Greg's Five Favorites of 2012

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Greg's Five Favorites of 2012

Greg's top five games from 2012.

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Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Don't worry, Susan already broke the rules.
At this point it's less of a "top five" and more "a shortened down list of games I really loved" which I feel is for the best.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
Why is this the only one in video only format?

EDIT: Nevermind for some reason there is a video post and a text post separately.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
For a moment there I was planning on getting Gods and Kings in hopes that it made Civ V not mediocre, broken (at least when I played it half a year after its release... so no excuse there) waste of time, And then you went and said you liked it even before the expansion. :(


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Interesting "top 5" that had some more... random? games on it than most other GOTY lists

The Youth Counselor

New member
Sep 20, 2008
I'm sure a psychologist would have many things to say about this but I read

Greg Tito said:
This year smacked me in the face with so many amazing titles that had me staying up night after night.

Greg Tito said:
This year smacked me in the face with so many amazing titties that had me staying up night after night.

I would be sure to check out that list.

My top 5:

1. Far Cry 3
2. The Walking Dead
3. Dishonored
4. X-Com: Enemy Unknown
5. Chivalry

Honorable mentions: Black Mesa, Journey, The Unfinished Swan, Sleeping Dogs, Spec Ops: The Line, Magicka, Little Inferno, Dear Esther, The Darkness 2.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
So Walking Dead is good?
Maybe I'll give it a try... after I'm done with Dwarf Fortress
(and seeing that I have potential high-level pedophilia scandal incoming, that might be not so soon)


$20 For Steve
May 18, 2009
X-Com in 2 of the lists I've read on this site so far. I definitely agree even if it is buggy. Having a sectopod teleport into the middle of my squad isn't so much a glitch as it is a radical paradigm shift in the alien tactics.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
I'm too much of a sap to get through the Walking Dead, I barely made it through the end of Bastion...

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
blackrave said:
So Walking Dead is good?
Maybe I'll give it a try... after I'm done with Dwarf Fortress
(and seeing that I have potential high-level pedophilia scandal incoming, that might be not so soon)
Don't get your hopes up...

For being done with Dwarf Fortress that is. Walking Dead is great. But Dwarf Fortress is not the sort of game you ever get over. You just stop playing for a bit before a new version is released and you're compelled to give it one more go, you know, to see if you can finally build that dream fortress you've always wanted to build without everything falling into ruin around it.

Oh, and as for the list I'm disappointed Crusader Kings 2 has been overlooked. I figured if it might pop up on The Escapist it would be on Gregs top five, but alas. Shame because it is possibly the best take on the grand strategy genre in years. Can't get enough of it!

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
The Madman said:
Oh, and as for the list I'm disappointed Crusader Kings 2 has been overlooked. I figured if it might pop up on The Escapist it would be on Gregs top five, but alas. Shame because it is possibly the best take on the grand strategy genre in years. Can't get enough of it!
I loved Crusader Kings 2, definitely, but I'm more looking forward to EU4 in 2013.

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Greg Tito said:
The Madman said:
Oh, and as for the list I'm disappointed Crusader Kings 2 has been overlooked. I figured if it might pop up on The Escapist it would be on Gregs top five, but alas. Shame because it is possibly the best take on the grand strategy genre in years. Can't get enough of it!
I loved Crusader Kings 2, definitely, but I'm more looking forward to EU4 in 2013.
Fair enough, though personally I'm enjoying Crusader Kings 2 far more than I have any of the previous Europa Universalis games. The character-driven focus really makes things more personal than the faceless nations I've gotten used to controlling in these sorts of games. Hopefully they'll inject a bit of that into EU4, otherwise it's going to be tricky going back to nations when I've gotten used to controlling dynasties.

Thanks for the reply by the way, nice to know you've played the game at least. Escapist never did do a review for CK2 (Unless I'm mistaken) so I'd thought it must have just gone completely under the radar.

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
The Madman said:
Greg Tito said:
Thanks for the reply by the way, nice to know you've played the game at least. Escapist never did do a review for CK2 (Unless I'm mistaken) so I'd thought it must have just gone completely under the radar.
I played CK2 a while after it was released and it didn't make sense to review it then. I will be paying attention to the series more now though, and I'm headed to a Paradox event later this month to see what's coming in 2013. I want to pay attention to how Salem is developing. That's an MMO that actually looks like it has some interesting mechanics.
