Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA V and Wii's Just Dance 2014 Top Amazon Holiday Sales


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Call of Duty: Ghosts, GTA V and Wii's Just Dance 2014 Top Amazon Holiday Sales

The online retailer also announced Xbox One and PS4 consoles were snapped up at a rate of 1,000 per minute during peak sales.

Amazon has tallied up the results of this past holiday buying season, and the top games sold during that time come out to Xbox 360's Grand Theft Auto V, Xbox 360's Call of Duty: Ghosts and, surprisingly, the Wii's Just Dance 2014. GTA V's presence comes as no surprise, considering the <a href=>absolute killing it made during its launch.

The inclusion of Ghosts shouldn't be too shocking considering the widespread appeal of Call of Duty. It's worth pointing out, though, that some analysts <a href=> viewed its performance as troubling given that it didn't top holiday sales of last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops II. And as for Just Dance 2014, well, there are still a lot of Wiis out there and apparently enough interest left in the music genre to make it a holiday seller. Amazon did not include exact sales numbers for the three games in its press release.

Amazon also included notes on Xbox One and PS4 figures leading up to the holidays. At the peak of sales for both consoles, customers bought more than 1,000 units per minute. Among the other stats released by Amazon include sales figures for Cyber Monday, when customers ordered more than 36.8 million items worldwide, which clocks in at an Amazon record of 426 items per second.

Source: <a href=>Amazon Press Release via <a href=>Polygon



New member
Nov 23, 2008
*groan* I hate these...because this is the data that investors get fed. And then no one wants to make anything original because it's too risky. And then eeuuugghh STOP BUYING CALL OF DUTY AND JUST DANCE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SACRED.

I want to smack every Man, Woman and child who puts that gamebox on the counter top of GAME ...with the game box.

Yeah yeah, I know. Don't go ravenously quoting me. I know to each their own but my god. We need a separate market for these time wasters... I really feel for the devs who have to make those games I really do. It must be soul destroying.
One one hand these games really inflate the industry with money... on the other hand all that money goes to remaking the game again to sell... again.

I wish there were ...patches for each minor incremental change to these games...since then they'd fall into irrelevancy on their own. But no...every boxed release is a circus of money thrown around only to discover that it's in-fact the same game remixed and repackaged and then sold to you... again.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
Charli said:
*groan* I hate these...because this is the data that investors get fed. And then no one wants to make anything original because it's too risky. And then eeuuugghh STOP BUYING CALL OF DUTY AND JUST DANCE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SACRED.

I want to smack every Man, Woman and child who puts that gamebox on the counter top of GAME ...with the game box.

Yeah yeah, I know. Don't go ravenously quoting me. I know to each their own but my god. We need a separate market for these time wasters... I really feel for the devs who have to make those games I really do. It must be soul destroying.
One one hand these games really inflate the industry with money... on the other hand all that money goes to remaking the game again to sell... again.

I wish there were ...patches for each minor incremental change to these games...since then they'd fall into irrelevancy on their own. But no...every boxed release is a circus of money thrown around only to discover that it's in-fact the same game remixed and repackaged and then sold to you... again.
Sales are still down on Cod. 19% from BlopsII to Ghosts and 36% from MW3 to Ghosts. So Cod has lost more than a third of it's main audience in 2 years.

We hope this trend continues.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Charli said:
I want to smack every Man, Woman and child who puts that gamebox on the counter top of GAME ...with the game box.
I'm not sure the catharsis would be worth the repetition injury. And possibly fatigue.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
vallorn said:
Charli said:
*groan* I hate these...because this is the data that investors get fed. And then no one wants to make anything original because it's too risky. And then eeuuugghh STOP BUYING CALL OF DUTY AND JUST DANCE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS SACRED.

I want to smack every Man, Woman and child who puts that gamebox on the counter top of GAME ...with the game box.

Yeah yeah, I know. Don't go ravenously quoting me. I know to each their own but my god. We need a separate market for these time wasters... I really feel for the devs who have to make those games I really do. It must be soul destroying.
One one hand these games really inflate the industry with money... on the other hand all that money goes to remaking the game again to sell... again.

I wish there were ...patches for each minor incremental change to these games...since then they'd fall into irrelevancy on their own. But no...every boxed release is a circus of money thrown around only to discover that it's in-fact the same game remixed and repackaged and then sold to you... again.
Sales are still down on Cod. 19% from BlopsII to Ghosts and 36% from MW3 to Ghosts. So Cod has lost more than a third of it's main audience in 2 years.

We hope this trend continues.
What about the fans of those games? Should they just leave gaming? Is that a reasonable request?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Zachary Amaranth said:
Charli said:
I want to smack every Man, Woman and child who puts that gamebox on the counter top of GAME ...with the game box.
I'm not sure the catharsis would be worth the repetition injury. And possibly fatigue.
I know I know. It would be like eating a 1kg bar of chocolate. Fantasy shall remain fantasy.

Racecarlock said:

What about the fans of those games? Should they just leave gaming? Is that a reasonable request?
Missed the point entirely. The exasperation stems from the creative stranglehold these games keep on the rest of gaming. I'd never want them to disappear, I'd rather though that the fans of these games keep in mind that there's so much more to experience out there, and try to leave their comfort zones now and then.

Hell I love me some dancing now and then, but I'm frequently hyper aware that every inflated sales chart of a particular genre prevents a new and even better idea from flourishing because the money goes there. Comprehend?

All gaming has a place, from casual to hardcore, from fps to indie click-a-thon but there are those who drive it in all the wrong places for business gains, and I think these kinds of games are prime culprits. It IS the same game repackaged over and over.

And it's sad, there's more out there. Hype driven down for these games is good.
Hell I LOVE the final fantasy series, but I'm happy it's been losing money, because that's when creativity and imagination is forced to work again.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Charli said:
I know I know. It would be like eating a 1kg bar of chocolate. Fantasy shall remain fantasy.
Both have their appeal.

Racecarlock said:
What about the fans of those games? Should they just leave gaming? Is that a reasonable request?
If the sales are down, they probably are leaving gaming. Should we demand they stay?


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
Not gonna lie though, as cheap as it sounds, Just Dances is actually a pretty damn fun title. Well made too, with above average asthetics. Purely for the party and active folks though, but for those who like to dance, it really is a damn good game.

But the Wii's Just Dance? That surprises me. I could've sworn that JD 2014 was a Wii U title.