Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Review - Episode 13: T.R.A.C.K.S.


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Dec 31, 2008
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Review - Episode 13: T.R.A.C.K.S.

This is good television ? it?s just not the weekly dose of Marvel Universe worldbuilding awesome-sauce that it keeps acting like it?s just about to be.

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Mr. Q

New member
Apr 30, 2013
I'm on the same boat as you, Bob. I can understand not wanting to dump so much world building that it leaves out the main characters, but they can try to toss us a couple more bones. Still, the episode was one of the better episodes of this season imo. Just wish we didn't have to take another long-ass break for the next episode. -_-


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Ah, so the Olympics is the reason for the month gap. I was beginning to think their schedule was set by a monkey or something.

OT: I can't have been the only person to have seen the cyber-leg coming. If they hadn't included shots of Peterson in the recap it might have surprised me.


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
They had to know that the Olympics were an inevitable delay so the next 4 episodes are lead up to The Winter Soldier, and the last 5 would be post, maybe? I'm expecting Shield to be decimated from the movie, but I has half expecting the series to be nearly done before Cap aired, and a second season to cover the aftermath with maybe the finally touching on the effects of The Winter Soldier.
Jan 12, 2012
medv4380 said:
They had to know that the Olympics were an inevitable delay so the next 4 episodes are lead up to The Winter Soldier, and the last 5 would be post, maybe? I'm expecting Shield to be decimated from the movie, but I has half expecting the series to be nearly done before Cap aired, and a second season to cover the aftermath with maybe the finally touching on the effects of The Winter Soldier.
I don't think they're going to put the movie's continuity in the middle of the season; It would make more sense to deal with this Quinn/Clairvoyant arc and start next season with the aftermath, as that gives more time for the Agents audience to see the movie and prevents the show from being permanent second-fiddle to the movies. They'll probably tie Cybertek in with the Winter Soldier's arm, though.

OT: I didn't like the supposed love-triangle developing either; can't there be just one TV relationship that falls apart because of the people involved, instead of contrived circumstances?

Also, I didn't think that Ward was angry at Coulson for the shooting; I thought he was angry at Sky for being too gung-ho and getting herself shot.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
medv4380 said:
They had to know that the Olympics were an inevitable delay so the next 4 episodes are lead up to The Winter Soldier, and the last 5 would be post, maybe? I'm expecting Shield to be decimated from the movie, but I has half expecting the series to be nearly done before Cap aired, and a second season to cover the aftermath with maybe the finally touching on the effects of The Winter Soldier.
The thing is, there are 22 episodes in Season 1, so that wouldn't really be possible. It appears like the aftermath would be covered within this same season, in reality.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Thunderous Cacophony said:
OT: I didn't like the supposed love-triangle developing either; can't there be just one TV relationship that falls apart because of the people involved, instead of contrived circumstances?
It could still happen I think. My view of the event isn't that Wade is worried about another man, he's annoyed that Coulson has an emotional connection to May that he can't have since she's doing everything in her power to keep them as strict "snuggle" buddies. I mean May brushed him off when he expressed concern over her injuries, but she let Coulson tend to her wound. Could make a person looking for a closer relationship unhappy I'd say.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
If they can bring Coulson back from being hours, or days, dead I don't see what the problem is with saving her.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Apparently bringing Coulson back was a pretty long term process, using a bunch of high tech gear. The doctor said he was brought in for the eighth operation.. No idea how many in total their might have been. For whatever reason, Couson was to important to Nick Fury to let him stay dead, even if that's all he wanted towards the end. I kind of doubt Fury is going to expend that much effort on a random trainee, even one Coulson picked. And he wants to keep Skye's 084 status a secret from Shield at this point, so I doubt Coulson would use that as leverage.

On the other hand, with all the tech and medical knowledge in SHIELD's hands, I doubt it will be to difficult to save Skye, once they get her to a SHIELD facility with an operating theater. I'm sure Coulson has enough pull to bring in the best surgeons he can find. Maybe even a return of Doctor "Shepard Book"?


New member
Oct 20, 2010
I like how my friend describes the show:

"Its like going out on a date with someone that flirts shamelessly leads you on, takes you home...and slams the door in your face going tehehehe see you next week!"

Really I keep finding it like that.
Just have an Avenger even if its Hawkeye or Blackwidow.


New member
Jul 3, 2008
You know, I would watch this show every week if it was actually airing every week. Later ABC, see you in a month.


