True Blood Review: The Kills Continue with Another Goodbye


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Aug 15, 2013
True Blood Review: The Kills Continue with Another Goodbye

Life, death, and the meaning of it all take center stage in this episode.

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Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
I am finding this season pretty sloppy, am glad to see it finish, but it has room for improvement. Don't get me wrong, I think it was very good in the beginning: interesting setting, sexy, good supernatural detours, etc; but it reached it's peak 3 seasons ago.

In this season, what bugs me:
-Tara was unceremoniously disposed of (it feels like the actress left to do something else), I was half expecting her to actually have survived, but Pam confirmed she met the true death.
-The introduction of Sylvie seems pretty contrived to explain away a deus ex-machina plot that is coming up. We never knew Sylvie before nor was she mentioned, but now, her existence (and death) have a major game-changing role.
-Alcide's death: meh. Another convenient death to dispose of a character in a way that leave Sookie free to do... something. I would have liked to see how TB handled a hybrid werewolf (more a shapeshifter, really)vampire. We already saw a hybrid fairy-vampire and they did an ok job
-Jessica's completely unremarkable and forgettable boyfriend. Just something, so far, for Lafayette to play with, perhaps it will be his happily-ever-after plot.