X-Files Creator Chris Carter's The After Shows The Moment Civilization Dies

Michael Epstein

New member
Sep 9, 2013
X-Files Creator Chris Carter's The After Shows The Moment Civilization Dies

Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end? This might give you a pretty good idea.

Where will you be when you realize that the world, as we know it, has completely fallen apart? Based, on the trailer for the pilot of The After, a new Amazon Studios series written and directed by The X-Files Chris Carter, you probably won't realize it until after everything's already gone to hell.

The brief trailer shows a Los Angeles street crowded with meandering people who have abandoned their cars in the wake of an unknown world-staggering crisis. As it comes to light that the city's power is down and the police are no longer organized, an explosion triggers a human stampede, like a starting gun signaling the start of the apocalypse.

Amazon Studios announced The After back in October as one of two shows that will mark the service's first foray into producing serial dramas. To date, Amazon's original programming has been relegated to comedies and children's shows, few of which have garnered the success of Netflix' shows. At that time Carter said the series "explores human frailty, possibility, terror, and the triumph of the human spirit."

Amazon Studios determines which shows to produce by releasing their pilots on Amazon's streaming service. The show will debut as part of Amazon's second wave of pilots, which will be available later this year.

Source: Entertainment Weekly [http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/02/03/the-after-first-chris-carter/]



New member
Nov 2, 2007
I know they like to keep us in the dark, but it would be nice to get any inkling what that disaster is supposed to be about. That explosion and the stampede appear to have been the result of an accident between the helicopters, rather than an attack or whatever. And what exactly did the cop mean with "people affected"? Affected by the blackout? I have to say this trailer is lacking a hook for my taste. Sure, mystery is interesting, but it didn't seem like there's much of a mystery there, which was probably not the intention behind the trailer. Compare this to Jericho, which started out confusing and basically with a blackout, too, but the big hook came in the form of the mushroom cloud. This trailer doesn't seem to have something like that.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Why do people like these depressing end of the world scenarios so much? Is it a reflection of some kind of mass depression in society? If so, this is a pretty weak way of dealing with it. Screw that, it's taking advantage of it.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Adam Jensen said:
Why do people like these depressing end of the world scenarios so much? Is it a reflection of some kind of mass depression in society? If so, this is a pretty weak way of dealing with it. Screw that, it's taking advantage of it.
Well, since everyone is so bloody cynical about things, and the fact that we live in an age with no real driving motivation behind it (kind of like the 90's, except culture is even more vacuous) feels like we are getting close to an end-of-the-world scenario.

Also, there is some kind of misanthropy in all of us, shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones are testament to the fact that we want to make ourselves feel bad, and watch other people feel bad too.

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
Why would the end of the world cause helicopter pilots to fly into each other? Did their brains shut down too?


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Akichi Daikashima said:
Adam Jensen said:
Why do people like these depressing end of the world scenarios so much? Is it a reflection of some kind of mass depression in society? If so, this is a pretty weak way of dealing with it. Screw that, it's taking advantage of it.
Well, since everyone is so bloody cynical about things, and the fact that we live in an age with no real driving motivation behind it (kind of like the 90's, except culture is even more vacuous) feels like we are getting close to an end-of-the-world scenario.

Also, there is some kind of misanthropy in all of us, shows like Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones are testament to the fact that we want to make ourselves feel bad, and watch other people feel bad too.
I'd say not that long ago most everyone was preaching the detachment from disillusionment that media often portrayed as its "happy-go-lucky" nonsense that often didn't reflect with reality and fueled extreme cases of escapism. I don't necessarily agree with that viewpoint, but it's certainly one I (at least vaguely) remember being brought up when addressing TV/Film/etc. On top of that that's incredibly generalized, because at any point in time there are many ends of the spectrum which don't reflect back on the whole.

Also, Game of Thrones isn't all sad! I mean, sure the king is an incompetent adolescent and the lands are in some serious civil war shit, but heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey

At least they have each other!

Oh yeah, topic. Uh. Yeah... That's a video that has an explosion in it and I totally watched it.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Uh, what? Why did douchebag helicopter run into another helicopter? Was it piloted by Scumbag Steve? Was the pilot drunk? What was the banging noise, and why would it crack car windows? Are ALL forms of communication out? Wasn't the internet initially created for this kind of scenario? What about radio and cell phones? We need answers!

