Looks like Limbo had a love child with Hotel Rowanda. And I'm not saying there isn't an audience for miserably depressing ultra-realistic games with the incredibly groundbreaking theme of *gasp* War Is Bad, but I certainly wouldn't want to meet any of them. They'd probably spend 30mins crying about how people die if they don't eat food, or that bullets hurt.
This games looks to be that very specific type of original that, in hindsight, is not being particularly original or interesting at all.
I remember at the end of the war chapter in Cokner's Bad Fur Day where Conker and the General are on a boat and the General is repeating, voice quavering with emotion, 'The horror. The Horror!'
This War of Mine seems to be that one 5 second scene stretched into a full length game without the benefit of wise-cracking squirrels or evil Nazi teddy-bears. So basically, a bazillion times worse!