Says Samsung To Apple: We Owe, But Not That Much


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Says Samsung To Apple: We Owe, But Not That Much

The patent feud goes around and around, this time over lost profits.

For lo, after the cracking of the seals that was wasn't about to wipe it out [], a lesser damages figure was inevitable. The question is, how much, and a re-trial has convened to discuss it.

Apple wants $380 million. Our goal is to stay humble, said Apple VP Tony Blevins, as he took to the stand to tell the jury how wonderful smartphones are, and how magnificent it was that Apple's iPhone ranked #1. Now it's time to pay the piper, intones Apple attorney Harold McElhinny, glaring over the table at the dastards in the Samsung corner. We lost profits, goes Apple's argument, when Samsung brought out its patent-infringing devices, and "in a fair fight, that money should have gone to Apple," claims McElhinny.

Samsung, predictably, disagrees. Not over the infringing bit; Samsung accepts that it lost the argument there, over the five patents in question. But $380 million is a lot of money. So is $52 million, and Samsung would much rather pay that amount. "The people who bought Samsung phones," says Samsung attorney Bill Price, "chose Samsung because of the differences," and while Apple was injured by Samsung, asking for lost profits is a bit too much. Apple's asking for a windfall, he alleges, when Samsung itself only made $52 million on its phone sales. So Apple gets the money Samsung made, and everybody's happy. Right?

Not even close to right. This one will go on for a while, and probably be appealed, at Heaven knows what kind of expense. Just goes to show, kids: if you want to go to court, make sure you can afford, say, the $430 per hour [] rate that Apple's paying one of its star witnesses. Never mind the lawyer's fees.

Source: Ars Technica []



New member
Sep 3, 2008
I'm still confused how judges haven't slapped Apple for bein patent trolls of the highest order. They patent the stupidiest shit so they can sue their competitors to death.

Anyone remember the whole Apple patents the page turn? Its ridiculous that they've gotten away with it for so long.


Lord of the Salt
Mar 29, 2012
I still love how they sued the Mexican company ifone and lost because ifone existed long before the Iphone and apple had to pay them..... mmmmmmm that keeps me warm at night.

This whole thing is ridiculous, people that bought the samsung phone bought it because they didn't want the phone apple offered, not because of FUCKING SCREEN BOUNCE!

Anyone else disgusted by the advertising captcha? All it does is make me hate flo and progressive when their commercials come on TV.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
shintakie10 said:
I'm still confused how judges haven't slapped Apple for bein patent trolls of the highest order. They patent the stupidiest shit so they can sue their competitors to death.

Anyone remember the whole Apple patents the page turn? Its ridiculous that they've gotten with it for so long.
For real. If I'm not mistaken Apple basically patented all the stuff we do on computer interfaces already but now with a touch screen. I believe they literally have "using your finger to move an image past the threshold of the screen" also known as fucking moving patented


New member
Sep 3, 2008
PoolCleaningRobot said:
shintakie10 said:
I'm still confused how judges haven't slapped Apple for bein patent trolls of the highest order. They patent the stupidiest shit so they can sue their competitors to death.

Anyone remember the whole Apple patents the page turn? Its ridiculous that they've gotten with it for so long.
For real. If I'm not mistaken Apple basically patented all the stuff we do on computer interfaces already but now with a touch screen. I believe they literally have "using your finger to move an image past the threshold of the screen" also known as fucking moving patented
I thought that was someone suing Apple over that not the other way around.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
shintakie10 said:
PoolCleaningRobot said:
shintakie10 said:
I'm still confused how judges haven't slapped Apple for bein patent trolls of the highest order. They patent the stupidiest shit so they can sue their competitors to death.

Anyone remember the whole Apple patents the page turn? Its ridiculous that they've gotten with it for so long.
For real. If I'm not mistaken Apple basically patented all the stuff we do on computer interfaces already but now with a touch screen. I believe they literally have "using your finger to move an image past the threshold of the screen" also known as fucking moving patented
I thought that was someone suing Apple over that not the other way around.
Maybe I'm wrong then, but I'm too lazy to Google it


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Suing for lost profits is always a bullshit prospect. It works under the ridiculous idea that if Samsung didn't infringe, we all would have bought Apple products. Let me tell you, it's all lies. People have brand loyalty. There is nothing wrong with Apple's devices, by and large they are very good devices. But I wouldn't be caught dead paying the Apple tax like so many morons out there do. I use my Note tablet for digital art on the go, and Apple's iPads don't stand up to it. Just for the fact that they have a pretty good stylus, and it actually is great for productivity. Combine that with the open source nature of Android. Very few times have I been disappointed with my choice with Android. That said, Apple offers a lot to consumers and I can never blame anyone for choosing Apple. But it's a completely false belief that they lost money due to some sort of patent infringement... things that should not be patented even. That is probably my biggest gripe with Apple. I can't tell people who to spend their money, but you will get nothing but hate from me for being "entitled" to money that was never earned.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
I love it, Apple needs to piss off already. apple parts are made by samsung yet they have the nerv to sue ? lol Microsoft showed off "tablet pc" well over a decade ago and no one gave a shit. Apple shows off the iPad OMG SO ORIGINAL. The same Apple that sued over CURVED CORNERS on smart phones. They are petty.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Am I glad the wheel wasnt invented in the modern era, else we would have the one company sueing the other for using 'their' round wheel instead of a square one.

Patent laws need to be made inapplicable to obvious, natural forms that stem purely from the need for utility. Samsung made a rectangular phone because screens are made that way, because coat pockets are made that way and because its a convinent shape to handle.

Not because an evil, crafty Korean spy sneaked away in the middle of the night with diagrams of a rectangle, which poor Steve worked so hard to invent for the good of all mankind.

Judges, lawyers and witnesses arnt stupid. The later two just make waaaay too much money to stop, while the first has to indulge it because stupid, dated laws say so.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
ridiculous patent trolling, now applicable in courts.

next up: man looses the case after saving somone from suicide and is forced to kill the person.