This Fan-Made Doctor Who Trailer Trumps the BBC's Weekend Teaser


New member
May 20, 2014
This Fan-Made Doctor Who Trailer Trumps the BBC's Weekend Teaser

This trailer is good enough that it could have come from the BBC.

The only reason this weekend's Doctor Who teaser trailer [] wasn't a huge disappointment is because fans have been starved for news of their favorite Time Lord since December's "The Time of the Doctor" Christmas special. Add on to that the fact that Matt Smith is stepping down and Peter Capaldi taking his place - meaning fans have lots of questions about this new Doctor, who only barely made his debut at the end of the last episode - and the teaser's scant seconds of Capaldi (or, really, Capaldi's silhouette) seem like feast of content.

But if you put the teaser side by side with this official costume [], the footage used is a close enough match that only the most serious fans will nitpick about the lack of his signature red-lined coat - and the trailer's good enough that fans probably won't even do that.

There's still a wait in store before fans see any new Doctor Who, with season 8 scheduled to start in August - but considering the 1989 to 2005 hiatus that long-time fans have already been through, waiting a few more months to see Capaldi in action doesn't seem all that bad.

Source: YouTube []



Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
That is really impressive. If this was an official teaser for the next series, I'd definitely be okay with that.

On a related note, in the related videos for this clip, there is an 8 minute analysis of the official teaser trailer. 8 minutes!? I'm guessing there's a whole lot of speculation going on there then...

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Topping the teaser we have doesn't take much. But this is really nice.

MarsProbe said:
That is really impressive. If this was an official teaser for the next series, I'd definitely be okay with that.

On a related note, in the related videos for this clip, there is an 8 minute analysis of the official teaser trailer. 8 minutes!? I'm guessing there's a whole lot of speculation going on there then...
I had to go check it out. It looks to be a spoof.

"So then it cuts to black and I'm sitting there thinking 'WOAAAAH'! Slender Man has nothing to do with Doctor Who!"

Oh, and then he called Doctor Who "Really hard Sci-Fi."

If it's not a spoof, then I have just lost all hope for humanity.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Best of the 3 said:
Personally I think the best fan made trailer has already been made:

I'll add to that:

But yeah, that was a pretty cool trailer, the BBC teaser was okay, but it was /too/ teasery, we already know who the new Doctor is, could've done with a tad more than what was in the trailer.
MarsProbe said:
That is really impressive. If this was an official teaser for the next series, I'd definitely be okay with that.

On a related note, in the related videos for this clip, there is an 8 minute analysis of the official teaser trailer. 8 minutes!? I'm guessing there's a whole lot of speculation going on there then...
There's a 46 minute one up too. I...I have no idea how you could go on for 46 minutes over 8 secconds of footage.