Also, this is pretty much how Atlanta responded to two inches of snow last weak.


New member
Oct 19, 2013
Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end?
Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end with bad acting and a mediocre budget?


In a galaxy far, far away...
Mar 28, 2009
roski said:
Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end?
Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end with bad acting and a mediocre budget?
More like "Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end with bad acting and a mediocre budget?"

Not any more.

Fox12 said:
Uh, what? Why did douchebag helicopter run into another helicopter? Was it piloted by Scumbag Steve? Was the pilot drunk? What was the banging noise, and why would it crack car windows? Are ALL forms of communication out? Wasn't the internet initially created for this kind of scenario? What about radio and cell phones? We need answers!

Also, this is pretty much how Atlanta responded to two inches of snow last weak.
I know Crazy Steve isn't the best pilot, but he would have to be a particularly special brand of drunk to somehow be able to both pilot the helicopter competently enough to avoid buildings and wind shear, but still be skilled enough to ram strait into the other copter.

As far as communication being completely out... why, of course! Nobody in a city of millions has a solar powered AM receiver, and nobody would have generators and ham radios! Why, that would be silly!


Jan 10, 2009
So Jericho, except in LA? So the Happening, except with worse actors? Basically Sharknado?


New member
Jun 8, 2011
Yozozo said:
roski said:
Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end?
Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end with bad acting and a mediocre budget?
More like "Ever wonder what it's like to realize the world is coming to an end with bad acting and a mediocre budget?"

Not any more.

Fox12 said:
Uh, what? Why did douchebag helicopter run into another helicopter? Was it piloted by Scumbag Steve? Was the pilot drunk? What was the banging noise, and why would it crack car windows? Are ALL forms of communication out? Wasn't the internet initially created for this kind of scenario? What about radio and cell phones? We need answers!

Also, this is pretty much how Atlanta responded to two inches of snow last weak.
I know Crazy Steve isn't the best pilot, but he would have to be a particularly special brand of drunk to somehow be able to both pilot the helicopter competently enough to avoid buildings and wind shear, but still be skilled enough to ram strait into the other copter.

As far as communication being completely out... why, of course! Nobody in a city of millions has a solar powered AM receiver, and nobody would have generators and ham radios! Why, that would be silly!
And if this is supposedly two days into the disaster and power is out, why are people milling about downtown in a commercial district? Why are the city buses still there?

Isn't there a series of back up communications in case of wide spread civil disaster? My Dad works for the National Guard Civil Support team, they have at least two trucks absolutely loaded with every communication method used in this modern age.

Hell the internet began as a communications system capable of surviving a nuclear attack due to its distributed nature.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Adam Jensen said:
Why do people like these depressing end of the world scenarios so much? Is it a reflection of some kind of mass depression in society? If so, this is a pretty weak way of dealing with it. Screw that, it's taking advantage of it.
why do people read horror books, play horror games? why do people praise war movies where the main thing shown is people gettign shot?
the answer is simple - fear. These things reflect our own fear, and thats why its so attractive. fear is something we dont udnerstand, and by watching movies about our fears we can pretend to understand it better, and thus are attracted to it. This is the same reason religiuos cults are so popular - the fear or death is very strong in us.

Yozozo said:
As far as communication being completely out... why, of course! Nobody in a city of millions has a solar powered AM receiver, and nobody would have generators and ham radios! Why, that would be silly!
you are mixing up communication with electricity. if communication is out no AM receiver (seriously, there still are people that have those in cities anyway?) would help, nor would HAM radios. not sure how generators would help with communcation either.

PuckFuppet said:
So Jericho, except in LA? So the Happening, except with worse actors? Basically Sharknado?
Jericho in LA? awesome
The Happening with worse actors? how is this possible/
Sharknado? id fap to that.

DustyLion said:
Hell the internet began as a communications system capable of surviving a nuclear attack due to its distributed nature.
part of the reason why your internet sucks. you put it in the way it needs to survive a nuclear blast, but it doesnt work when in need of high speed communication. once you start using that it no longer is immune to that.
Besides, if communication is out then communication is out. were talking supernatural worldwide signal dampening here. your truck with backup hardware is useless.