My Date With Pyramid Head

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
My Date With Pyramid Head

Visiting a haunted house to meet Silent Hill's iconic villain.

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Basement Cat

Keeping the Peace is Relaxing
Jul 26, 2012
Well, there are adrenaline junkies and there are adrenaline junkies. Some of them do extreme sports like sky boarding, but you get your fix being a Pyramid Head groupie.

Perhaps your review of Limbo should have twigged me to the fact that you're into scares. At least your fetish fits right in with the various others that the rest of us have.

Fortunately you weren't into Steve the Puking Guy. Now that would have been icky.


Biologist Supreme
Jul 29, 2009
I really wish I could say I had as enjoyable an experience as you did, but I can't. The night I went, we were looking at hour to hour and a half lines (two hours for Walking Dead). We were there the entire night, but only got to see half of the houses and never had time to enjoy the street performers. And I never got to see the Penn and Teller house, because I was too damn tired by the end of it to go all the way to the other side of the park were the house was.

I guess it would have been OK if the houses were better, but in end, it just comes down to people popping out of doors with an annoyingly loud sound effect accompanying them. It was my first time at Horror Nights (the Silent Hill and Walking Dead themes drew me there), and I guess I was expecting a little more. The Silent Hill nurses were very cool and creepy, though.

I'm glad you enjoyed, Susan, and I'm sure plenty of other people loved it, too, but it's just not for me. I doubt I'll be going back anytime soon. Though a Bioshock or Doctor Who (weeping angels!) themed house would do the trick.

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
Crimson_Dragoon said:
I really wish I could say I had as enjoyable an experience as you did, but I can't. The night I went, we were looking at hour to hour and a half lines (two hours for Walking Dead). We were there the entire night, but only got to see half of the houses and never had time to enjoy the street performers. And I never got to see the Penn and Teller house, because I was too damn tired by the end of it to go all the way to the other side of the park were the house was.

I guess it would have been OK if the houses were better, but in end, it just comes down to people popping out of doors with an annoyingly loud sound effect accompanying them. It was my first time at Horror Nights (the Silent Hill and Walking Dead themes drew me there), and I guess I was expecting a little more. The Silent Hill nurses were very cool and creepy, though.

I'm glad you enjoyed, Susan, and I'm sure plenty of other people loved it, too, but it's just not for me. I doubt I'll be going back anytime soon. Though a Bioshock or Doctor Who (weeping angels!) themed house would do the trick.
I'm sad you didn't get to at least enjoy the street performers. The lines are, indeed, very long. It's admittedly hard to enjoy everything Halloween Horror Nights has in just one night. It's gotten so big that you really do need several.


Gone Fonzy
Jun 9, 2010
Is it just me, or is Susan the only one reviewing games anymore? I enjoy Susan's reviews, but where is everyone else?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
I'm genuinely envious. I liked all the earlier Silent Hill games I've played quite a lot, and I've been cursing my inability to get close to Universal Studios in time for this event ever since I heard about it. I'm glad to hear that they pulled it off in style.


Plushy wrangler, die-curious
Sep 9, 2009
Curse you escapist! First escapist expo and now this? Stop making me seriously consider moving to the states!


New member
Sep 11, 2012
I'm kinda a horror wimp, but that seems amazing. Particularly with the Silent Hill bit. I can't see anything like that working in anything but horror. Just don't have that unifying element of being kinda afraid for your life.

Unless you have the "Psssshhh you scared by that" dude in your life. Hate that dude.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
HHN is now on my bucket list. It sounds too good to pass up. Last scare I had at a theme park was the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland and I was 7 (now 29)


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
I've never been to Halloween Horror Night and I really wanted to go to the Silent Hill attraction.

I now has a sad. :(

I'm glad that it's actually scary though since I had my doubts about it and I'm super glad that Pyramid Head was terrifying.


New member
Oct 13, 2008
Susan Arendt said:
Crimson_Dragoon said:
I really wish I could say I had as enjoyable an experience as you did, but I can't. The night I went, we were looking at hour to hour and a half lines (two hours for Walking Dead). We were there the entire night, but only got to see half of the houses and never had time to enjoy the street performers. And I never got to see the Penn and Teller house, because I was too damn tired by the end of it to go all the way to the other side of the park were the house was.

