Science Is One Step Closer to Harnessing The Power of Nuclear Fusion


Level 16 Scallywag
Feb 28, 2010
Science Is One Step Closer to Harnessing The Power of Nuclear Fusion

For the first time, scientists have produced more energy from a reaction in a fuel source than was put into the fuel, bringing us one step closer to harnessing the power of nuclear fusion.

Scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have taken a huge leap forward in the ongoing pursuit of an effective way to wield the power of nuclear fusion. While their experiment did not yield an impressive amount of energy, it revealed a process that may point them towards a controlled, sustainable fusion reaction. Nuclear fusion is the same process that powers the Sun, and if effectively harnessed, would be a source of abundant, safe power.

Omar Hurricane, the experiment's lead physicist, claims that his team produced more energy from a reaction in its fuel source than was put into the fuel. "You're not going to power a car with it. You're not going to power a house with it," Hurricane said. "It'll be a while before we address all the needed scientific challenges and then the engineering challenges to make it more practical, but we're excited. It's a great step forward scientifically."

The experiment involved the implosion of a tiny pellet holding two hydrogen isotopes, and while the resulting outputted energy was not dramatic, the reaction produced a heating effect that appeared to boost the energy output. It is this effect, which Hurricane's team has dubbed "bootstrapping," which may lead scientists to eventually produce a reaction that yields more energy than it consumes.

"It sounds very modest, and it is," Hurricane said. "But this is kind of closer than anyone's gotten before, and it is very unique to finally get as much energy out of the fuel as was put into the fuel."

Source: CNN []



New member
Feb 16, 2009
I saw a special one time that said we were fairly close to this already. He problem they said, was a lack of abundant helium-3 which they have found is more available on the moon. Proof that we need a moon base for the future of humanity.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
I'll admit it; I only had a passing interest in this story until I saw the name of the lead physicist...

Name like that, you're either a heavyweight boxer or a super villain. :D


Senior Member
Nov 20, 2013
martyrdrebel27 said:
I saw a special one time that said we were fairly close to this already. He problem they said, was a lack of abundant helium-3 which they have found is more available on the moon. Proof that we need a moon base for the future of humanity.
This reaction used two hydrogen isotopes not helium.

Most likely deuterium (hydrogen-2), this can be fount in sea water as D2O (heavy water).

If i'm not mistaking this will produce helium-3.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Kmadden2004 said:
I'll admit it; I only had a passing interest in this story until I saw the name of the lead physicist...

Name like that, you're either a heavyweight boxer or a super villain. :D
Vigormortis said:

You've got my interest, Mr. Hurricane.
Dr. Hurricane, no less. That's even more bad-ass.

At any rate, this is really, really cool, despite the fact that from a practical standpoint it doesn't mean much. Just the fact that they were able to do it at all is stunning.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Dr. Hurricane is playing with Fusion Reactions.

COME ON PEOPLE! This is the Villain's origin story. We are so screwed.


New member
Mar 4, 2013
I love this. Great science. Dr. Hurricane will either lead humanity into prosperity or destruction depending on how he wields the awesome power of his name.


Tunnel Open, Communication Open.
Nov 18, 2009
I believe this statement is appropriate now:

This has always been the power source of the future, renewables have nothing on working fusion technology for clean energy and the fuels used are far cheaper than the rare elements used in solar panels.


Level 16 Scallywag
Feb 28, 2010
FancyNick said:
I love this. Great science. Dr. Hurricane will either lead humanity into prosperity or destruction depending on how he wields the awesome power of his name.
Frozengale said:
Dr. Hurricane is playing with Fusion Reactions.

COME ON PEOPLE! This is the Villain's origin story. We are so screwed.
A Bond villain, no less.


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
vallorn said:
I believe this statement is appropriate now:

This has always been the power source of the future, renewables have nothing on working fusion technology for clean energy and the fuels used are far cheaper than the rare elements used in solar panels.
Awesome. How haven't I found that one yet? Thanks!

And yeah... that applies.

This may just be a baby step forward, but anything is better than no progress at all where Nuclear Fusion is concerned.

This sort of thing needs to be better funded... and sadly I don't think that'll happen until the public at large gets over its phobia for anything with the word "nuclear" in it.

Nuclear Fusion has a great deal of potential... and could, if harnessed properly... permanently end the energy crisis... or at least be an important step towards eliminating energy droughts.


