I'm not as impressed with this season as the OP. I'm enjoying it, don't get me wrong, but it seems like there's too much being tossed up in the air, too many threads and not enough time for each of them. Paul vanished after what, the 3rd episode? 4th? Then he gets mentioned in passing in the 7th. Cal get ditched in the middle of the season. The Dead Cop problem is vanished. Ton
(i) gets introduced then dropped in the same episode. Art and Angela are mostly superfluous. The killed Prolethian in the season premiere isn't mentioned at all after that episode. Heck, the new Proletians don't seem to have any real point to the plot except for Helena - they aren't even an antagonist for Dyad anymore, let alone the other Clones. Etc.
I'm just finding that this season is a mess. I hope that it turns out that seasons 2 and 3 are essentially the same season, just two parts and that taking them as one season makes things work out. Maybe that's the plan, and I've been lulled into expecting a much tighter story by the first season. I hope so. And I'm going to watch all the way to the end of Season 3.