Injustice TGS Trailer Sends Up the Bat-Signal

Sarah LeBoeuf

New member
Apr 28, 2011
Injustice TGS Trailer Sends Up the Bat-Signal

DC's iconic heroes and villains will collide when Injustice: Gods Among Us launches next April.

A brand new Tokyo Game Show trailer for Injustice: Gods Among Us has been released, in which Batman rallies his superhero friends and foes together to beat the crap out of each other. Though no new characters are revealed, we do get a look at several environments, including the Batcave.

The video also shows off some character-specific moves, like Harley Quinn's use of an exploding cream pie and the Flash's tendency to run really fast. Along with the trailer, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment revealed that Injustice: Gods Among Us will launch worldwide in April 2013.

According to WBIE, DC's iconic characters "such as Batman, Cyborg, Harley Quinn, Nightwing, Solomon Grundy, Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, and many others" will be playable, but it's unclear how many more characters have yet to be revealed. We'll find out the full roster when Injustice: Gods Among Us comes out for the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii U next spring.



New member
Mar 17, 2009
i have to admit: those moves were awesome! and i loved the graphic profile of the game!
Apr 17, 2009
All I could think was "How did Batman survive that?" when he, say, got smashed into the ground head first by Wonder Woman, or his throat repeatedly slashed out by Catwoman. At least with Flash you could say it was something to with the speed force and go into a long explanation using the word 'molecules' about five times, but Batman (and Harley Quinn and Nightwing for that matter) are vanilla mortals, they get punched in the head by someone like Superman they aren't going to have much of a head left


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Rogue 09 said:
It looks like it'll be way better than Marvel vs. Capcom 3. (What a disappointment that game was!)
It was so bad even Capcom gave up on it...


Probably just a mild hallucination but I swear I saw Deathstroke in there. Also, I could have sworn that was Kevin Conroy voicing Bats. If not then it's a damn fine imitation. Also to go back to Deathstroke real quick, is anyone else hoping Liefeld makes it into the roaster as a sort of Dan Hibiki character?


and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Goat šŸ
Mar 31, 2010
As a fan of Injustice in general, I approve of this game. Line up doesn't look too bad either...

Lono Shrugged

New member
May 7, 2009
DVS BSTrD said:
Am I the only one who thought Wonder Woman sounded like she was having an orgasm?
And what was the deal with the Flash's costume? Were they trying to make him look more like Iron man or something?

You watch to much porn or are having sex wrong....

I think they all have the updated costumes from the reboot. I think Flash actually looks like that now.

I am not really pushed about it, I would much rather something like Avengers Ultimate Alliance. But I guess a lot of 3d designers have DC character renders in their portfolios and almost anyone can make a fighting game these days. easy money I suppose
Sep 24, 2008
Pallindromemordnillap said:
All I could think was "How did Batman survive that?" when he, say, got smashed into the ground head first by Wonder Woman, or his throat repeatedly slashed out by Catwoman. At least with Flash you could say it was something to with the speed force and go into a long explanation using the word 'molecules' about five times, but Batman (and Harley Quinn and Nightwing for that matter) are vanilla mortals, they get punched in the head by someone like Superman they aren't going to have much of a head left
I thought the same thing, don't worry. It's Netherrealm studios, though. The same people who made Mortal Kombat. "You got stabbed in the gut then held up in the air while someone slashed you more times you can count? That was just the first move! Go on you little Scamp" Mortal Kombat.

I'm pretty sure they are going to take cues from DC vs Mortal Kombat and say whatever is making these guys fight is somewhat evening their power levels.


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Ok, Guy Gardner, Vixen, Grace Ice and Fire would do great in this game. But, anyway, I know that must be really hard to build a fighting game from so many different characters. They are going to import many things from MK vs DC, which is not bad at all, I enjoyed that game, but the new-comers are looking good. But, one important thing: This is a DC game, not a Batman game! They already have Harley, Nightwing and Batman, Joker is almost certain, they already showed that Lex Luthor will probably be in the game, Darkseid might comeback too, but they should, at least, show an enemy from Flash, and from Wonder-Woman. And where is Orange Deadpool?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Pallindromemordnillap said:
All I could think was "How did Batman survive that?" when he, say, got smashed into the ground head first by Wonder Woman, or his throat repeatedly slashed out by Catwoman. At least with Flash you could say it was something to with the speed force and go into a long explanation using the word 'molecules' about five times, but Batman (and Harley Quinn and Nightwing for that matter) are vanilla mortals, they get punched in the head by someone like Superman they aren't going to have much of a head left
Hes the Goddamn Batman, thats how...

Anyways, This is looking good.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
I think the main problem here is that it looks way too much like Mortal Kombat. I'm curious, and might pick it up anyway, but still.. It's Mortal Kombat from last year.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
You know, It looks a ton like Mortal Kombat.
That normally would be a huge turn-off...HOWEVER, if it had something akin to Mortal Kombat's Story Mode? Instant Sell to me (provided the game play isnt broken )


New member
Dec 29, 2009
i wish i didnt suck so much at fighting games. it looks fun and pretty but the fact that its a fighting game means theres about a 2% chance of me buying it


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Pallindromemordnillap said:
All I could think was "How did Batman survive that?" when he, say, got smashed into the ground head first by Wonder Woman, or his throat repeatedly slashed out by Catwoman. At least with Flash you could say it was something to with the speed force and go into a long explanation using the word 'molecules' about five times, but Batman (and Harley Quinn and Nightwing for that matter) are vanilla mortals, they get punched in the head by someone like Superman they aren't going to have much of a head left
I will say that in the comic book realm Batman is capable of taking a beating. I remember one issue from the past year where Batman stood his ground against Superman for a little while before getting beat unconscious.