Ex League of Legends Team Owner In $300 Million Hack Charge


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Ex League of Legends Team Owner In $300 Million Hack Charge

Dmitry 'ddd1ms' Smilianets will appear in US Federal Court next week.

"This type of crime is the cutting edge," says US attorney Paul J Fishman. "Those who have the expertise and the inclination to break into our computer networks threaten our economic wellbeing, our privacy and our national security." A $300 million credit card hacking ring which stole over 160 million card numbers - the biggest cybercrime case in US history - has been broken up, and five men from Russia and Ukraine are accused of involvement. Among the accused is Dmitry 'ddd1ms' Smilianets, former owner of League of Legends, Dota 2 and Counter Strike pro team Moscow 5, who will see the inside of a New Jersey Federal Courtroom next week. Smilianets is alleged to have been the one in charge of selling the stolen card data and distributing the profits. Moscow 5 was disbanded after Smilianets' arrest.

It was a small but specialized unit of thieves, according to prosecutors. Russians Vladimir Drinkman, 32, and Alexandr Kalinin, 26, were the hackers who broke into the card networks. Roman Kotov, 32, mined those networks for data after the hack. Mikhail Rytikov, 26, of Ukraine, provided the web hosting the team needed, concealing the group's activities, while Smilianets was the go-between who dealt with the card forgers, charging $10 for US cards, $15 for Canadian cards and $50 for the more secure European cards. Smilianets and Drinkman are the only two of the team to have been arrested, which happened June last year when they went travelling in the Netherlands. The other three are still at large.

Among the companies alleged to have been hacked by the team: a Visa licensee, JC Penney Co, JetBlue Airways and the French retailer Carrefour, as well as Nasdaq. The Nasdaq hack is supposed to have infected servers with software intended to enable the team to delete, change or steal data, but the full extent of the Nasdaq hack is not publicly known at this time.

Source: VG24/7 [http://www.vg247.com/2013/07/26/ex-league-of-legends-team-owner-charged-with-running-hacking-network/#more-392342]



New member
Feb 16, 2009
I find it offensive that American identities are the cheapest. We didn't even beat out the Canadians? They have a Maple-Based economy! My Bacon is round, eh? Hows aboot we catch a hockey game, friend? ARGH!


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
MinionJoe said:
martyrdrebel27 said:
I find it offensive that American identities are the cheapest. We didn't even beat out the Canadians? They have a Maple-Based economy! My Bacon is round, eh? Hows aboot we catch a hockey game, friend? ARGH!
"The Power of the U.S. Dollar" is a myth. ;)
more like the power of US dollar buys you identity cheap.


He who speaks words from mouth!
Dec 6, 2010
wielkiwojownik said:
really bad.
I can see your new here m8, so friendly warning. The mods don't like it when you make posts with little to no content. As a general rule of thumb, you probably want at least 2-3 lines of text. My personal rule is a full paragraph, but I've never seen anyone get a warning for a couple of sentences. At the absolute very least, try to make your statement a full sentence with complete thoughts. Welcome to the Escapist and stay out of the basement.

OT: Well I guess it would make sense that the most popular (non-facebook) game in the world would be home to the largest number of criminals and/or people making noteworthy news. Lets just hope this doesn't, somehow, blow back on the gaming community for some reason or another.