Nintendo Committed to More Cross-Play Titles


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Nintendo Committed to More Cross-Play Titles

We may see more games that break down the boundaries between different platforms.

Nintendo is already working on games that support cross-play between the Wii U and the 3DS. In a statement, the company stated it remains committed to helping developers utilize cross-play, according to VG247. Nintendo will also work on games that use cross-play with game systems not made by Nintendo.

Pure Chess, a chess game with high-definition visuals, will have cross-play support with many platforms, including the PlayStation 3 and Vita, Nintendo confirmed. Nintendo had said previously it was interested in cross-play functionality for Pure Chess with Sony's platforms, but Sony had not agreed to it until now.

Other games using cross-play are in the works, too. "We can confirm that Disney Infinity from Disney Interactive Studios, Cubeman 2 from Three Sprockets, and Pure Chess from Ripstone all have the ability to play on Nintendo systems while at the same time communicating with consumers using those same games on other systems," a Nintendo representative said. "Additional games using this functionality are in development."

Cross-play titles have become more frequent with mobile apps, but few of the titles have the functionality with rival consoles; Pure Chess will be the first. There's no reason for walls between a Nintendo console, a mobile device, and a Sony console. Cross-play functionality will hopefully be something that more developers use. Seeing as how cross-play is being used between the PS3 or PS4 with the Vita or the Wii U with the 3DS to play a game on a console and then take it on the go, it will be interesting to see how the functionality will be used among competing platforms.

Source: VG247 []



New member
Jan 11, 2008
They must've realised how much of an incentive it's been for Playstation 3 / Vita owners.

I get the feeling it's too little too late to make much of an impact, unless we start seeing games very regularly taking benefit, particularly important 1st party titles. I'm still dubious Nintendo will make 1st party titles cross-play though.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
So, like, no real games? No cross-play for something like GTA? Watch_Dogs? (God forbid) Call of Duty? Nintendo still has only two GTA games on it: GTA 2 for the GameBoy Color and GTA Advance for the GBA. Make real shit, Nintendo! And then cross-play it! Having cross-play with chess, Disney, and Cubeman are a good start, but PLEASE work up from there!

Arright, rant over. Resume normal conversation :p

EDIT: And Chinatown Wars for DS. Forgot the most important one.


New member
Jul 2, 2013
Full Metal Bolshevik said:
And you talk as if it was Nintendo the only one with power to decide to cross-play.
That's not how I mean, but we ARE talking about Nintendo here. And if they were more willing to work with bigger companies on bigger games, cross play would be a cinch. The only people that makes cross play difficult for Nintendo is Nintendo, and it doesn't have to be that way.

The Apple BOOM

New member
Nov 16, 2012
Agent357 said:
Full Metal Bolshevik said:
And you talk as if it was Nintendo the only one with power to decide to cross-play.
That's not how I mean, but we ARE talking about Nintendo here. And if they were more willing to work with bigger companies on bigger games, cross play would be a cinch. The only people that makes cross play difficult for Nintendo is Nintendo, and it doesn't have to be that way.
I would just put "What? You believe that?", but that wouldn't pass the mods, so I'm just saying this. Why the hell are you coming out and bashing Nintendo when they're trying to create good will with Sony? And since you're bashing someone, why Nintendo over Sony?


Lord Cromulent
May 21, 2010
It would be great to see Nintendo and Sony collude in a sense to have cross platform support on some games, and not do it with Microsoft at all. Then you would have the two cheapest systems that play with each other going into the next generation.


Paladin of Traffic Law
Nov 14, 2010
cool this is good news for everyone, though I suspect this thread will not take it as so...