Oh yeah, the XBOX is thoroughly screwed here in Korea. To start, no one in Korea actually pays to stream content. The notion of intellectual property and copyright law here are laughable at best. Second, it's wildly over priced. To give you an example, I just purchased a 250gb PS3 for $300usd. The PS4...yeah, that's selling for around $500usd for the entry level model (at cheapest). The XB1 is selling for $743usd ( http://item2.gmarket.co.kr/English/detailview/item.aspx?goodscode=504975063 ) (and that's the cheap online retailer we're talking about). Yeah, no one here is going to spend that on a console which can't play League of Legends, DOTA 2, Sudden Attack, or FIFA Online 3. Lastly, Korea is not a console market to begin with. I can walk into any major mart like Lotte/Emart/Homeplus (Korean Walmart) and find a Wii, a handful of PS Vita games, and MAYBE a straggler copy of a FIFA game. People here just don't buy consoles. Hell, I have to go to a specialty electronics store JUST to buy games (if I don't want to order online).