Tropico 5 to Receive PS4 Release


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Tropico 5 to Receive PS4 Release

PlayStation fans will be able to rule the land as El Presidente thanks to a newly announced PS4 version of Tropico 5.

Kalyso Media, the publisher behind Tropico 5, has revealed that fans will have another platform to play the next entry in the long running series of Cold War-themed city builders. The game, which had already been confirmed for release on PC, Linux, Mac and Xbox 360, will also be coming out on PlayStation 4.

"We are delighted to be able to work with Sony to bring Tropico 5 to PlayStation 4 and enter the next generation market," said Kalypso UK's managing director, Andrew Johnson. "The PlayStation 4 version of Tropico 5 will expand the Tropico brand to the new generation hardware and to a new generation of gamers."

As with previous games, Tropico 5 will drop players into the role of El Presidente, the leader of the island nation of Tropico. The twist in the new game is that the experience will begin during colonial times and follow the nation as it develops through the ages and adapts to the changing world. While the PS4 version will certainly be an exciting addition to the game's release plans, it's worth noting that Kalypso's announcement includes no mention of any planned Xbox One edition. It will be curious to see if one eventually surfaces or if Tropico 5 will remain a last generation experience for Xbox fans.


Alexander Kirby

New member
Mar 29, 2011
I'm glad they're able to expand to other markets, but still... of all the games I wouldn't want to play with a controller...


Apr 28, 2008
I'm curious as to how they're going to control the game; I think Tropico is totally doable with a controller, but things would be a lot slower. You'll also probably lose some building placement precision. The hardest part is going to be finding a good way to install building upgrades on the console that doesn't take the user like 30 seconds to do.

That said, (and this is coming from someone who loves the Tropico games) the UI isn't great even on PC. I hope they took a look at it for Tropico 5!


New member
Jan 18, 2013
Weaver said:
I'm curious as to how they're going to control the game; but I think Tropico is totally doable with a controller, but things would be a lot slower. You'll also probably lose some building placement precision.
Would the trackpad thing on the PS4 controller improve the precision at all? Use the sticks for a rough positioning and then use the touch bit for small adjustments?


Apr 28, 2008
CriticalMiss said:
Weaver said:
I'm curious as to how they're going to control the game; but I think Tropico is totally doable with a controller, but things would be a lot slower. You'll also probably lose some building placement precision.
Would the trackpad thing on the PS4 controller improve the precision at all? Use the sticks for a rough positioning and then use the touch bit for small adjustments?
Yeah that could be! Honestly, if they just had a button for "fine adjustment" or something that just very slightly adjusts a building's position that would probably work totally fine with a thumbstick. It's only an issue because Tropico is... well, it's kind of a picky princess when it comes to where you can place things (especially say, when hills are involved). So you'll see your building placement turn green for a moment so you know it CAN be placed there then you kind of fiddle it around that area to find the one solitary alignment the game deems okay. Fisheries can be kind of a pain too as you want them to be both on the water and land so you can attach a road to them.

That said, if they actually just fixed this part of the game or allowed a grid mode for placement (something I'd like even on PC) that could solve lots of problems. There are lots of auxillary things like that they could/fix with the game do to make the controller a perfectly fine option. I guess we'll have to see!

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
A strategy game... on a console...

Wait, sorry, I will need a moment.

[small]*intense debunking* Strategy -> console, strategy =/= console, therefore, strategy > console [/small]

Using my newly purchased TronBunk kit, I can safely conclude that this is a horrible idea!

Because the game will either end up ridiculously dumbed down, or will refuse to function properly on a console.


Ate My Neighbors
Oct 10, 2007
One of the Tropico games was on the 360 a few years back. It was how I was introduced to the series in fact. I tried the demo, hated the controls, and didn't give the franchise a second chance until a couple of years later when STEAM had a sale on one of them.

Love the series now. The games are fun. But I can't see it being any better on PS4 than it was on 360 a few years back. I am not one of those PC elitist types, truly I'm not. But when it comes to strategy games I'll stick to the PC.

Johnny Wishbone

New member
Aug 17, 2011
I regularily play Tropico 4 on my 360. While I'm not going to say the controls are great using a gamepad vs keyboard/mouse, it's not as tragically dreadful as everyone likes to think. Basically, you pretty much have to use the pause time function to do any building, etc. I have a heck of a lot of fun with the game and actually found it to be pretty easy. The only downside I've encountered so far is that they capped the island population on the console version to 550 people due to hardware constraints. Somewhere around 475 people, you start to notice lag and when you hit 550 the game (on the 360) pretty much grinds to a halt. This forces you to keep an eye on immigration and population control, but also prevents you from building out many of the islands. Even on the smallest islands, you only need about half the available land area to build a society that maxes out the population.


New member
Mar 22, 2010
I'll just leave these here:

I've played using both in the past on both a 360 controller and PS3 one (also mouse because duhh), and I can say I've had no problems with the simplistic control method of the command wheel, granted these two versions of the wheel are out of date by 5-6 years now and could use an update but they would still work well for games like Tropico.

And now I wait for the typical rebuttal replies to this post even though I know full well how to play strat games with their native control method but was merely pointing out an already existent option that's been around for last gen consoles and still has a use.

Or you know let's go with the most topical excuse and ask if we can plug in a keyboard and mouse and never bother to invent another control scheme ever again because fuck all kinds of duck.

Did I mention I'm waiting for the obvious people to quote me, because I kinda am and I most likely won't reply because yall should read what's written above.



New member
Feb 1, 2013
Shadow-Phoenix said:
And now I wait for the typical rebuttal replies to this post even though I know full well how to play strat games with their native control method but was merely pointing out an already existent option that's been around for last gen consoles and still has a use.
i don't think Tropico can be compared to other strat games like red alert

red alert gets away with it because they have a minimal amount of buildings, one set of normal buildings, one set of defence and then you got troops, etc

but for Tropico you have farms, industry, entertainment, etc, etc

far too many building choices for a single controller, of course i could be wrong and it'd be interesting to see how they can fit all the buildings in (assuming they don't cut content)

i just hope they've taken the fans suggestions on improving the game, Tropico 4 was pretty much nearly perfect although had some seriously issues regarding traffic, etc