U.S. Senator Takes Pro-NRA, Anti-GTA Stance


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
U.S. Senator Takes Pro-NRA, Anti-GTA Stance

Politician avoids criticism of gun industry, but Grand Theft Auto is fair game.

As the United States once again participates in a heated debate on topics like gun control, mental health issues, and the like, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin has made his feelings known. In an interview with West Virginia's Metro News, the democrat from West Virginia notes that he is a proud supporter of the NRA, but questions whether Grand Theft Auto titles should perhaps be pulled from store shelves.

After firmly stating that he refuses to let the NRA or anyone else "be villainized," Manchin sets his sights on Rockstar's flagship franchise. ""Look at Grand Theft Auto, put out by Rockstar Games in New York City and see what it promotes." Adding later, "Shouldn't that be looked into and maybe be banned?"

Well, for someone who refused to point fingers, Manchin certainly seems to be extending a digit in the direction of the video game industry.

The Senator also engaged in discussion regarding the banning of assault weapons, noting "I don't know anybody that needs 30 rounds in the clip to go hunting. I mean, these are things that need to be talked about."

And he's right; This is a topic that is not only sensitive to just about everyone, but also has a multitude of angles and inspires passionate opinions. But while we're being careful to not step on the toes of everyone from gun owners to mental health practitioners, shouldn't the same care be given to the developers and publishers of videogames? I'll leave that to you to decide.

Source: Gameranx [http://wvmetronews.com/senator-manchin-attempts-clarification/]



The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
Racecarlock said:
Sorry mike, andy beat you to it.
Are you referring to this? http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/121196-U-S-Senator-Seeks-New-Study-of-Violent-Videogames

Not the same Senator/stance/story.

Reading is fun! :D


Neloth's got swag.
Aug 22, 2011
I can't facepalm enough. I don't have enough foreheads and hands.

So light machine guns are fine but an activity that doesn't directly cause harm in any shape or form deserves to be policed? Yeah, this absolutely smells like the gun lobby trying to save its own damn ass, as well as its profit margins.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Oh look, it's another old and out of touch politician raving about the evils of rock 'n' roll and comic books.
Sep 14, 2009
well i can at least agree with his second part, that no one needs 30 rounds in a clip to go hunting, but the GTA thing i don't agree with, it has a mature age range so it's parents/stores faults if it ends up in the hands of kids.


New member
May 29, 2008
Our government at it's best! Let's ban the fake guns but make sure everyone has access to the real ones. Could it have anything to do with the fact he's in West Virginia where a lot of people have actual guns. Got to get re-elected by going for perceived easy votes.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
For an NRA supporter, his knowledge of firearms is noticeably lacking. The 30-round detachable boxes in assault rifles? Those are called magazines, not clips. Clips, or stripper clips are a tool used to reload magazines, usually tube-type. They are not used in the firearm's firing and cycling procedures. So, in also taking the erroneous position of attempting to limit virtual firearms that don't kill people, he's also advocating real steel firearms that 1: he lacks the knowledge to operate, and 2: The BIG one: DO kill people.



New member
Jun 18, 2012
publikman said:
There hasn't even been a GTA released in years. You might as well blame Doom or Duck Hunt.
um.. they did that already

so by that logic we need to ban horror movies because they can show how to cause direct harm to others.
then we should ban paintings that show blood
then we should ban books that depict violence

Oh look now we are back to those Puritan Values. you know "the people so Anal the British kicked them out"


New member
Jun 18, 2012
an annoyed writer said:
For an NRA supporter, his knowledge of firearms is noticeably lacking. The 30-round detachable boxes in assault rifles? Those are called magazines, not clips. Clips, or stripper clips are a tool used to reload magazines, usually tube-type. They are not used in the firearm's firing and cycling procedures. So, in also taking the erroneous position of attempting to limit virtual firearms that don't kill people, he's also advocating real steel firearms that 1: he lacks the knowledge to operate, and 2: The BIG one: DO kill people.

you do realize the the "common" term for a magazine is "clip", and they are viewed as interchangeable terms. the same way that skin, and costume are interchangeable terms in video games when one is what is applied to a model in a modeling tool, and the other is the texture that is applied to the skin.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I don't think there could be a more obvious attempt at scapegoating...'This thing I support? It's not totally responsible..I mean, it has problems...but uh...it's not like it...HEY, videogames! Look at those things! They sure are controversial, right guys?'

Or the 'Jingle Keys' approach, as TV would have it called.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
gardian06 said:
you do realize the the "common" term for a magazine is "clip", and they are viewed as interchangeable terms. the same way that skin, and costume are interchangeable terms in video games when one is what is applied to a model in a modeling tool, and the other is the texture that is applied to the skin.
I'm well aware of the fact, it just annoys me when people who are the makers of policy use language that indicates that they have no idea about what they're talking about, especially when they advocate the thing they use the misnomer on. It makes them come off as twice the raving idiot than they normally would be, because they can't be bothered to learn about what they advocate.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
I find it funny that he's crediting Rockstar with so much influence on American society and America as a whole.

Isn't this the kind of thing the Second Amendment was suppose to protect against... I mean, what's the point of having all those guns if a British entity can destabilise the country and exert it's corrupting influence on society from afar, without a single shot being fired?

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
an annoyed writer said:
he's also advocating real steel firearms that 1: he lacks the knowledge to operate, and 2: The BIG one: DO kill people.
Actually, guns don't kill people. Bullets kill people. Honestly, these hippie types drive me up the wall.