Nintendo Shifts 400,000 Wii Us in a Week

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Nintendo Shifts 400,000 Wii Us in a Week

Nintendo sells a lot of Wii Us and nearly as many Wiis.

The hubbub surrounding the Wii U launch seems almost quaint in comparison to the chaotic melees that characterize North America's Black Friday sales. Not to worry though, Nintendo managed to shift a whole bunch of consoles while you were being bludgeoned by a swarm of elderly ladies armed with heavily discounted espresso machines.

Around 400,000 units have been sold during the console's first week, according to Nintendo of America president, Reggie Fils-Aime. That's an impressive number, but it falls slightly short of the 475,000 units the Wii sold during its first seven days on the market back in 2006. According to Reggie, sales of the Wii U were capped by Nintendo's ability to get the consoles to store shelves. That being said, finding a Wii U has thus far proven far easier than finding a Wii during its launch period.

"Wii U is essentially sold out of retail and we are doing our best to continually replenish stock," Fils-Aime told CNET. "Retailers are also doing their best to get the product to store shelves. But as soon as product hits retail, they're selling out immediately."

The launch of the new console and the threat of Christmas lurking on the horizon seems to be driving sales across the board. In the same week, Nintendo sold 300,000 original Wiis, 250,000 3DS units and 275,000 DS handhelds.

Source: CNET []



New member
Aug 20, 2010
I didn't pre-order a Wii U because I was't sure if I would be able to afford it or not. Now that I can, I've been calling stores, seeing what they have in stock and when they will restock. This was around the main release day but when I was asking about their restock, no one knew when it would happen, and most of the store reps were worried about it.

Glad to see this now then but chances are I won't be able to pick up one until after December.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I'm not sure but 400k seems like an awful small amount to me, is this world wide or just US?
I'm getting one, that's for sure, sometime next year I think.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Right now, I still can't justify getting a Wii U, especially with the overbloated prices we get in this country.
Maybe I'll get one down the line, but it's definitely not even close to be a priority right now.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Yesterday, at a Phoenix area Walmart, i saw two Wii U skus sitting on a shelf. I was very surprised they were there. However, both were the basic set.


Full Frontal Nerdity
May 25, 2010
So let me get this straight, they only sold 1.3 times as many of their brand new console as they did of their 6 years old one?

Sheesh, demand must be high. >.>

I'd be really curious to see how its sales stacked up compared with PS3s and Xbox 360s in the same week actually.

D Moness

Left the building
Sep 16, 2010
Guffe said:
I'm not sure but 400k seems like an awful small amount to me, is this world wide or just US?
I'm getting one, that's for sure, sometime next year I think.
Us only. In europe (and australia) the release date is this friday. (japan is december the 8th)


New member
Jun 13, 2011
250,000 3DS units and 275,000 DS handhelds.

I am sure Nintendo are not happy to see this. Does anyone know if the DS commonly outsells the 3DS?


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
getoffmycloud said:
250,000 3DS units and 275,000 DS handhelds.

I am sure Nintendo are not happy to see this. Does anyone know if the DS commonly outsells the 3DS?
I think it was just the Black Friday deals, besides stores are making the deals on the Wiis and DSes because 1) they don't have enough 3DSes and WiiUs shipped in yet and 2) This's probably the last chance they have to move those units before gathering dust in a basement somewhere.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
I still find it telling that this console sold 200,000 less than the Wii's launch week, meanwhile they were bragging about pre-order selling out. This has the mark of Nintendo limiting supply to create demand all over it.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
AzrealMaximillion said:
I still find it telling that this console sold 200,000 less than the Wii's launch week, meanwhile they were bragging about pre-order selling out. This has the mark of Nintendo limiting supply to create demand all over it.
75,000 = 200,000 now? Interesting...


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Sean951 said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
I still find it telling that this console sold 200,000 less than the Wii's launch week, meanwhile they were bragging about pre-order selling out. This has the mark of Nintendo limiting supply to create demand all over it.
75,000 = 200,000 now? Interesting...
What's even more interesting is that you didn't fact check.


Just use Google next time.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
AzrealMaximillion said:
Sean951 said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
I still find it telling that this console sold 200,000 less than the Wii's launch week, meanwhile they were bragging about pre-order selling out. This has the mark of Nintendo limiting supply to create demand all over it.
75,000 = 200,000 now? Interesting...
What's even more interesting is that you didn't fact check.


Just use Google next time.
Wii-U sells 400,000 in the first week. The Wii sold 600,000 in 8 days. Going by the article we are posting on, the Wii sold 475,000 in the first week.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Sean951 said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
Sean951 said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
I still find it telling that this console sold 200,000 less than the Wii's launch week, meanwhile they were bragging about pre-order selling out. This has the mark of Nintendo limiting supply to create demand all over it.
75,000 = 200,000 now? Interesting...
What's even more interesting is that you didn't fact check.


Just use Google next time.
Wii-U sells 400,000 in the first week. The Wii sold 600,000 in 8 days. Going by the article we are posting on, the Wii sold 475,000 in the first week.
Too bad it doesn't say that the Wii sold 475,000 in its launch week in the article that the OP has linked...

Read both my link and the OP link. My link actually has the Wii's launch numbers stated at 600,000. The OP link doesn't have the Wii's launch number at all.

Where are you getting this 475,000 number from?


New member
Jan 20, 2010
j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
AzrealMaximillion said:
I still find it telling that this console sold 200,000 less than the Wii's launch week, meanwhile they were bragging about pre-order selling out. This has the mark of Nintendo limiting supply to create demand all over it.
The console hasn't even come out yet in the UK, Europe or Japan. Those figures are US only. Not too shabby, considering Americans have less disposable income now than they did when the Wii launched.
The Wii came out first in the US as well don't forget, and still sold 33% better during that week. The Wii also came out during Black Friday week back in 2006.