This. I'm having a ball, I'm clearing up the raid(s) (still more to be released over the next few weeks) now and the fights are all great fun.Capitano Segnaposto said:It is very fun. So much better than the last Expac (which IMHO was the worst to date).MrMixelPixel said:Uggghhh, this looks sooo fun.
Why... Did it have to be so fun looking. Oh well, take my money Blizzard, take all of it.
Wait, what?Whispering Death said:I know i'm just a killjoy but... mists of panderia, kind of racist?
To be honest the talent system feels a lot more free-form than it has since, I don't know, maybe TBC. Other than 1-4 talent points talent trees haven't been "customization" since Vanilla. You had the mandatory talents you needed to have to make the spec functional. Now those are all wrapped up into your "specialization." Which, frankly is nice, because it allows the developers to balance you more around your specialization (dps, tank, healer, Rdps) rather than your talent choices, and thereby giving you fun choices in the talents. Basically by giving you a known "specialization," with the dmg/hps/functionality/procs all wrapped up into it it's made it easier for things to be balanced (you don't have people theory-crafting, coming up with a broken spec, and having to wait for Blue to nerf it back into line...sure that might have been fun if you had that class, but it made things a nightmare to balance if you follow me).Nocturnus said:Honest responses please. I could very well be mistaken, but this is how everything seems to read, and it's holding me back from getting Panderia.
Absolutely. At least, most of the voice acting is. Almost every main villain sounds like everyone's impression of an angry Japanese man (including the occasional "L"/"R" switch-up).Whispering Death said:I know i'm just a killjoy but... mists of panderia, kind of racist?
When I get MoP and resub, I'll use WoW for my PvE fix and Guild Wars 2 for my PvP fix. WoW has always been bad at PvP balance while GW2 has knocked it out of the park.themechanic said:PVE is wonderful, loved the questing and all the stuff you can do. Sometimes it gets a bit overwhelming with how much there is to do. However PvP.... wow. I'm pvp gear(mix of honor and conquest) except a belt and weapon, and certain classes are just beyond OP at the moment. I'm still trying to figure out how to stop a BM hunter. Warlocks chaos bolt can hit you for over 200k, arm warriors are raping ppl at the moment, mages can spellsteal all day long.
Its kind of ruining my fun with the game knowing I'll have to reroll or stay in pve land.
maybe it gets better in full malevolent gear but so far its brutally unbalanced.
Yeah, that's kinda how it strikes me.el_kabong said:Absolutely. At least, most of the voice acting is. Almost every main villain sounds like everyone's impression of an angry Japanese man (including the occasional "L"/"R" switch-up).Whispering Death said:I know i'm just a killjoy but... mists of panderia, kind of racist?
I don't think that there's any real harm intended, but you can't deny that it's stereotypes a-plenty.