Night Magic location. I've gone the past two weeks, and while my playing hasn't been nearly as victorious as at the Expo, the times I've had and the people I've met have made the whole experience more than worth it. I look forward to future tournaments, to furthering my own progress as a player, and to meeting new people.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
not a Magic player, but I have quite a few friends who are. I'll see if I can't convince them to join in on the 2013 Escapist Expo action :p