Wargaming.net Wants You In Flight School


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Wargaming.net Wants You In Flight School

Attack, light fighter or heavy fighter? Decision, decisions.

World of Warplanes, which recently launched its open beta, wants a few good pilots, and if you think you might be one, better have a look at this training video. There's more to being a pilot than growing an Errol Flynn mustache; you'll need to cooperate with your teammates as well as master the abilities of your aircraft. Or you could just bluster your way through in a light fighter and hope for the best. That might work out, but better write your will before you try it.

World of Warplanes has all kinds of classic air combat goodness to show off. It ranges from 1930's biplane combat - ¡no pasarán! - straight through to Korean War high speed action. Up to 30 players can get stuck in, for those who enjoy massive and messy dogfights. The beta's been doing well, if you like death by the thousands; more planes have been shot down since launch, according to Wargaming.net [http://worldofwarplanes.com/en/news/8/beta-test-glance/], than the annual total of doughnuts eaten by policemen world wide. That's a lot of doughnuts; are they including Chief Wiggum in the sample? I'm thinking no.

"The game has grown and evolved tremendously since we first announced it," said CEO Victor Kislyi when the beta launched last month, "and I'm confident virtual pilots are going to be extremely excited when they get behind the cockpits of the game's truly amazing warbirds." Hopefully not too exited to check their six and pay attention to their group tactics, else it'll be a short - glorious, mind you - career for them. Want to know more? Glance at this handy FAQ [http://worldofwarplanes.com/en/content/guide/faq/], with system requirements and everything.

Source: Wargaming.net [http://worldofwarplanes.com/]



New member
Mar 28, 2010
If I were to nit pick, WG has some of the worst people to do VOs for trailers and translations.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
All that strategy is great and all, but I think winning is the best strategy.


Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
No cockpit view for World of Warplanes? Seriously?

No cockpit view, no thanks.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
I've been extensively playing both WoWP and War Thunder and I vastly enjoy WoWP more. I deleted War Thunder for the second time yesterday. The garage battles in WT pissed me off and nobody plays historical or real battles so I got rid of it.
Now WoWP is pretty good although there are some needed improvements such as ground targets actually being worth a damn and I really would like the British planes to hurry and get released but overall better than War Thunder IMO. The physics are the same and I don't care about cockpit view so WoWP for me.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Also, since we're nerding out here, this whole thing sounds silly. It's ridiculous to classify carrier-based fighter as distinct from other types; putting, say, the F4U and the A6M in the same class just because they both flew off carriers is just silly. I hope this categorization is strictly organizational and doesn't have any actual impact on gameplay, but the more I hear about WoWP, the less optimistic I am.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Andy Chalk said:
Also, since we're nerding out here, this whole thing sounds silly. It's ridiculous to classify carrier-based fighter as distinct from other types; putting, say, the F4U and the A6M in the same class just because they both flew off carriers is just silly. I hope this categorization is strictly organizational and doesn't have any actual impact on gameplay, but the more I hear about WoWP, the less optimistic I am.
I'd take a hint from their other project, World of Tanks. The French heavy tanks play completely different from the Germans. They're categorized the same, but they aren't really anything alike in play style.

That being said, I prefer War Thunder. Everything feels more fluid and it's presented a hell of a lot better. But I wouldn't expect any less from Gaijin with all of their other flight sim experience.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
I'll have to pick this back up, during the alpha/closed beta the level of pilots got so absurdly high that some rounds were over by the first pass. It could be great, but the strain involved in surviving wasn't much fun on the higher tier dogfights.

It should be better now there's a fresh pool of noobs kicking around!

Andy Chalk said:
No cockpit view, no thanks.
As nice as a 3D cockpit is, in World of Warplanes it would be beyond useless. Rather like Battlefield, as nice as the 3D cockpit is to sit in and look around/watch the flaperons moving etc, it just narrows your field of view so you won't see that idiot Russian come along and weigh you down with lead. It's all about the dogfighting, not really a flight sim.


Mysteron Display Team
Jan 6, 2011
rhizhim said:
isnt wargamming.net partially run by the escapist?
do i smell heresy?
Relax, chuck, I think you're getting mixed up with WarCry [//www.warcry.com/].
Mar 19, 2010
I got into the closed beta last year. Played for a few weeks but in the end i deleted it. The reason: laggy controls everything you do has to be approved by the server before the plane reacts I do not understand how do people deal with that. During the high speed fights with the late war aircraft split seconds decide your fate you cannot have your plane reacting with delay. When you press the trigger you want to see the bullets flying out the barrel the instant you press it not when the server approves that you indeed pressed the triggers.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
No cockpit view for World of Warplanes? Seriously?

No cockpit view, no thanks.
Try War Thunder. Overall better from what I hear AND complete with cockpit view.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
It looks like War Thunder, and since I already have a bunch of stuff unlocked in War Thunder I see no reason to switch.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Ya the trailer is cool but the game is still eons from enjoyable, mainly the control scheme is horrid for a dogfighting game, also unlike War Thunder WoP puts no effort into using terrain to spice things up so the various maps are actually irrelevant.

They really need to learn from War Thunder when it comes to planes, but hey at least WoT is excellent.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Like others have said, I'll be sticking with War Thunder. But give me my Bearcat Dammit! Gaijin releases four Russian planes for every USA plane they add, it feels like.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
i never liekd flying games, so ill stick to tanks. The battleships one im excited about.

War thunder is a whole different beast than WOWP though. They both will ahve their audience.