Chuck Wendig said:
Punching the Baby Seal of PC Gaming
You see that cute little baby seal? Chuck Wendig wants to punch that seal in the mouth because Crysis locked up on him. Again.
I soooo totally hear you
Chuck Wendig -- contributor.
I so empathised.
It was like when you listen a song or watch a film and think of suing Bob Dylan or Ridley Scott (or Gerard Damiano) for basing their stuff upon your life. It was like that reading your post. And so I too have looked upon baby-seal-bludgeoning-cudgels on do-it-yourself shops and thought of saving up for one, on countless occasions. And the reason has been, yes, PC configuration, but mostly,
Steam should be listed as a prime nemesis in the list of
"Prime Nemesis of Earth" by Green Peace, since it may very well be the main reason of baby seal bashing globally.
My first experience, the very very
very first experience with Steam: An inoperable game seating besides this computer I write from. Mocking me with every second it passes from the point 3 years ago when I tried to install it to have... fun. The game was not even a new one. It was a game that every computer in the world right now, and maybe even some mobile phones, should be able to play without the tiniest most feminine and delicate hiccup. Half-Life... ONE. The first HL. The one from some 10 years ago.
After 4 or 5 days of f(ish)ing around with the Steam support team for the problem I finally gave up. By then I should've finished the game and be smoking the
post-coital cigarette of a well done job on a game well played. Instead I was still fighting with the chaperone Steam team trying to make them let go of
MY game so I could have a time alone with it and play it whenever I wanted. Maybe if I was into SM I could have enjoyed 5 or more days of punishing and unresolving emailing as a sort of foreplay.
Alas! I am not and the chaperones won. My
incomplete game (the disc only includes 98% of the game, the rest you must download and install from Steam) still rests near my computer to remind me of never forgetting (nor forgiving).
Choosing to use Steam is fine (up to anyone's free will), but being forced to use it as they did when they sold me 98% of a game, that is not.
We have to ask now... How many more times do you think I was tempted on buying anything from that service, if they could not even make that game work on my well kept, well maintained computer?
Fortunately for the baby seals, the answer is:
not many more.
Note: At the present time I own no weapon for infant otariidae ursinus-bashing.