Capcom Has No Plans For Dead Rising Patch

Shawn Andrich

New member
Aug 4, 2006
Capcom Has No Plans For Dead Rising Patch

While Capcom acknowledges that the text in Dead Rising is too small for non-HD televisions, they do not intend to issue a patch for the game.

Despite complaints [] from gamers lacking high definition televisions, Capcom has told 1Up [] that they do not plan to issue a patch for the Xbox 360 game. "Due to the amount of text and the size of the patch necessary to change the text, a patch isn't possible for this issue," said a representative from the company.

Gamers with standard televisions appear to be out of luck as the small text is not augmented by voice acting of any kind. "I find myself leaping up from the couch and pressing my nose against the glass to try to read the text displayed in Dead Rising," said Russ Pitts, assosiate editor for the Escapist. "And I still can't read most of it. I have no idea what I'm missing, but I'm sure it's important."

Another popular Xbox 360 title, Saints Row, already has a patch [] in the works to fix a number of issues.


Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
This make Fletch want to smash. Although being quoted is nice. Still ... SMASH.

Finished the game, BTW. Final verdict: worth every penny, ironically.


New member
Jul 14, 2006
LordCancer said:
im more oppossed to supporting certain japanese companies ive comes to despise like capcom and konami, dead rising does look interesting but i thought that about resident evil and silent hill and more often then not i havent enjoyed games from either company.
Oh please tell me you bought, or at least played, resident evil 4. That is one game that nobody should miss.


New member
Jul 14, 2006
You know it was at that point, when you start being able to upgrade stuff and get your first taste of the sniper rifle, that I fell in love with the game and forgave it for its sometimes frustrating control scheme, which is actually so far improved over the old RE games that it only really seems archaic if you compare it to newer FPS controls.

I guess it comes down to taste, but I truly felt (along with many others it seems) that RE4 was about as good as a survival horror game could get. Its a shame you couldn't get the same enjoyment from your purchase, but I will more than happily join you in a boycott if capcom ever tries to make a twitch shooter with the same controls.


New member
Jul 14, 2006
stay far away from resident evil zero.
As much as I loved the remake of the original, zero was laughable.

I was playing it with a mate and we were quite amused by the ridiculous amount of mutated animals we were coming across. At one point he said "whats next? monkeys?" and then about 5 minutes later there was a cut scene of the main bad-guy opening a whole pile of monkey cages so they would come and get us. We switched it off. Haven't played it since.

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Agreed. I liked RE4 but Zero made Fletch want to SMASH. I think I played it for five minutes total.

Shannon Drake

New member
Jul 11, 2006
You know, the text issue reminds me of Killer 7 (which I had to stop playing because the tutorial text was too small to read and the game is bizarre enough that's it'd be way too difficult to figure out on your own), another Capcom game. Maybe Capcom just doesn't like people with poor eyesight.


New member
Jul 12, 2006
Fletcher said:
This make Fletch want to smash. Although being quoted is nice. Still ... SMASH.
Fletcher said:
Agreed. I liked RE4 but Zero made Fletch want to SMASH.
My spider-sense is tingling: I think I may be seeing a trend here.