Microsoft Renames SkyDrive To OneDrive After Trademark Dispute

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Microsoft Renames SkyDrive To OneDrive After Trademark Dispute

A trademark dispute with U.K. corporation BSkyB has forced Microsoft to rename its SkyDrive cloud storage service to OneDrive.

It's still called SkyDrive for now, but Microsoft's cloud storage service will soon be sporting a different name thanks to a June 2013 decision by a U.K. judge, who ruled that the name has caused confusion with British broadcaster BSkyB. Microsoft originally said it would appeal the ruling but then in August 2013 agreed to change the name of the service.

That name, as announced by Microsoft Consumer App and Service General Manager Ryan Gavin, is OneDrive. "Why OneDrive? We know that increasingly you will have many devices in your life, but you really want only one place for your most important stuff," he wrote in a OneDrive blog post. "One place for all of your photos and videos. One place for all of your documents. One place that is seamlessly connected across all the devices you use. You want OneDrive for everything in your life."

The new name also meshes better with Microsoft's Xbox One console, which uses the service for a variety of functions like storing screenshots and gameplay videos. OneDrive will continue to operate as it always has for existing SkyDrive users, and access to content won't be affected. The "new" OneDrive will be rolled out soon.

Sources: OneDrive Blog []


Steve the Pocket

New member
Mar 30, 2009
How long has this case been tied up in court? SkyDrive has been around for over five years now. Just goes to show America's not the only country with too many lawsuits and not enough judges.

Also, if they can be sued just over the use of the word "sky", how much you wanna bet there's already a line of people ready to claim to own the word "one"?


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Does this also mean Skype (also owned by Microsoft) will be getting the same treatment too by bskyb. Damn it Sky, don't make me side with Mircosoft after all of the crap they have been doing last year. Now you yourself are just turning into more of a douche with your added on extra of subscriptions of any HD in movie and sport form... but then again you do show shows that BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and 5 are too too lazy to pick up.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Steve the Pocket said:
How long has this case been tied up in court? SkyDrive has been around for over five years now. Just goes to show America's not the only country with too many lawsuits and not enough judges.

Also, if they can be sued just over the use of the word "sky", how much you wanna bet there's already a line of people ready to claim to own the word "one"?
The problem comes from the fact that Sky is the operating name of the company. There prime business is selling satellite TV channels but they are also an ISP. Its not unreasonable to assume that the producers of the channels all with Sky in their titles could be offering and online storage facility via their ISP. Sky One, Sky sports, Sky movies, and Skydrive.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
To the surprise of no one, it turns out that the title is wrong and actually it was a trademark dispute according to your own source.

You can only copyright your own creations, not common words like "sky", trademarks are for that.

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Alterego-X said:
To the surprise of no one, it turns out that the title is wrong and actually it was a trademark dispute.

You can only copyright your own creations, not common words like "sky", trademarks are for that.
This is of course correct, and the post has been updated accordingly.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
deleted, reread the quote and its a bit different than I assumed, ignore this post.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
inb4 OneDirection sues them.

I actively avoided SkyDrive before, so I wouldn't have noticed.


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
Meh I'll never touch it anyway, Overdrive is hosted on Microsoft servers in the US, who's privacy laws are next to non existent and not upto most other nations standards, there's no way I'd trust my data in their hands.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
skydrive is not where you keep your important stuff. skydrive is where i dump the least important items of the 3 cloud storages i use (dropbox as primary, google drive as deep backup storage an skydrive as crap storage, mostly short term)

funnily enough, i just downlaoded a file from my skydrive and its still called skydrive everywhere so nothing has changed so far from a user perspective.
still, onedrive jsut sounds silly. i guess they really are trying to sell us on the "Everything is one" idea.

though admittedly ints interesting how at one point they actually was the largest free data storage (before google jumped the gun to 15 GB). and the good thing is - there is no size limit, i can upload a single 5 GB rar and download it at work and the other way around. Meanwhile googledrive told me to piss off once the file size went above 2 GB.


King over my mind
Mar 29, 2011
OneDrive sounds ominous and oppressing for some reason. Might be me making a random connection to the One Ring.