Marvel Is Showing 17 Minutes Of GOTG In Theaters Free


New member
Feb 4, 2014
Marvel Is Showing 17 Minutes Of GOTG In Theaters Free

The world's longest trailer happens July 7th. Here are two new, much smaller trailers, to celebrate.

If you've been paying too much attention to the World Cup to notice the serious ramping up of Guardians of the Galaxy marketing, then you could probably use a pick me up after the US team's performance this week*. How's this? On July 7, Marvel plans to show off 17 minutes of footage from the upcoming film in Imax theaters across the nation, and it's going to be free.

While the footage is billed as exclusive, you can bet a lot of it will be expanded versions of stuff we've already seen in the trailers. Hopefully, it'll feature some of the stuff we saw at Comic Con last summer that still hasn't made it into the trailers yet. Oh, and also some new stuff too, like a glimpse of Ronan the Accuser.

Some of you might look at this and think Marvel is a bit worried about Guardians, and I wouldn't fault you for it. GOTG doesn't have the same name recognition as the other MCU characters and the number crunchers are no doubt thinking very hard about what that might mean. But let's be honest, Iron Man was strictly B-level before Robert Downey, Jr. took the part, so they already know they can take relative obscurity and spin it into gold. Plus, the world is pretty much primed to go see anything that bears a Marvel logo and promises to be somehow connected to The Avengers. Hell, the studio is making Ant-Man!

No, I think this indicates that Marvel is extremely confident that Guardians is going to be a huge hit. Why else would they turn what amounts to a trailer that lasts as long as a short film into an outright social event and make it free? Hell, even I'm excited about going to the theater to watch an extended commercial for a movie I'm already planning to see less than a month later. Which makes me part of the problem, but we'll ignore that politely for now.

Anyway, if you want to go, better hurry. Free means people are going to snatch up slows fast. Check out the official Facebook page [] for more details, or call your local Imax joint.

In the meantime, 2 new Guardians trailers dropped during the last 36 hours. Here they are now for your enjoyment. First up, it's a character featurette that has some stuff we've already seen - especially that Vin Diesel quote. I mean, I love Vin Diesel like the day is long, but come on, is that like the only usable thing they got out of the interview? - but there's more of Draxx than we've seen before, and that's kind of cool.

Aaaand finally, here's a proper trailer that once again suggests this movie is going to be quotable as hell. "Why would you wanna save the galaxy?" ""cause I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!"

Source; James Gunn on Twitter []

*Yes, I know they still advanced because of World Cup math, or as it's known in university circles, FIFAnometry. So yes, that's good news. But man I am not optimistic about the teams chances in the next round. SIGH.



New member
Apr 6, 2010
"For free"? As if they could charge you for their promotional vids?
Yeah, right...

Imperioratorex Caprae

Henchgoat Emperor
May 15, 2010
nevarran said:
"For free"? As if they could charge you for their promotional vids?
Yeah, right...
People bought tickets to Soldier just for the Phantom Menace trailer, so its true that people will pay just for trailers. As far as I'm aware they didn't even ask for a refund when they walked out before the movie started, but maybe in hindsight they should have... I digress though, they will pay for it so technically they could find a way to charge for promo vids, but we shouldn't give them ideas like that. They might hear.


Eats Nuts, Kicks Butts.
Nov 17, 2009
17 minutes? what's the point? i think that would ruin the actual movie for me.

Johnson McGee

New member
Nov 16, 2009
Is Ubisoft involved in producing this movie? because that's the only reason I can think of for these levels of over-hype.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Marvel is going a little overboard with this one, I think. Granted it's free, but really? I love trailers as much as the next guy (in fact, sometimes I completely forget which movie I'm there to see by the time they're done showing), but I'm not gonna go to the theater FOR the trailer, especially since it's only 17 minutes. That's just too much hassle to deal with for such a small time slot. I'm also starting a worry a little about the movie. I mean, on the one hand I can see how Marvel might be worried that people aren't going to want to see it, but on the other hand it's really starting to reek of "This movie is going to be terrible so we need to hype the crap out of it so people ignore the bad reviews".


New member
Nov 4, 2008
-Ezio- said:
17 minutes? what's the point? i think that would ruin the actual movie for me.
Plus, actually going out to the theater for a mere 17 minutes seems like an annoyance on that of that.

Maybe if it was scheduled to simply follow another movie, so I could go to one then just stick around for the preview. But even then, yeah... Annoying.

Of course, I'm also not expecting the movie to be any good, so that doesn't help.

Kuala BangoDango

New member
Mar 19, 2009
It looks like the movie industry is headed towards a free-to-play (-watch) business model.

Question do you implement micro-transactions in a movie?

I kid of course.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
Kuala BangoDango said:
It looks like the movie industry is headed towards a free-to-play (-watch) business model.

Question do you implement micro-transactions in a movie?

I kid of course.
What is the 3D epidemic if not one giant micro transaction scheme?

OT: Dial it back there a little, Marvel. It is possible to have too much of a good thing.

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
That's a pretty decent chunk of movie to give away for free. It would probably ruin the movie because when they movie actually comes out there will be a whole 17 minutes of stuff you have already seen to slog through.

Odd, but maybe I'm a bit pessimistic about it as I never really bought into avengers hype or joss whedon.


New member
Mar 11, 2010
Jadak said:
-Ezio- said:
17 minutes? what's the point? i think that would ruin the actual movie for me.
Plus, actually going out to the theater for a mere 17 minutes seems like an annoyance on that of that.

Maybe if it was scheduled to simply follow another movie, so I could go to one then just stick around for the preview. But even then, yeah... Annoying.

Of course, I'm also not expecting the movie to be any good, so that doesn't help.
I think maybe the idea is people who went to see another movie seeing it as an extra thing after.


New member
Oct 12, 2010
That 17 minutes can help convince the non-comic book crowd that this is a decent spectacle-action-comedy flick.


New member
Jan 12, 2014
Marvel seriously overhyping this movie to the point of ridiculousness? Even though it's an obscure property, people would see it on the grounds that it was a marvel movie alone, just look at all the B and C-Listers they've put in these movies. You know, it's almost like they don't have much faith in it *coughwatchdogscough* Seriously, I think it'll be at least OK. but I wouldn't be suprised whatsoever if those 17 minutes they show are the best 17 minutes in the movie.


Turtle king
Apr 7, 2012
nevarran said:
"For free"? As if they could charge you for their promotional vids?
Yeah, right...
Well nothing is off limits! Ground zeros right?

RossaLincoln said:
Iron Man was strictly B-level before Robert Downey, Jr. took the part, so they already know they can take relative obscurity and spin it into gold.
People keep saying this, but lets be honest, we all knew Iron man by name at least. If for nothing else the fame of the Black Sabbath song. Also Before the movie, Ironman played one of the biggest roles in one of Marvels most successful story lines in the past 20 years. I mean he may have been a B-Level hero for most of his existence, but Marvel pried him out of obscurity before the movies came out at least. I mean sure this was probably planned in this way, but this wouldn't have worked with Doctor Strange, or Ant-Man, or even Captain America. Iron man was a house hold name because of a song that it was completely cool to like.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Kameburger said:
nevarran said:
"For free"? As if they could charge you for their promotional vids?
Yeah, right...
Well nothing is off limits! Ground zeros right?
Point taken. I guess we should start appreciating the free trailers, posters, demos and whatnot :)