The Lego Movie Sequel Set for May 26, 2017


New member
Aug 22, 2013
The Lego Movie Sequel Set for May 26, 2017

The Lego Movie has grossed over $200 million worldwide since its release on February 7.

Warner Bros. announced today that the sequel to The Lego Movie will open May 26, 2017. Screenwriters Jared Stern and Michelle Morgan will pen the yet-unnamed sequel. The Lego Movie was written and directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who will direct the upcoming animated film Ninjago, which is based on the ninja-inspired Lego sets of the same name.

The Lego Movie has held the top box US office spot since its release on February 7. The computer-animated comedy has earned $151 million in the US, with international markets adding another $52 million. The movie is expected to continue to dominate the box office this weekend. The film opens this weekend in France and Italy, and later in Russia, Japan, Australia, and Germany.

The Lego Movie has been a big hit with critics. The Escapist's own <a href=>MovieBob says, "The Lego Movie is a minor miracle. It savagely mocks clichéd chosen one narratives but comes out as its very own special snowflake of a savoir." Not everyone has kind words for the film, however. FOX Business accused the film of being <a href=>"anti-capitalist" for having a CEO as the film's villain.

I'm trying to reserve judgment about a series of Lego movies, especially given how strongly the The Lego Movie itself rails against the nostalgia train of toy movies that Hollywood has been riding. Until we know more, I'll be comforting myself with the official animated bloopers reel [].

Source: Variety []



Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
Wait, so not only are they doing a Lego Movie Sequel, but they're also making a Ninjago film as well?

Warner Bros. should just create a "Lego Animation Studio", and let them go nuts, if all they're going to make (Animated Film Wise) is Lego movies...


New member
Nov 20, 2013
MarlaDesat said:
FOX Business accused the film of being <a href=>"anti-capitalist" for having a CEO as the film's villain.
Finding out that those narrow minded agenda pushers at FOX hate The Lego Movie over such a superficial detail makes me love it even more. This film is apolitical. The reason the villain is named "Lord Business" is personal, not political. And thats the most I'm willing to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. Seriously, quit straggling and go see it.

I'm going to see it again if I get the chance. Because "everything is awesome" about this movie. And if my calculations are correct, you already hate me for putting that song back in your head.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
I really don't want this to happen.

Love the movie, but it works perfectly as a one-and-done film. There is no way they can make any kind of continuation that isn't totally undermined by *that* moment in the first film's third act.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Kmadden2004 said:
I really don't want this to happen.

Love the movie, but it works perfectly as a one-and-done film. There is no way they can make any kind of continuation that isn't totally undermined by *that* moment in the first film's third act.

It ended well. The jokes and humour worked well for what it was. But to re-hash ANYTHING for a sequel takes away from this as the gem that it is.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
Well, I think that the sequel hook at the end, which was
the younger sister
might work.

Plus, the fact that
the Lego Minifigs ARE actually alive, but the humans have some interaction is cool. Maybe the Minifigs will directly interact with the humans?


Beloved Tyrant
Mar 15, 2008
Kmadden2004 said:
I really don't want this to happen.

Love the movie, but it works perfectly as a one-and-done film. There is no way they can make any kind of continuation that isn't totally undermined by *that* moment in the first film's third act.
I hope you don't mind all these quotes because I have a feeling you're going to be seeing them alllll night...

I second (or third it I suppose) this motion.

I have absolutely zero clue how this could become anything but a cash-grab. The movie caught lightning and is making a TON of money because of it. I don't see how they could possibly do it again and keep the same charm a second time around. I hope I'm wrong because I loved "The Lego Movie" (see my Title) and I would hate to see it get pounded into the ground.


New member
Mar 25, 2013
I would like to point at the Toy Story franchise to anyone doubting a sequel could work. No one thought Toy Story could have a worthy sequel, it just wasn't possible, until Pixar upped their game and showed the hell out of naysayers.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
CelestDaer said:
I would like to point at the Toy Story franchise to anyone doubting a sequel could work. No one thought Toy Story could have a worthy sequel, it just wasn't possible, until Pixar upped their game and showed the hell out of naysayers.
I think the main difference between Toy Story and The LEGO Movie is that there's an actual, tangible threat in each Toy Story movie, and the characters do grow from film to film because there's is a continuing story going on from film to film.

