Dragon's Dogma Getting Harder, Faster

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Dragon's Dogma Getting Harder, Faster

Extra difficult and Speedrun modes to be added to Dragon's Dogma via free DLC.

Dragon's Dogma will get a little bit more intimidating next month with the launch of DLC that adds Hard and Speedrun modes to the Japanese version of the game. The free DLC arrives on December 4th in Japan. While Capcom promises the DLC will be out before the end of the year, we're not sure when western players will see the extra content.

Hard mode, as you might have guessed, increases the game difficulty, though it's not clear if that's entails a straight stat/damage boost for enemies, or if there'll be more of them. Speedrun mode sets players a goal time in which to beat the game. Both modes unlock special equipment for your character when beaten.

After launching to a pleasant critical response [http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/dragons-dogma], Dragon's Dogma went on to perform exceptionally well for a new IP. According to Capcom's April-June financial report, the game "exceeded expectations," selling around 1.05 million copies despite the fact it "struggled abroad." The game was a huge undertaking for the developer, having been made by what was then the company's largest dev team. Some 200 plus developers worked on the game.

According to Capcom's financial reports, the IPs success has paved the way for future installments and development into a full franchise.

Source: Capcom Japan [http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20121126_575263.html?ref=rss]



Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Now if only the UI was Better, and the crappy pawns you get over live were Stronger.


Insert one-liner here.
Sep 13, 2010
The one change i would like to see are Griffons not deciding that its time to bugger off over the horizon while im in the process of hacking thier throats out.

That aside, all thats needed now is for that expansion to fill out the Better slot.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
CardinalPiggles said:
And it had freakin' co op.

A party based system could easily accommodate co op play.
If it added coop for free, I feel like sales would soar. Or at least improve.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Korten12 said:
CardinalPiggles said:
And it had freakin' co op.

A party based system could easily accommodate co op play.
If it added coop for free, I feel like sales would soar. Or at least improve.
If it added co op for free, I would most certainly buy it. If the sequel gets co op, I'll most likely buy that too.


Mostly a Lurker
Apr 1, 2009
Finally a reason to continue with my New Game+! Mobs were so easy when I started again...took all the fun out of it.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Grey Carter said:
The free DLC arrives on December 4th in Japan. While Capcom promises the DLC will be out before the end of the year, we're not sure when western players will see the extra content.
But.....but im in the west...i'm in the west...Capcom...I...I love you Dragon's Dogma...why won't you come visit...the...west....

I'm really starting to get pissed off with the high costs Microsoft has put on their damned XBL service that makes it cost half the company to add a simple update. Well i guess here's to hoping we see the update on this side of the world, as its probably my favorite new IP since Assassin's Creed, and an extra difficulty level would really, really entice me to go back and play it some more.


New member
Aug 19, 2008
CJ1145 said:
Now if only the UI was Better, and the crappy pawns you get over live were Stronger.
I found that if you paid attention when recruiting, they usually did pretty well. The important thing to look out for was their personality traits (Medicant/Scather/Challenger/etc): Guardian was very common (since they learned it from the Arisen if you use "Help" enough) and very shit for all play styles since it makes them stick close to you and be defensive (if you're a tank, then you don't need another tank. If you're a mage/strider, you don't want them draging mobs closer to you).

On topic: this is great news, now just hurry up and realease it here!


New member
Jul 26, 2012
While I enjoyed Dragon's Dogma I'd rather see some patching or at least general game improvements first. A better fast-travel system would be appreciated.

The relationship system needs a vast improvement. Seriously, how many people accidentally ended up courting the innkeeper? I thought I'd locked it in when I gave Mercedes the Arisen's Bond but, nope, there's my massive tank of a guy getting all emotional over the innkeeper. Ugh.

Multiple characters, please? We have hard drives in all these systems now, there's no reason to limit us as to how many characters we can have.

Better access to your stash and vocational training. If you made the mistake of courting the innkeeper, he's stuck at your place and you have to run all the way back to your little farming village just to get your stuff or change your skills.

Again, I really did like the game. It hearken back to the good days of playing Monster Hunter on a big screen. Co-op would be beautiful but I'm actually happy about the Pawns. But these little frustrations would be nice to iron out.