I guess it would have been OK if the houses were better, but in end, it just comes down to people popping out of doors with an annoyingly loud sound effect accompanying them. It was my first time at Horror Nights (the Silent Hill and Walking Dead themes drew me there), and I guess I was expecting a little more. The Silent Hill nurses were very cool and creepy, though.

I'm glad you enjoyed, Susan, and I'm sure plenty of other people loved it, too, but it's just not for me. I doubt I'll be going back anytime soon. Though a Bioshock or Doctor Who (weeping angels!) themed house would do the trick.
I'm sad you didn't get to at least enjoy the street performers. The lines are, indeed, very long. It's admittedly hard to enjoy everything Halloween Horror Nights has in just one night. It's gotten so big that you really do need several.
I've gone to each one for the last three or four years (which is odd as I never make it a point to go, but always end up going with visiting family or friends). Anyway, once, I went on the very last night they decided to host it (after Halloween) and the lines were incredibly short. I don't think I waited more than 20 minutes to go in. It was GLORIOUS! We went through everything and took our sweet time.

I don't know if they still bother hosting it after Halloween, but if they do, then that's the time you want to go.


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Whoa Whoa Whoa....clarifying question for you Susan:

Did Pyramid Head actually run at you or was that creative license in your description? I thought that PH never ran because running makes you less scary (See Michael Myers). Granted, I only played SH:1-3 and Homecoming so maybe he ran in the new one (or he's run before and I'm not paying attention).

Anyway, that sounds freaking sweet. Us here in Minnesota get ValleyScare (the theme park ValleyFair gets turned into five haunted houses with actors roaming the street) but I doubt it would compete with a horror theme park created by people who do movies...

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
tippy2k2 said:
Whoa Whoa Whoa....clarifying question for you Susan:

Did Pyramid Head actually run at you or was that creative license in your description? I thought that PH never ran because running makes you less scary (See Michael Myers). Granted, I only played SH:1-3 and Homecoming so maybe he ran in the new one (or he's run before and I'm not paying attention).

Anyway, that sounds freaking sweet. Us here in Minnesota get ValleyScare (the theme park ValleyFair gets turned into five haunted houses with actors roaming the street) but I doubt it would compete with a horror theme park created by people who do movies...
Oh, he ran, my dear. He most definitely ran.

cricket chirps

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Uh, here in Charlotte, NC a theme park called Carowinds does the same thing every year for the whole month of october and goes be "scare-owinds". They don't get the brand names obviously but it's still amazingly well funded and produced. It's great every year.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
That sounds like a good bit of fun. Wish I could've seen some of the stuff; it sounds absolutely excellent.


New member
Mar 24, 2011
Mrs.Susan Arendt. Your title is VERY MISLEADING, and i was really worried.
You see Pyramid head just isn't known for treating ladies "well".
I am glad this wasn't what i expected.

On a more serious note that sounded like tons of fun.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Was I the only one upon seeing the title expecting a raunchy and luridly detailed harlequin romance story ending with Susan being forced to choose between the penniless (but exciting) horseback riding Pyramid Head and the boring (but well meaning) Valtiel with guaranteed income?



New member
Oct 18, 2008
Love hearing about this. Stuff like this is why I miss being able to go to Six Flags. Use to do something similar. Depended on the person, you would either get super serious or super silly. This was done so that kids could enjoy stuff too. Either way was a joy. My favorite one I went to involved being blinded by light. I always feel sorry when I hurt one of the guys for spooking me.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I love the fact that you stopped when you heard the air raid siren it's just that extra bit of nuance that gamers memories are tunnelled into to make them react with 'Well, Shit... we are all going to die.'

Susan Arendt

Nerd Queen
Jan 9, 2007
cricket chirps said:
Uh, here in Charlotte, NC a theme park called Carowinds does the same thing every year for the whole month of october and goes be "scare-owinds". They don't get the brand names obviously but it's still amazingly well funded and produced. It's great every year.
I kinda hate Scarowinds, personally. The lines are always 1-2 hours per ride, so you'll only have time to get maybe two or three at most in during a night. It didn't feel worth it to me, despite having driven 3 hours to get there.