Let's Watch Thor: The Dark World's New Trailer


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Let's Watch Thor: The Dark World's New Trailer

Previous trailers haven't shown nearly as much as this one.

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New member
Aug 31, 2009
Bob, could you please not embed an autoplaying clip on every page of the article ?
I only need to load a clip once, not 5 times. Maybe just embed on the first page, and we can open the rest in a new tab.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I'd ended up feeling like I was watching superhero films out of duty instead of desire, but this Loki team up and the absolutely beautiful visuals in Asgard is beginning to make this a film I actually want to see.

I can't believe that out of all the Marvel films it's the Thor sequel that's making me feel like that


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Something happening in a superhero movie outside of America? I suppose they've already annihilated New York. Still, (this is a sentence I never thought I'd say) it's nice to see my own country being blown to smithereens.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
Color me impressed. I especially liked the cameo of the Kronan. That was an awesome nod to the first villain Thor faced in Journey into Mystery #83.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
It may just be me, but the bit at the end reminds me so much of that great shot in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Not saying it's a rip off or even an homage. Like Bob explained, there's lots of history backing up the scene. But as great movie hero moments go, the two stimulate the same "AWESOME" gland in my brain.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
I didn't realize how much I was anticipating this. As much as I have enjoyed these marvel films, I am ready to see more outside of Earth in this supposedly enormous universe. So this and Guardians of the Galaxy are high on my list.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
Maybe if Jane does buy the farm, Thor can hook up with Darcy? I was rooting for her in the first movie.

Comic Sans

Oct 15, 2008
United States
Sylocat said:
Maybe if Jane does buy the farm, Thor can hook up with Darcy? I was rooting for her in the first movie.
Only if we get a nice sizzling scene. Because dammit, the chick who plays Darcy is hot. Way better curves than Portman. So Thor, ditch the nerd and go for the curvy political science major.


Enjoy the Silence
Jul 11, 2013
How's a cape a silly element again? No, really, how is Thor's red cape silly? Thor doesn't even have an actual "costume", it's a straight on asgardian armor that doesn't even need the kind of "rationalization" some authors use to make with the Superman costume for example.
It's really just annoying when people feel the need to cling on this "Silly Marvel good, Serious DC bad" idea that Bob seems to be an adept of.

But anyway, that was a really nice trailer, never though I would be hyped for a Thor movie, since I mostly disliked the first one.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
MovieBob said:
[K]illing-off Jane makes creative sense. It would be a major stakes-raising moment for the series, and the Marvel movies more broadly. It would leave Thor in an interesting place for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and his own third movie after that.
Aren't you basically describing the Women in Refridgerators trope? Maybe I'm being oversensitive, but it would seem to me like a big FU to the female audience they're obviously trying to attract [http://24.media.tumblr.com/f10a92c9dfda276c056d2f9f80a6de45/tumblr_mlp6kjiTXe1r43s4qo1_500.gif].

And about 02:22 - Did Thor just casually murder a guy to show that he could? o_O

Still, I'm pretty excited by the movie. Loved the first one, loved The Avengers and I love the fact that someone has the guts to make a big budget movie about Norse gods battling evil elves in space.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Thor was the biggest surprise of all Marvel movies. I didn't expect it to be good at all, yet it was the best one for me. I enjoyed the fact that they didn't try to make the costumes and enemies "gritty" and "realistic". They stayed true to the extravagant Asgardian aesthetics that we all know and love. I can't wait for this movie. It's on the top of my list.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Ruisu said:
How's a cape a silly element again? No, really, how is Thor's red cape silly? Thor doesn't even have an actual "costume", it's a straight on asgardian armor that doesn't even need the kind of "rationalization" some authors use to make with the Superman costume for example.
It's really just annoying when people feel the need to cling on this "Silly Marvel good, Serious DC bad" idea that Bob seems to be an adept of.

