Company Sells 3D Print Models of Unborn Fetuses for $600


New member
Jun 1, 2009
Company Sells 3D Print Models of Unborn Fetuses for $600

"Your 3D Baby will be a treasured family remembrance of your pregnancy and new baby," claims company 3D Babies.

Having a baby changes people, this is true, but you would hope there are certain boundaries we would still know not to cross. Getting an ultrasound of your unborn child? Heartwarming. Spending several hundred dollars on a realistic, 3D printed model to cradle before the kid is even born? That's...a little more extreme.

Company 3D Babies, however, is convinced that people are going to want such a service now that 3D printers are all the rage. For $600, they will take an ultrasound and turn that image of your soon-to-be bundle of joy into a life-sized fetal sculpture that can be used later to terrify the youngin' during their formative years and scare away any dates they bring home during high school.

For the more budget-minded connoisseurs of fetal sculptures, 3D Babies also offers mini baby models for $200 and half-size baby models for $400. And for those of you who think having a model of your own child is just too humdrum, 3D Babies also sells a miniature model of North West - as in the infant daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian - for a mere $250. Because if you're the kind of person to drop several hundred bucks on a fetus model, why stop at just your own kid?

Source: <a href=>3D Babies via <a href=>Fast Company



New member
Jan 25, 2011
what I don't understand (other than the outwardly creepiness of this,) is how they are able to make a 3d model of an ultrasound which from what I remember just gives you a 2d depiction of the fetus.

Kurai Angelo

New member
Oct 12, 2009
The only thing I have taken away from this article is the new found knowledge that Kanye West's daughter is called North West... I don't even.

kat-pottz said:
what I don't understand (other than the outwardly creepiness of this,) is how they are able to make a 3d model of an ultrasound which from what I remember just gives you a 2d depiction of the fetus.
Ultrasounds can perform a lot of different types of scans, 3D and "4D" included.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
If this is successful at all then I can only assume being pregnant makes people, very stupid and creepy.


New member
Dec 6, 2013
Am I the only one who finds it more creepy than adorable? Even it is your own kid, I could not imagine buying a lifeless plastic doll depicting it in its fetus state.

kat-pottz said:
what I don't understand (other than the outwardly creepiness of this,) is how they are able to make a 3d model of an ultrasound which from what I remember just gives you a 2d depiction of the fetus.
Waves are sent at different angles, inteference pattern then is converted into a 3d model by computer software.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
BlameTheWizards said:
And for those of you who think having a model of your own child is just too humdrum, 3D Babies also sells a miniature model of North West - as in the infant daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian - for a mere $250
It was just pretty creepy until I read this part. Now it's truly terrifying.

Tortilla the Hun

Decidedly on the Fence
May 7, 2011
I think this is the point where, beyond my expectations, one can safely say science has gone too far.

Really though, it does seem like a bit...too much.


Reprogrammed Spambot
Nov 24, 2012
Think about the horror house possibilities! Instead of actual fetuses in a jar, we can now have fake ones! It's a much more sanitary option, no formaldehyde needed. Why restrict this technology to human fetuses when you can have 3D-printed livestock fetuses? Pig fetuses, cow fetuses, goat fetuses, horse fetuses, all 3D printable.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Well, that's fucking disturbing.

"Look son, this is you when you weren't quite finished!"


Mar 3, 2013
Nokturos said:
Well, that's fucking disturbing.

"Look son, this is you when you weren't quite finished!"
Still not as disturbing as anothjer possibility.

"This would have been your sister."

Isn't North a boys name?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Worgen said:
If this is successful at all then I can only assume being pregnant makes people, very stupid and creepy.
You might be surprised at how very stupid and creepy parents can be anyway. I realize it can be a gray area for most, but in my book saving human parts like umbilical tissue or foreskin crosses the crazy-line.

Part of me sees this as totally morbid, like there has got to be some biological trigger in a person's brain that makes seeing a fetus outside the body repulsive, much like unconscious brain triggers affect how we see others as being diseased or healthy. Another angle I'm wondering about is anti-abortion activists using this as a means to promote their viewpoint. Not sure how, but if there's a way they'd eventually find it.

For my part the creep factor is upwards of 9/10 on this one. It just seems wrong. Can't imagine a person doing this and them losing the pregnancy. It's never easy, but a keepsake like this might make it that much harder.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
The fetus in that picture doesn't look real at all. Looks like an adults face on a tiny body...


New member
Dec 5, 2008
That is a terrible, terrible idea. What if something goes wrong during the pregnancy? Are you going to want to have this plastic model around to forever remind you of your loss?


Dec 24, 2011
WHY?! We pretty much all look the same as fetuses, there's barely any distinct features yet, and we don't look particularly cute either, at least in my opinion.

On top of that, anyone who's seen an ultrasound would know that they're hardly crystal clear images, meaning the creators of the 3D model are going to fill in a lot of blanks themselves. So basically what you're getting is an artists representation of what you're incredibly generic looking baby might look like. 600 dollars well spent.

michael87cn said:
The fetus in that picture doesn't look real at all. Looks like an adults face on a tiny body...
Agreed, it's face is gigantic relative to it's head, they were probably trying to make it look cuter and less like an alien (supporting my point about this being an artist rendition, and not even a good one) but that's not the way fetuses, or even young children, look. The fact that it's smiling also wreaks of embellishment, I don't think I've ever seen a baby smile quite that distinctly. Again why bother if it's not even going to be accurate?