NYC Mayor Bloomberg Announces Massive Public WiFi Network


New member
Feb 17, 2011
NYC Mayor Bloomberg Announces Massive Public WiFi Network

New York City will soon boast America's largest outdoor WiFi network, providing coverage across 95 blocks as a public service.

A couple of years back, <a href=>the United Nations described the internet as a fundamental human right, encouraging countries to support as much unrestricted access as possible. To many it's a laughable concept, partly because electronics are still considered consumer privileges, and partly because <a href=>stable internet connections sound like a pipe dream. Still, the demand for publicly available internet isn't going anywhere, and since <a href=>it does help humanity solve insurmountable problems, it should become increasingly common. New York City moved towards this future when Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the construction of America's largest public WiFi network, covering a span of 95 city blocks.

The network itself is based in Harlem, stretching from 110th to 138th Streets in-between Frederick Douglass Boulevard and Madison Avenue. Once active, the network will serve 80,000 Harlem residents, 13,000 of whom are in public housing, plus tourists and local businesses in the area. WiFi access for the next five yeas is already funded by donations from the Furhman Family Foundation.

"Our new Harlem wireless network brings critical connectivity to residents and visitors," said Bloomberg, "giving them 24/7 access to everything from education materials for kids, to information about Harlem's rich history and attractions, to everyday needs like paying bills, checking library hours - or even just keeping tabs on the Knicks and Nets. In 2013 being successful requires being connected; thanks to the Fuhrman Family Foundation and the Mayor's Fund, we are wiring nearly 100 blocks in Harlem and giving 80,000 New Yorkers another tool for success."

The WiFi network will be rolled out in three phases, the first of which is currently underway. Internet access should be available for 110th to 120th Streets by the end of the year, while the remaining phases are scheduled for February and May respectively.

Source: <a href=>



Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Trying to save face and do something nice after your controversial defense of the stop and frisk policy? It is not going to work, mainly because I do not live in New York but partly as well because I would much rather be kissed.


Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
I feel sorry for the NYC tax payers right now.

I mean, so many businesses already offer free Wi-Fi to customers or visitors to their establishments, like Starbucks for example. It helps them promote their store by offering an incentive to get customers inside, while at the same time, offering a tangible benefit to going there. Something city wide like this will need to be massive if they expect any degree of speed with it, and will almost certainly be costly as a result.

This really just seems like a waste of money to me.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
This dude is a tool, after changing the law so he could have another term when the previous law prevented it, he got re-elected then changed the law AGAIN so it was back to the old way. That alone made me dislike the fucker.
And now, free Wi-Fi from a gub'ment source is not something I'd be up for. We have little 'net privacy as it is and I feel sorry for NYC users because their comings and goings will definitely be monitored since its a "public" meaning "government" run system. Also expect it to have load bearing issues, frequent downtimes and shit connection.


New member
Jan 2, 2013
He was the 10th richest person on the Forbes list around the time he got re-elected for his 3rd term. No one can stop anything he wants to do.

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
LifeCharacter said:
Chicago Ted said:
I feel sorry for the NYC tax payers right now.

I mean, so many businesses already offer free Wi-Fi to customers or visitors to their establishments, like Starbucks for example. It helps them promote their store by offering an incentive to get customers inside, while at the same time, offering a tangible benefit to going there. Something city wide like this will need to be massive if they expect any degree of speed with it, and will almost certainly be costly as a result.

This really just seems like a waste of money to me.
Well, businesses will have to rely on providing quality goods and services that are actually related to their business instead of attracting people just looking for Wi-Fi then won't they? Also, "WiFi access for the next five yeas is already funded by donations from the Furhman Family Foundation," meaning that it's a bunch of money donated by fundraisers for the sake of providing those who likely don't have internet with free internet. Turns out, giving people the internet in an age where the internet is incredibly important in people's lives is worth some money.
My mistake. I initially misread part of it. I thought it had meant that something had already been paid for like this privately by donation and this was now shifting to public funding.

Still am questioning how well it will work though. I mean, the population density of NYC is what again? Then again, I'm sure there are people who are far more knowledgeable about this than me who have a better idea of expected usage.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
from other posters i get the picture that this guy isnt a saint, but this thing he is doing now is a good thing. Universal internet acess is a goal we should all reach for. Though internet instability isnt a big problem, at least not here where our internet contracts have a clause for 99,99% availability (except for previuosly-announced manitenance) and you can sue and win (it has happened) for spotty internet. The result of this is i havent had my internet crash in 3 years now. its always available, always up to speed and working as intended.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
And Republicans decrying him as a socialist-nazi-communist America hating, Eagle devouring pinko begins in 3... ..2...

Wonder if mobile phone companies will try to sue for loss of buisness from data customers?


New member
May 28, 2013
SO the guy announces this massive project out of the blue, and knows he's gonna be gone in less than 3 weeks. Dick.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
The city I'm currently located in has citywide wifi network.

..I think.

I dunno, its pretty shit.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Giving wi-fi to the mass public as well as those that might not be able to afford it (not exactly the richest part of town) is a really cool thing, but since this will involve connecting a lot of private home computers to the same public network I expect there to be a hullabaloo when people start getting hacked etc..


New member
Mar 19, 2011
"Hey Dave! Check it out! My city has public wi-fi EVERYWHERE, and your's doesn't! Here, let me load Youtube! Suck it, Dave! Just one second. Any moment now. My phones loading like a boss, on my FREE PUBLIC WI-FI EVERYWHERE AT ALL TIMES. Yeah. It's awesome. Anyway. It's ah, having a slow day. Someone's watching porn, eh? Yeah. Dave? Dave, why are you making screeching noises?"

And so dial-up speeds return.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Strazdas said:
from other posters i get the picture that this guy isnt a saint, but this thing he is doing now is a good thing. Universal internet acess is a goal we should all reach for.
Not the way Bloomberg would likely implement it. Michael Bloomberg has been responsible for New York City's civil liberties getting slowly rolled back since his inauguration. It's not even just the racially biased implementation of "Stop and Frisk". There have been cases of NYPD officers spying on Muslim people simply for being Muslim. Outside of the city of New York. Smoking age has been recently raised to 21. He tried (and failed) to ban the Big Gulp.

Bloomberg is the last guy on the planet I'd trust with the idea of universal internet. Also, have fun with that tax increase :/


Fuzzy Cuddle Beast
Jan 3, 2011
Amazing. No, really, excellent. Truly. I mean, fuck food, clean water, childcare, health insurance, or decent and affordable housing, right? The biggest problem facing US citizens today is a lack of easily accessible high-speed internet! This is a great way to spend taxpayer dollars. Free porn for everyone! I am so glad I do not live in friggin' New York.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Harlem of all places? Isn't that one of the worst places in the entire world to live?



New member
Dec 5, 2013
I live in New York and think Bloomberg is a dick, but this is welcome news. Unfortunately, I live 6 blocks outside the wifi range in the third and final phase. Hamilton Heights needs more love from the city. :(

Billy D Williams

New member
Jul 8, 2013
Nothing like wasting taxpayer money on luxuries that citizens should just buy for themselves.

Sorry to break the news but the internet is not a necessity.