Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth May Launch on July 15

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth May Launch on July 15

A since-deleted tweet announced that the latest Battlefield 4 expansion pack would be launching in July 15.

official Origin Twitter account [].

"Save 20% on BF4 Premium right now, then jump into Dragon's Teeth early on July 15th," read the Tweet, which had been screen-capped by MP1ST []. The message was quickly removed and replaced with a revised "Save 20% on BF4 Premium right now, then jump into Dragon's Teeth 2 weeks early." If the initial date was correct, it would put the public launch of Dragon's Teeth on July 29.

When we last saw Dragon's Teeth, it was via a massive leak of its "Summer, 2014" [].

As for Final Stand, we know next-to-nothing about it, except that it will be the final Battlefield 4 expansion pack.

We've reached out for EA on confirmation of the release date, but it seems fairly likely that we'll be able to sink our teeth into Dragon's Teeth before the end of the month.

Source: MP1ST []



New member
Sep 30, 2009
Sorry to be a typo Nazi but you mean July, not June.

OT: Cool, but until they fix the still current problems B4 has, I'm just going to wait it out.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
or just give up on it as i did and never play it again. this solved my problem. having anyway way too much fun with titanfall.


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Metalrocks said:
or just give up on it as i did and never play it again. this solved my problem. having anyway way too much fun with titanfall.
Heck I just re-installed BF3 on PC and am having fun with that. Still loads of people playing so why bother buying a new game if the old one which I already have all the DLC for is still so much fun? BF4 isn't enough of an upgrade to even bother with.


New member
Mar 18, 2013
How about fixing your game instead of farting out new DLC for a game that's about to die due to Hardline coming soon?


New member
Jan 15, 2009
kajinking said:
Metalrocks said:
or just give up on it as i did and never play it again. this solved my problem. having anyway way too much fun with titanfall.
Heck I just re-installed BF3 on PC and am having fun with that. Still loads of people playing so why bother buying a new game if the old one which I already have all the DLC for is still so much fun? BF4 isn't enough of an upgrade to even bother with.
lol, i even gave up on this as well because it became unplayable for me. tones of lagging and rubber banding. things i never had until BF4 came out. and even if it should work again, im not sitting there for maybe 2 days until the game alone and all the DLCs are installed. which obviously no one plays anyway since my preference is TDM.