Google Buys Drone Company to Bring Internet to the Masses

The picture shows the drone flying above the cloudline, so when a storm comes it'll likely affect connection speeds but little else.Orks da best said:Um, what happens during a major storm or something? will all the drones get KO?
Though being solar powered is nice, means internet will never go down due to lack of fuel, but needing repair, or weather.
Just because its above the clouds doesn't mean it isn't subject to the air current factors surrounding said storm. Turbulence can extend way above thunderstorm clouds, and some t-storms have been clocked at +50,000 feet in height so "flying above them" isn't always an option, nor is it guaranteed safe. Also, I'm not sure 100% but I'd venture a guess that connectivity wouldn't extend that far so flying above the clouds wouldn't help. I mean range is a factor, and a drone couldn't possibly harness enough power to broadcast that wide an area.Sidmen said:The picture shows the drone flying above the cloudline, so when a storm comes it'll likely affect connection speeds but little else.Orks da best said:Um, what happens during a major storm or something? will all the drones get KO?
Though being solar powered is nice, means internet will never go down due to lack of fuel, but needing repair, or weather.
turbulence is a factor, but i think a lightweight drone with comptuer controls have much more chance of correct its course afterwards than an airliner that has to worry about Gs for passsengers. id be more vorried about weather damage to those solar panels.Imperioratorex Caprae said:Just because its above the clouds doesn't mean it isn't subject to the air current factors surrounding said storm. Turbulence can extend way above thunderstorm clouds, and some t-storms have been clocked at +50,000 feet in height so "flying above them" isn't always an option, nor is it guaranteed safe. Also, I'm not sure 100% but I'd venture a guess that connectivity wouldn't extend that far so flying above the clouds wouldn't help. I mean range is a factor, and a drone couldn't possibly harness enough power to broadcast that wide an area.
No no, see, if Lex Luthor did any of this stuff, he wouldn't tell anyone unless it involved a way to kill Superman, or steal forty cakes, or something like that. He's not really in it to make humanity better. He'd rather sit on world changing technology and blow it up if anyone ever discovers it. Whether on his own, or by having Superman fight it.Revnak said:When did Lex Luthor purchase Google? And when will they unveil their line of jet-pack robot suits for the dangerous billionaire on the go?
I don't know, having a small army of drones sounds like the perfect way to discover Superman's identity and strike him at his weakest, and Lex Luthor does make a habit of having his villainous schemes appear to be beneficial acts when he can't just pull them off in secret. Still waiting on the robot suits though.waj9876 said:No no, see, if Lex Luthor did any of this stuff, he wouldn't tell anyone unless it involved a way to kill Superman, or steal forty cakes, or something like that. He's not really in it to make humanity better. He'd rather sit on world changing technology and blow it up if anyone ever discovers it. Whether on his own, or by having Superman fight it.Revnak said:When did Lex Luthor purchase Google? And when will they unveil their line of jet-pack robot suits for the dangerous billionaire on the go?
Luckily for all of us, Google has no one to fight. Except youtube users. But they don't need to devote billions just to piss them off like Luthor does to Superman. They just have to change stuff.