But anyway, that was a really nice trailer, never though I would be hyped for a Thor movie, since I mostly disliked the first one.
Bob: Yeah. Something classic, like, like Dynaguy. Oh, he had a great look! Oh, the cape and the boots...

Edna: No capes!

Bob: Isn't that my decision?

Edna: Do you remember Thunderhead? Tall, storm powers? Nice man, good with kids.

Bob: Listen, E...

Edna: November 15th of '58! All was well, another day saved, when... his cape snagged on a missile fin!

Bob: Thunderhead was not the brightest bulb...

Edna: Stratogale! April 23rd, '57! Cape caught in a jet turbine!

Bob: E, you can't generalize about these things...

Edna: Metaman, express elevator! Dynaguy, snagged on takeoff! Splashdown, sucked into a vortex!

Edna: No capes!

Capes are silly, they serve no practical purpose beyond giving your enemy (or a chunk of machinery) something with which to hold you in place and drag you around. They're fundamentally silly for a character expected to fight, doubly so when the cape inexplicably survive the whole battle without being a hindrance or damaged.

I guess the silly Marvel/serious DC thing comes because the Marvel movies gleefully jump into the absurdness of super hero comics. When there's exploding fire breathing Guy Pearce running around and armies of space-borg-shapeshifters attacking New York nobody cares about a cape. In the much more po-faced 'realistic' visions on DC's recent films that the capes are both present and never taken (dis)advantage of is jarring when they go to such great lengths to address everything else.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Love all the MovieBob pole jocking that happens in these threads. "Bob says this blockbuster season sucks, so it sucks. He seems really excited about this movie, so my interest is renewed again".

OT: This movie is looking awesome. Regardless of how excited anyone else it, I'm amped. But, I love comics. I always have and I don't approach them with that constant need to break down every little reason why decisions are made in the industry to justify anything. But, I certainly can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy the most. That one has me amped the most because the cosmic level storylines are the awesome ones.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
Beta Ray Bill post credits tease...

Beta Ray Bill post credits tease...

Not as fun having you breakdown the trailers when they aren't laden with tidbits and juicy little comic details, but I'm not gonna complain.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
fix-the-spade said:
Capes are silly, they serve no practical purpose beyond giving your enemy (or a chunk of machinery) something with which to hold you in place and drag you around. They're fundamentally silly for a character expected to fight, doubly so when the cape inexplicably survive the whole battle without being a hindrance or damaged.

I guess the silly Marvel/serious DC thing comes because the Marvel movies gleefully jump into the absurdness of super hero comics. When there's exploding fire breathing Guy Pearce running around and armies of space-borg-shapeshifters attacking New York nobody cares about a cape. In the much more po-faced 'realistic' visions on DC's recent films that the capes are both present and never taken (dis)advantage of is jarring when they go to such great lengths to address everything else.
Capes serve an aesthetic purpose, that is the sole reason they exist in comics. And if you are making a comic movie, to stick to the source material you give the movie version accouterments like that of the source material. Lots of heroes have them, and lots of heroes don't have them. They are used mostly as signal for what the character is like. Characters with capes are usually flyers or gliders (superman and batman) or someone who spent a lot of time in the rooftops to obscure their form and movement( Batman again and you can say character like Moon Knight). All characters with that use some sort of super speed such as Flash or Quicksilver do not have capes. It's not silly to have them and from the era that the character is from. Capes are just cloaks with an open front that slung around the back, in this case anyway. In the case of Thor, from what he is modeled after, that was not uncommon as you didn't just take your cloak off and throw it on the ground.

I just need to say that it's absolutely ridiculous how people get hung up on this. If I could walk around wearing capes everyday, I would. Lando justifies his little foo foo half cape by letting us know that is very fashionable in the Star Wars Universe. In comics, capes are at least fashionable.


This is a...!
Apr 8, 2009
01:11 - Everybody pick your preferred Marvel-related apocalyptic-term and crack the requisite joke about canceling it.