Survey Says: UK "Underwhelmed" by Xbox One


Imperial Intelligence
Jun 13, 2012
Survey Says: UK "Underwhelmed" by Xbox One

1,112 UK gamers chimed in on the Xbox One reveal to give us their two pence.

Every time a new console is announced, it summons a peculiar blend of anxiety and simmering rage from the gaming public. A recent poll by Voucher Codes Pro [] asked UK gamers what they thought of Microsoft's big reveal of the Xbox One, so we can precisely quantify that cocktail of emotions. The results are mixed, with a distinct undertone of disappointment from the responses. According to the UK, the full living room experience isn't what customers are looking for - they just want to play games.

Of those who responded negatively, the common thread seemed to be a dislike for the multimedia approach. 47% stated that a "game console should stick to gaming," reinforced by 39% who said they "didn't care about its television capabilities." The press conference that revealed the Xbox One received some direct criticism, with 42% of participants wishing that they knew more about the console's line-up of launch titles. Other complaints ranged from disinterest in Skype to the somewhat petty argument that the console's aesthetics weren't "exciting" enough.

Each person surveyed was asked to select one or more words from a list that best described their feelings about the Xbox One. The top answer was "Excited" (59%), followed by "Underwhelmed" (52%), "Enthusiastic" (44%), "Indifferent" (39%), and "Disappointed" (27%). Those who answered positively had little else to say: 37% said they were just excited for a new game console, and 19% admitted that they would have been excited regardless of what features the new Xbox actually had. The most common cause of excitement was the Xbox's cloud capabilities, with 31% eager to free up space on their hard drives.

The survey ended with the big question: "Which console release are you looking forward to the most; the Xbox One or the PlayStation 4?" The numbers seem to indicate that Sony is in the lead at the moment, with 61% of the opinion.

Voucher Codes Pro's George Charles commented on the results of the survey, questioning whether Microsoft's marketing is at odds with its primary consumer base. "Microsoft's President of Interactive Entertainment told the conference that it's not just a games console but the 'ultimate all-in-one home entertainment system.' That's all very well and good, but is that really what consumers want? According to our poll, it would suggest not."

None of this means that the PlayStation 4 will necessarily sell better on actual store shelves, or that nobody out there is pumped about Skyping their friends through their game system. It does, however, call Microsoft's high-level design decisions into question. Is the Xbox One overproviding for a market that only wants to play games?



New member
Mar 2, 2011
I think that Amazon UK shows just how disappointed the Uk is by the Xbone.

The Xbone reveal focused mostly on the US with the services, so no wonder pretty much everyone else is disappointed. No games and no services for the other.


New member
May 10, 2008
Oh yeah, alot of the Xbone features don't work well outside the US do they? Honestly I have no idea what features work in the other 6 continents.


Mr Propellerhead
Jun 15, 2010
Hardly surprising, given the US-centric focus of the 'entertainment' content. :|


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
DVS BSTrD said:
Wouldn't need the bloody cloud if they weren't making us install the games.
Each person surveyed was asked to select one or more words from a list that best described their feelings about the Xbox One. The top answer was "Excited" (59%), followed by "Underwhelmed" (52%), "Enthusiastic" (44%), "Indifferent" (39%), and "Disappointed" (27%). That's more then a hundred percent. And more Excited then there should be.
Maybe multiple tick boxes, like the squares in online polls.
But yeah I'm surprised to see "excited" so high. Hopefully this makes MS listen a little bit, backpedal a bit more on some of their dumber decisions.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
According to pretty much all of my friends, including loyal 360 owners, Microsoft have done a better job at selling PS4s and WiiUs than Nintendo and Sony did. I already jumped the XBox ship this generation and didn't regret it. It looks like my friends will be joining me on the PC/PS4 next generation.

Good job, Microsoft.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
I understand why Europeans are upset about the Xbone's lack of services in your continent, however, the thing is an American product and the majority of the buyers are American so who do you think it's going to favor? Mind you, I hope the thing bombs but we'll have to wait til launch to see. I've always favored Sony over Microsoft anyways.


New member
Feb 1, 2010
I can also understand how people in the UK would be less excited about the Kinect. Aren't average living spaces smaller in UK and Europe?

What baffles me is that the PS4 was equally underwhelming. I guess a lot of people have already forgotten about the PS4 reveal and therefore it's looking more appealing simply because people forgot it.

So... Steambox? Yeah Steambox.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
Cognimancer said:
...and 19% admitted that they would have been excited regardless of what features the new Xbox actually had.
Microsoft: "The XBox One will require that players apply live electrodes to their genitalia while playing."
19%: "Yay!"

The US version of the Xbone is pretty underwhelming; I can understand why a market that gets even less out of it wouldn't exactly be jumping out of their seats in joy.

Just a little tip for Microsoft: Stop trying to out-"home theater" Sony. They're far better at it than you and they still can't get it right with the Playstation; you're only destined to fail.

Lex Darko

New member
Aug 13, 2006
Nimzabaat said:
I can also understand how people in the UK would be less excited about the Kinect. Aren't average living spaces smaller in UK and Europe?

What baffles me is that the PS4 was equally underwhelming. I guess a lot of people have already forgotten about the PS4 reveal and therefore it's looking more appealing simply because people forgot it.

So... Steambox? Yeah Steambox.
The PS4 reveal wasn't earth shattering, but at least they focused on games. They didn't show a box but they gave us the tech specs and showed people playing games not just trailers for 3 games, two of which will be multiplatform.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
The only thing that surprises me here is the amount of positive responses they got.

I understand some people want their "entertainment system" but I'm willing to bet that most gamers want a stellar gaming system, rather than a jack-of-all.

Assuming the PS4's "social" crap is non intrusive I'm definitely jumping back on Sony's ship. If it's intrusive, then it's PC all the way baby.

Nimzabaat said:
Aren't average living spaces smaller in UK and Europe?
They certainly are in London and other major cities in the UK. Can't speak for the rest of Europe though.


Elite Member
Sep 11, 2008
There's an error in your title, it should probably say

"World underwhelmed" by the X-Bone.

The UK aren't the only ones.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
It doesn't matter where you're from, if you primarily want to play video games on a video game console, you're gonna be dissapointed with Xbox None.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Still not impressed. XBox still isn't targeting me and my interests and never has been, so I am indifferent.
Or, as the neutrals put it:


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
The UK, and Europe in general, has always been more on Sony's side anyway. Nothing to see here.


New member
Dec 28, 2010
Well what were Microsoft expecting? Do they think the rest of the world watches American Football? (got a secret for you Microsoft, American Football isn't football to the rest of the world), and any other tv functions are useless to anyone outside of the US as there not going to work on release.

Good job Microsoft, Good Job.


Forever Gonzo
Sep 10, 2008
Cognimancer said:
The most common cause of excitement was the Xbox's cloud capabilities, with 31% eager to free up space on their hard drives.
Yeah, they'll save 5 MB on save games while filling the rest of their hard drive with 20+ GB game installs. Did these people even watch the conference, or do they think the cloud is some magical streaming service?