The Crazy One
Feb 26, 2010
Thunderous Cacophony said:
medv4380 said:
They had to know that the Olympics were an inevitable delay so the next 4 episodes are lead up to The Winter Soldier, and the last 5 would be post, maybe? I'm expecting Shield to be decimated from the movie, but I has half expecting the series to be nearly done before Cap aired, and a second season to cover the aftermath with maybe the finally touching on the effects of The Winter Soldier.
I don't think they're going to put the movie's continuity in the middle of the season; ...
They already set precedent for it with The Dark World so I don't see any reason for The Winter Solder to be treated any differently. I only thought cap would be different because I assumed that Shield's first season would be over by April, or on its finally, but clearly it's not because of Russia. It also makes sense to do so because they will probably get a minor ratings boost right after or just before The Winter Soldier. They would want to use one of their best hooks to pull you into the series, or to the movie. Last months two week delay had to be to push a particular episode into alignment with the movie.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
I really think Skye will end up becoming Spider Woman. The character has ties to S.H.I.E.L.D,is an orphan, gains her powers while in incubation on a "genetic accelerator"(not unlike what the character is going through now?) and kinda looks like her. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. might have introduced Jessica Drew right under fanboys' noses!
Jan 12, 2012
medv4380 said:
Thunderous Cacophony said:
medv4380 said:
They had to know that the Olympics were an inevitable delay so the next 4 episodes are lead up to The Winter Soldier, and the last 5 would be post, maybe? I'm expecting Shield to be decimated from the movie, but I has half expecting the series to be nearly done before Cap aired, and a second season to cover the aftermath with maybe the finally touching on the effects of The Winter Soldier.
I don't think they're going to put the movie's continuity in the middle of the season; ...
They already set precedent for it with The Dark World so I don't see any reason for The Winter Solder to be treated any differently. I only thought cap would be different because I assumed that Shield's first season would be over by April, or on its finally, but clearly it's not because of Russia. It also makes sense to do so because they will probably get a minor ratings boost right after or just before The Winter Soldier. They would want to use one of their best hooks to pull you into the series, or to the movie. Last months two week delay had to be to push a particular episode into alignment with the movie.
Those are some good points, but I think the situation is different from the Dark World. If the trailers are anything to go by, there's going to be a whole-scale destruction of SHIELD assets, which will force the team to work on high-urgency things. I could see the writers using that as an excuse to set up a bunch of back-story (all these super-villains/mad science experiments/etc escaped and you need to track them down!) that would work well for a season-long arc. I'd think it more likely that they'd set up things in the background of SHIELD that correspond to events in the Winter Soldier, representing a symbolic clock ticking down.


New member
Aug 19, 2011
walsfeo said:
If they can bring Coulson back from being hours, or days, dead I don't see what the problem is with saving her.
I think the preview more or less implies that this is exactly what will happen. We see Coulson dumping a big S.H.I.E.L.D file in front of Simmons and tell her: "If there is something in here, a treatment that can save her, we need to find it". Judging by May's stunned look I think the implication here is that Coulson is revealing what happened to him and asking Jemma to to see if any of the surgeries that saved him can be used on Skye.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
As for the Love Triangle things you're worried about Bob with Ward/Coulson/May; I wouldn't be surprised if it's Coulson trying to figure out if it's strictly sex or a relationship in the works. His conversation with Ward makes me think he's okay with pure sex-based fling but anything deeper that can put the mission or lives at risk he wants shut down. He just has to figure out which it is first.


Molotov Cocktails, Anyone?
Jul 3, 2013
To the people complaining about the show: It's called Marvel Agents of SHIELD not Marvel Cavalcade of Superheroes. I like the slow introduction to the obscure characters of the Marvel Universe. I'm coming to this show more of a Joss Whedon fan. Where the slow first season leads to an exciting and rich series. If you want an example of why getting all the answers and payoffs at once is not that great, watch Heroes again.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Well it's pretty obvious that Skye isn't Asgardian seeing as bullets didn't bounce off her like they do others. I think they are doing a new Spider-Woman origin, which is pretty cool seeing as how comic Spider-Woman is too damned complicated to keep straight in regard to which woman she is, what are her powers, her ties to Hydra/Shield/The Hand/Skrulls......

Also, That is pretty old-school/D-lister. But I am confuzzled, he never really was a supervillain, he was more an anti-hero who killed the people that turned him into a monster.


I love this highway!
Nov 21, 2011
JaredXE said:
Also, That is pretty old-school/D-lister. But I am confuzzled, he never really was a supervillain, he was more an anti-hero who killed the people that turned him into a monster.
Who knows, maybe he'll find a way to get rid of or deactivate his eye implant and starts doing just that. The way he tore off and dropped the note he wrote to communicate to the Clairvoyant felt almost like leaving a breadcrump to me... Which would only make sense if he didn't know that Skye was shot by Quinn

Also, when Simmons was sitting on the train, I thought she totally looked like Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister from GoT)