New member
Dec 30, 2013
martyrdrebel27 said:
I saw a special one time that said we were fairly close to this already. He problem they said, was a lack of abundant helium-3 which they have found is more available on the moon. Proof that we need a moon base for the future of humanity.
I saw this exact same thing. I have also heard there are other countries trying to do this exact same thing and get people on the moon for a future "moon base". How much of that is true I know not. One thing I can say however that I do believe helium-3 will greatly increase our chances of finding new energy production.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Except I'm pretty sure we've done this sort of thing before, and also we still didn't get back anywhere near the amount of energy that the laser used, because 99% of that energy is dispersed before it even gets into the fuel. That's currently the big problem with fusion, not getting out more energy than we put in the fuel, but getting more out than we expend in the whole process.

We're still quite a way off.


Elite Member
May 12, 2011
For the first time, scientists have produced more energy from a reaction in a fuel source than was put into the fuel, bringing us one step closer to harnessing the power of nuclear fusion.
I think Dr. Hurricane should rephrase that. If what he said was literally true, he just broke the first law of thermodynamics.

Also yes, Dr. Hurricane's name is either his Supervillain name or a descriptor of his sex life.

SL33TBL1ND said:
We're still quite a way off.
It seems to me like we are always "quite a way off" on just about everything. For all the advancements in medicine, robotics, nuclear fusion, or whatever reported all over the news and net, it seems like there's no real effort made to make any of it actually be completed. It's always "a few years away" and a decade or so later there's no noticeable progress being made.


New member
Nov 30, 2010
We've been getting announcements like this every few years since the 90's.
I'll definitely put one of these on my flying car.

Sigh. It doesn't do anything useful yet, but it's completely safe. Pretty sure they said that about nuclear energy and every other energy tech while they're trying to get it funded.

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
DoctorM said:
We've been getting announcements like this every few years since the 90's.
I'll definitely put one of these on my flying car.

Sigh. It doesn't do anything useful yet, but it's completely safe. Pretty sure they said that about nuclear energy and every other energy tech while they're trying to get it funded.
I'm putting one in my hoverboard, you know, when I get one in 2015.

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
Evil Smurf said:
DoctorM said:
We've been getting announcements like this every few years since the 90's.
I'll definitely put one of these on my flying car.

Sigh. It doesn't do anything useful yet, but it's completely safe. Pretty sure they said that about nuclear energy and every other energy tech while they're trying to get it funded.
I'm putting one in my hoverboard, you know, when I get one in 2015.
Mattel better pull through on that one. Otherwise there'll be a riot from B2F2 fans en masse. No doubt there will be blood... carnage... all sorts of apocalyptic behavior, all because they didn't deliver on a fictional promise. Also the Cubs must find a way to change their league status and face Miami in the World Series and win. And we need about 12 JAWS movies to be released this year so we can have JAWS 16.
It must happen or the space-time continuum will rupture and not even Marty and Doc Brown will be able to save us.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
SL33TBL1ND said:
Except I'm pretty sure we've done this sort of thing before, and also we still didn't get back anywhere near the amount of energy that the laser used, because 99% of that energy is dispersed before it even gets into the fuel. That's currently the big problem with fusion, not getting out more energy than we put in the fuel, but getting more out than we expend in the whole process.

We're still quite a way off.
Assuming that this is replicatable, this would be the first technique that actually achieved a net positive reaction. Now as you said there is a key distinction between a net-positive reaction and and a net-positive reactor. Though the fact that the whole system is energy negative is less important. Namely because an experiment like this isn't concerened with system efficiency but with proof-of-concept. From the details i've been able to find (i'm not paying 35 dollars to download the journal) they used a multi-gigawatt laser to deliver a minute 17kJ. I've been unable to find any numbers for exactly how much energy was actually generated, but the greater point being that in an actual commercial system the laser would be designed to have a vastly lower energy differential.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Yes, it will be awesome when they discover that and make it viable.

Practically over night huge parts of the world economy are going to crash since the price for fossil fuels will drop drastically. Maybe most of the big oil companies will go belly-up in the process! If enough of them do, then the price for drugs and plastic will sky-rocket, since those things need oil too, but without enough companies around to supply the demand, it might turn out nasty. Even so you will have thousands of persons from the gasoline, oil and motor industry that will need re-education or will simply be out of work once we can produce an abundance of energy through fusion.

Of course there also is the possibility that the oil companies just all chip in to buy the patents for the fusion process to lock them up in a safe until they feel like they have made enough money off oil.

Maybe I am exaggerating, but I don't see a potential paradigm-shift like nuclear fusion as entirely positive.