Magicka: Wizards Wars Trailer Crushes You With Meteors


New member
Feb 17, 2011
Magicka: Wizards Wars Trailer Crushes You With Meteors

Paradox North has unveiled a gameplay trailer of its Magicka MOBA, complete with spells, combat, and dancing wizards.

If you're a fan of the original Magicka, you're probably more than curious about its MOBA spin-off, Magicka: Wizards Wars. Transferring the powerful, yet accident-prone spell system into a competitive environment holds strong possibilities for multiplayer, even if most of those possibilities involve literal friendly fire. But perhaps you're still a little hesitant. After all, MOBA gameplay is a step away from Magicka's co-op roots, and the game will be developed under Paradox North instead of Arrowhead Game Studios. If that worries you, the new gameplay trailer should put your mind at ease, thanks to some familiar footage and the usual antics of hapless wizards.

The trailer is two parts cinematic and one part gameplay, but both give a strong sense of what players should expect. Whether you're casting a deadly spell, summoning protective shields, or passing the time with a song and dance, Wizards Wars looks more like a polished DLC pack than a whole new game. Future trailers will presumably give players a better feel for expanded gameplay options, but this first glimpse goes a long way towards showing that Magicka: Wizard Wars will be more of the same.

If you can't wait to dive in, Paradox is now taking registrations for the Wizard Wars alpha. The sign-up page offers unlockable rewards based on the number of registrants, including in-game items, bonus alpha keys, and the base Magicka game on Steam. Although Wizard Wars is still in an unfinished state, this is a great opportunity to take the new game for a spin. Just don't be surprised when that Meteor Storm spell backfires just as spectacularly as it did in the original.



New member
Jun 9, 2008
You know all those CGI trailers that show the main character do all those cool things that then you cant do in the game? This one, while it isnt as cool ingame, does show a CGI trailer (part of it) where the players can actually pull off all that cool shit.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
If someone would've told me 4 years ago that dota-esque games will become the new trend in the industry and that F2P was the future, I wouldn't have believed it. As much as I love these types of games, dedicating my life to more than one or 2 is next to impossible, unless I give up in my life (though internet isn't gonna pay itself).

It will be interesting to see who else wants to take a shot at this genre and bring their own spin to it.


New member
Apr 15, 2013
Any hope that the inherent nature of Magicka's friendly-fire happy gameplay will help keep the overly serious away? If so, I'm in.

Capcha: my better half - tells me to keep avoiding MOBA games.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
I'm scared to see what would happen if my friends were part of the Alpha. I mean heck, most of the time we just ended up killing each other.
Made a video of it too and I still laugh at it. XD
Add meteors and we won't even leave the first area! D:


New member
Sep 10, 2008
If Magicka is any indication of what this game will be like, then this trailer didn't actually end, but was switching levels or exiting from an in-game sequence and then decided to stop working, like Magicka still does even after months of patches.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well the trailer was excellent, but turning an awesome charming co-op adventure game into hate of the earth MOBA... fuck that shit.

Next stop chest high wall brown shooter.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
I would actually look forward to this game if it weren't a moba.

Mr.K. said:
Well the trailer was excellent, but turning an awesome charming co-op adventure game into hate of the earth MOBA... fuck that shit.

Next stop chest high wall brown shooter.
I'm surprised someone hasn't tried a chest high wall game with magic instead of guns. A bunch of games had similar ideas - Mass Effect with its science and guns and I seem to remember a game set in the medieval period that had some chest high walls and crossbows/bows sections (that also involved some magic) but I forget the name of it- but not a magic based chest high walls caster.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
porous_shield said:
I'm surprised someone hasn't tried a chest high wall game with magic instead of guns. A bunch of games had similar ideas - Mass Effect with its science and guns and I seem to remember a game set in the medieval period that had some chest high walls and crossbows/bows sections (that also involved some magic) but I forget the name of it- but not a magic based chest high walls caster.
Oh no my friend that poop trophy has been snatched up by no other then EA and their god awful take on Harry Potter.



New member
Sep 22, 2012
I really love how at 0:31 when the Red Wizard caught fire he uses his swords. Forget roll on the floor when on fire! Put that fire out with a sword instead!

Gotta say that it looks pretty cool, and that dancing reminded me of "Safety Dance" for some strange reason.