Saints Row IV Unveils $1 Million Special Preorder Edition


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Saints Row IV Unveils $1 Million Special Preorder Edition

A Lamborghini Gallardo, you say? Cheap at twice the price.

How rich are you? How big a Saints Row IV fan are you? The Super Dangerous Wad Wad Edition aims to put you to the test, if you have $1 million to spend on a very special preorder. Sure, you get the game - the Commander in Chief edition, actually - plus a full size replica of the Dubstep Gun. But that kind of swag's pretty dull; what else is Deep Silver prepared to offer? Well, how about:

? A full day of spy training.
? A trip to space with Virgin Atlantic.
? One year's membership of E25 Super Car Club and a Lamborghini Gallardo to make it worthwhile
? Plastic Surgery of the purchaser's choice.
? A shopping spree with a personal shopper to create the ultimate Planet Saints capsule wardrobe.
? 7 nights for two at The Jefferson Hotel [] in Washington.
? Hostage rescue experience.
? A brand new Toyota Prius and insurance to give something back to the environment.
? 7 nights stay in the Top Royal Suite at the Burj-al-arab [] with flights for two.

You get your money's worth. There are one or two conditions, among them that "Koch Media especially reserve the right to remove or amend contents of the Super Dangerous Wad Wad Edition." Not that Koch is worried, goodness gracious me no, but you can never be too careful. There just might be someone out there mad enough to do it, and it's not beyond the realm of possibility that this little stack of goodies might total more than the $1 million Koch'll get paid for it. Not that anyone's mad enough to buy it. Not that you're mad enough to even think about this preorder.

Well, probably not that mad [].



New member
Dec 20, 2012

I really wish I had a spare million lying around :/

I think this takes the cake for the best preorder ever/most expensive. I thought the Forza 5 preorder was crazy but man, I want this soooo bad.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I assume this is just them being "wacky" because the game itself is?

It's kind of amusing, but what's even more funny is that it probably doesn't even come with all of the cheap little DLC's they will release for it.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Omegatronacles said:
Does it make me a bad person that I would consider this if I had the money?
Not a bad person per say, but merely someone without taste. A bit like Paris Hilton or New Jersey.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
If I won a lottery ... I would totally buy this.
Really I would.

But it feels like it needs to be connected to Saints Row IV more.
Can we become a homie/important character in a DLC? Maybe a DLC which takes place in RL and your a guy who bought a game for one million dollars, BUT is secretly a spy.

Still ... I would totally buy this.
If I had the money of course.

EDIT: But in reality ... WILL someone actually buy this?


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Smithers, my wallet's in my right front pocket.

Do they reserve the right to change the contents of this preorder edition after they've taken the customer's money? "Yoink! Sorry, we couldn't get the Lambo, Virgin Atlantic is fully booked and the Prius comes without insurance. But enjoy your boob job on us and let us know what the hotels are like! Oh, and we hope you enjoy the game too, or something."

I want to say no-one would be daft enough to buy this, but that's not true. There's more than enough young new money swimming about for someone to get this for that amount of bling.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
In my experience, whenever a company tries to oversell a game with crazy pre-order editions, the game is overhyped and not worth the money.

This isn't in response to this particular edition, but to all of them.

I would like to know who would actually buy it and what sort plastic surgery will he choose.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I'd buy the shit out of this if I could afford it.

Not sure what I'd do with the plastic surgery though. Fuller lips maybe?


New member
Oct 25, 2008
Doom972 said:
In my experience, whenever a company tries to oversell a game with crazy pre-order editions, the game is overhyped and not worth the money.
People with review copies of the game seem to imply that you're wrong when it comes to this one.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
One thing is for sure, they not afraid of publicity stunts...Now only if they could make the game worthwhile instead of trying to appeal to a large audience and brimming it full of DLC.

EDIT: I just realised one thing - you still have to pay for future DLC -.- Cheapskates.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
God. If only I had the money. Then again, the only things that really appeal to me are the spy training and the space trip. I think I'd be more surprised if someone didn't pick this up.


New member
Jun 8, 2011
The best part
Koch Media especially reserve the right to remove or amend contents of the Super Dangerous Wad Wad Edition.
Give the Koch Brothers 1 mil and give them the right to give you nothing in exchange. Awesome, I know I trust the Koch brothers.