Dirty Bomb Seeks Support

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Dirty Bomb Seeks Support

The upcoming online shooter from Splash Damage has launched a Founder's Club and unleashed a brand-new gameplay video.

Dirty Bomb, which you may recall bubbled to the surface [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/120858-Creator-of-Brink-Blows-Up-British-in-Dirty-Bomb] with a teaser trailer a few weeks ago, is finally out in the open. There's still not much to go on as far as background or plot but given the nature of the game, that's okay and probably doesn't matter anyway. It's an online multiplayer FPS in which players choose a class like Medic, Engineer, Soldier, Field Ops or Sniper, and then "pursue military objectives fighting alongside your team on the streets of near-future London."

I'm catching what I'm pretty sure is a powerful Team Fortress 2 vibe from this thing, in no small part because the central character in the team lineup shot is a burly bald dude with a big gun, not as burly as the Heavy nor as big as Sasha perhaps, and the whole thing is far less cartoonish than Valve's online world-beater, but the parallels are hard to miss. The gameplay as well looks less "military" and more "barely-restrained chaos in pursuit of a goal that players may or may not care about."

Dirty Bomb's core character classes, maps, clan support and tournament play will all be free-to-play, but players who kick in some cash now can become part of the "Founder's Club," which provides access to unique forum tags, "Founder's Merc" characters, soundtrack, gun tags and more. It's not cheap - prices range from $30 to $120 - and if you have an excess of money lying around, you can also opt for the $240 "Contributor Pack" or the $320 "VIP Founder Pack."

Splash Damage knows a thing or two about making multiplayer games, having created Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, Quake Wars and Brink, as well as the multiplayer components of Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Doom 3, so Dirty Bomb should be a fairly decent, if not exactly revolutionary, experience. The closed beta is currently expected to begin sometime in early 2013 and in the meantime you can find out more at dirtybombgame.com [http://www.dirtybombgame.com].



New member
Jun 9, 2008
Lets grab Brink and remove the little of what it made unique, thats a great idea, right?

Brink sucked and it wasnt because of the art style


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Kwil said:
josemlopes said:
Brink sucked and it wasnt because of the art style
What was it then?
Everything sucked, and you really dont need me to explain what was bad about it, just do a basic search about the game and you will see that the majority thinks the same way. What I meant on my original post is that this looks like the same game but with a diferent art style (wich is the typical modern FPS art style). The art style wasnt great but it wasnt the worst part of the game to justify making the same game with the art being the biggest change


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Kwil said:
josemlopes said:
Kwil said:
josemlopes said:
Brink sucked and it wasnt because of the art style
What was it then?
Everything sucked, and you really dont need me to explain what was bad about it, just do a basic search about the game and you will see that the majority thinks the same way. What I meant on my original post is that this looks like the same game but with a diferent art style (wich is the typical modern FPS art style). The art style wasnt great but it wasnt the worst part of the game to justify making the same game with the art being the biggest change
Actually, I do, because I want to see if you know what you're talking about or just jumping on the Brink Blew! Bandwagon without thinking. Your answer suggests the latter.

Yeah, there were problems with Brink, no doubt. But there were also a lot of good ideas in there as well. If the new game can capitalize on those while killing the problems, it could be an excellent game.
1 - Terrible matchmaking : only finding matches with 4 human players and having the rest filled with bots is bullshit

2 - Terrible AI : imagine a scale from one to ten being ten the most skill that the AI can have, now imagine having the AI ranging from a level one to a level ten in a single match. They could either dont move and shoot at walls or blast you with multiple headshots in a row

3 - Few Maps : this is a multiplayer game, Team Fortress 2 managed to redeem itself latter on with a shitload of free content but this one just performed as poorly as Shadowrun.

4 - Ugly Graphics : I honestly dont mind the artstyle, but the texture pop-in and the quality of the textures just made the whole thing look like a blur.

5 - Mediocre Gameplay : It wasnt BAD, but it wasnt good either. It felt really clunky and unpolished.

All of this combined just isnt a good game, its even worse since this is MP only meaning that there is no good story to hold on (the lore around the game is actually cool but it was so poorly delivered that it ends up just being an excuse to have a Red Vs Blue fight).

These guys made Quake Wars, and that game was mediocre but hey, give them a chance (1st full fledged game). That chance was Brink and this new game looks like it plays an awfull lot like Brink (same engine, same mechanics, etc... at 1:22 it even looks like its a Brink DLC with the orange and blue filter removed). I took my chance with 50? and its one of the worst games that I ever got

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Oh yes more CoD clones, it's what I always wanted, I especially wanted them to drop the Ark idea and go with something dull as fuck...


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Looks familiar.

Battle-Counter-Field-Fortress-Strike kinda familiar. Maybe with a dash of Blacklight-Brink-Blops.

Before Brink, I'd really enjoyed Splash Damage's multiplayer games. I wish them luck, unfortunately I feel they may especially NEED it.

I really like the logo, at least :)

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
The gameplay as well looks less "military" and more "barely-restrained chaos in pursuit of a goal that players may or may not care about."
Isn't that just a pitch perfect description of every multiplayer game ever?

I agree that it looks like Team Fortress 2 run through a Battlefield filter, but I'm definitely going to check it out when it comes.