Star Wars: Episode VII Will Use Fan Built R2-D2 Props


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Star Wars: Episode VII Will Use Fan Built R2-D2 Props

Lee Towersey and Oliver Steeples of the worldwide R2-D2 Builders Club have been hired to build droids for Star Wars: Episode VII.

We're going to go ahead and say that we never really doubted that R2-D2 was going to be in Star Wars: Episode VII. The character is arguably as big of a franchise icon as Yoda and Darth Vader and, with the Mark Hamill reprising his role, it only makes sense that his favorite droid (there's no way he liked C-3PO better) would show up as well.

Nonetheless, the Star Wars team has confirmed that the beloved astromech droid will be in the film and, happily, that the movie will be using actual props instead of CGI to represent it. Perhaps even cooler on the part of Lucasfilm is the fact that it will be commissioning the services of a team of fan droid builders to create the movie's R2 props. Lee Towersey and Oliver Steeples are both longtime fans of the movie and members of the worldwide R2-D2 Builders Club which creates film-accurate, fully functional replicas of the classic droid. It's a hobby that, according to the duo, caught the attention of Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy.

The two were apparently showing off their work at the Star Wars Celebration Europe event this past summer when they ran into to Kennedy, who was touring the area. "She posed for pictures with us, looked at all the droids we'd built and was very complimentary," said Steeples. "I mentioned that the R2-D2 Builders in the UK were available if required, as a semi-joke. When I was contacted to work on the film by [executive producer] Jason McGatlin, it was on her recommendation." Now, Steeples and Towersey are working full-time on droids for Episode VII. "It's a dream come true," said Steeples. "I hope I can live up to the expectations of the thousands of R2-D2 Builders around the world, let alone the millions of Star Wars fans."

Source: Star Wars



New member
Jan 18, 2013
Hopefully they give the little fella a matte finish so all of his scenes aren't destroyed by lens flare. It's nice of Disney to get fans in on the production, probably saves them a few quid too.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
CriticalMiss said:
Hopefully they give the little fella a matte finish so all of his scenes aren't destroyed by lens flare. It's nice of Disney to get fans in on the production, probably saves them a few quid too.
I think they will be properly paid, this is more about PR then about money. But hey, props instead of cgi and involving the fans sounds good to me.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
StewShearer said:
...has confirmed that the beloved astromech droid will be making will be in the film and, happily, that the movie will be...
Missing a word or have a few too many this time?

One of the many things the original had over the later 3 was the use of actual props over CGI. CGI does of course look gorgeous, but you look at it knowing that it's, well, CGI. It takes away as much magic as it adds.

Knowing the strafing of the Death Star by the X-Wing in Episode 4 was filmed on the back of a pickup in the car park made it far more special than knowing a couple hundred folk built Geonosis on a screen.


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Me55enger said:
StewShearer said:
...has confirmed that the beloved astromech droid will be making will be in the film and, happily, that the movie will be...
Missing a word or have a few too many this time?

One of the many things the original had over the later 3 was the use of actual props over CGI. CGI does of course look gorgeous, but you look at it knowing that it's, well, CGI. It takes away as much magic as it adds.

Knowing the strafing of the Death Star by the X-Wing in Episode 4 was filmed on the back of a pickup in the car park made it far more special than knowing a couple hundred folk built Geonosis on a screen.
A few too many. Clearly the Force wasn't with me on that one.

And I have to agree. Even if some of the older effects don't always look as technically good, I love the tangible feeling of them. Knowing there were actual miniatures and sets just makes me love the movies more.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
To tell you the truth, the more news comes out on this, the more I realize just how much I don't want to see more Star Wars movies. The original trilogy told all the story that needed telling. While they couldn't possibly fuck up as much as the prequels did, to go on at this point is pointless and self-indulgent. I think we really ought to just be satisfied with the story as it is and enjoy it for what it is. Adding more can only further dilute the series.

Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
I like how they are going with more practical effects and less CGI this time, I am approaching this the same way a mailman approaches a house with a dog outdoors; with fear and extreme caution.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
That R2-D2 prop actually looks pretty good. I know that people have their problems with Abrams, but I'm honestly willing to at least give him one shot at Episode 7.

I mean, after the Prequels and that Clone Wars movie (though the TV series was passable), the series can really only go up. I'm willing to deal with lens flares if he can make the series pretty good.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
RJ Dalton said:
To tell you the truth, the more news comes out on this, the more I realize just how much I don't want to see more Star Wars movies. The original trilogy told all the story that needed telling. While they couldn't possibly fuck up as much as the prequels did, to go on at this point is pointless and self-indulgent. I think we really ought to just be satisfied with the story as it is and enjoy it for what it is. Adding more can only further dilute the series.
If you've read any of the comics or books, played any of the videogames, watched any of the TV series and what have you... you'll understand that this film trilogy is only adding atop to a pile of content that reached its peak in what must have been the mid-to-late 90s. SO MANY GODDAMN COMIC BOOKS. HELP

There's nothing we can do at this point to stop there being more Star Wars. Best you can do is hope it doesn't suck. I mean, otherwise, you're 30 years too late to tell people to be more satisfied with what we got. I mean, arguably Empire Strikes Back went too far, the first Star Wars film being the only film in that series I'd genuinely call "flawless".