Okay, I'm going to have to break out the spoiler tags now;

For Toy Story, the characters have an actual life outside of playtime. Now, in The LEGO Movie, I know Emmett was "aware" during the live action scenes, but in a completely different context. Toy Story's central premise was built entirely around the life your toys follow when you leave them alone, The LEGO Movie essentially provides the complete opposite to that in showing us a massive, creative world that springs to life specifically because they're being played with.

It's a move that works exceptionally well as an eleventh hour twist, especially with how it resolves the main story itself (the "playtime" bits). But you can't really build a second film around it because, at the end of the day, there'd be nothing at stake. It's a twist that works so well because, up until that moment, the movie was really nothing more than a fun slice of irrelevance, jumping from sketch-and-set-piece to sketch-and-set-piece with a pretty minimal story arc running through it, but then that moment makes all the irrelevance suddenly relevant. It's a point that turns what was a pretty good movie into a truly great movie, but it's also a point of no return.

Making a sequel to all that would essentially be like telling two versions of the same joke in quick succession; It doesn't matter how well you construct that second take on the joke, people are still going to know what the punchline will be ahead of time, and it just won't be as funny.


New member
Feb 14, 2013
Oh good it should be released just before the first Lego movie is released in Australia. can't wait


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
That's actually an encouragingly long time away. More than three years!

So yeah, why not? They shattered all expectations the first time, there's no reason to think they can't do it again.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Thommo said:
Oh good it should be released just before the first Lego movie is released in Australia. can't wait
My thoughts exactly haha. April can't come fast enough!

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Great, there goes my plan on buying on DVD. Now I'm going have to wait for the DVDs set/ trilogy Boxset if they made a third (in saying so I already bought Wreck-it Ralph when I've read they are planning on making a sequel)!!!

Anyway I think it could work per say since while the film did explored a mixture of old and new Lego set (especially that other set at the end) but not all of them. In saying so I don't know how it will work as a plot/ story given to that twist reveal neat the end (obviously a time skipped will happened unless it take place in a different Lego set with new and different characters). I would be interesting if they brought in the Technic set in the sequel and the film will have all my loves if they brought in a proper Bionicle cameo (and no Hero Factory doesn't count)!


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Scarim Coral said:
Great, there goes my plan on buying on DVD. Now I'm going have to wait for the DVDs set/ trilogy Boxset if they made a third (in saying so I already bought Wreck-it Ralph when I've read they are planning on making a sequel)!!!

Anyway I think it could work per say since while the film did explored a mixture of old and new Lego set (especially that other set at the end) but not all of them. In saying so I don't know how it will work as a plot/ story given to that twist reveal neat the end (obviously a time skipped will happened unless it take place in a different Lego set with new and different characters). I would be interesting if they brought in the Technic set in the sequel and the film will have all my loves if they brought in a proper Bionicle cameo (and no Hero Factory doesn't count)!
During the bit where wyldsyle explains the walled-off themes, bionicle actually did flash up for a splitsecond. (although i was hoping with the citizens building stuff near the end that 1 would build Tahu)

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
EiMitch said:
And thats the most I'm willing to spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. Seriously, quit straggling and go see it.
If you could fast-forward time itself and release it in Australia I will happily go watch it. Like, immediately.

...please fast-forward time and release it in Australia...

Oly J

New member
Nov 9, 2009
well I'm sure it'll be good, but the cat is already out of the bag, there's no undoing that, so there's no way it'll be as good as the first one, I'll still go see it though


Elite Member
Feb 22, 2012
I'm afraid I struggle to see this as anything other than a cash-grab, but it'd be nice if this pulled a Toy Story 2...

Mind you, I seem to be in a tiny minority as I really didn't think The Lego Movie was that great. I mean, I enjoyed it well enough, but I thought some of the humour fell flat (though the visual gags were consistently excellent), it all felt a bit disjointed, and despite not being overly long I really thought it dragged at the end. They had a lot of brilliant ideas, but it didn't quite come together for me.

[sub][sub]Also, a freakin' romance subplot? Seriously??![/sub][/sub]

I'd give it 3 stars at best. Please don't hurt me :p

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Why the big surprise? The first movie already screamed cash cow franchise. I don't think there's any integrity to compromise at all.


New member
Sep 6, 2010
If there was ever a movie in list of those I've seen in the past decade, this one needed a sequel the least. I admit I probably would have said the same about the Lego franchise in general, so hopefully the writers can make lightning strike twice and not have studio restrictions like the upcoming Star Wars film.