This Leaked Star Wars Footage Is Fake, But Fun


New member
May 20, 2014
This Leaked Star Wars Footage Is Fake, But Fun

Is this a glimpse behind the scenes of Episode VII? Not likely.

Despite tight secrecy, we've already seen leaks from the Star Wars Episode VII set -- including rumors of the film's supposed villains []. But none of those leaks quite live up to this video, which cheekily claims to come from the set. Spoiler alert: It doesn't.

But we kind wish it were real. The shakeycam footage, meant to look like someone is sneaking around to catch glimpses of filming in progress, shows off a contemporary airport with a variety of different Star Wars vehicles flying and walking around. (Thankfully for the AT-ATs, there are no Ewoks to get in their way.) The effects are great and nicely blended with modern airport scenery... but we're at least pretty sure that the flying spacecraft in Star Wars are all movie magic, which makes this a pretty unconvincing fake. Still, you can enjoy this video "what if" style all the same.

Source: Mashable []


Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
harpere said:
(Thankfully for the AT-ATs, there are no Ewoks to get in their way.)
AT-ATs were not deployed to Endor, AT-STs were, the two legged ones.

That said it looks amazing and I so badly wish it was real.


Senior Member
Feb 11, 2009
United States
Xan Krieger said:
harpere said:
(Thankfully for the AT-ATs, there are no Ewoks to get in their way.)
AT-ATs were not deployed to Endor, AT-STs were, the two legged ones.
WRONG! AT-ATs did show up there, or at least one did. Remember when Vader picked up Luke at the landing pad? There was an AT-AT there.

..........GOD I'm a nerd.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
Chessrook44 said:
Xan Krieger said:
harpere said:
(Thankfully for the AT-ATs, there are no Ewoks to get in their way.)
AT-ATs were not deployed to Endor, AT-STs were, the two legged ones.
WRONG! AT-ATs did show up there, or at least one did. Remember when Vader picked up Luke at the landing pad? There was an AT-AT there.

..........GOD I'm a nerd.
It didn't seem like they'd make a good fit for the planet given the trees, give me one sec....damn you're right, my bad. Still the point stands that not one was felled by an Ewok, the AT-STs on the other hand were royally boned.

"At least one AT-AT patrolled the garrison base on the forest moon of Endor, but had no impact on the battle there, as AT-ATs were limited in their range by the dense foliage of the moon. As a result, smaller vehicles such as All Terrain Scout Transports saw far more use.[29] An AT-AT was originally going to be used in the Battle of Endor, but it ended up becoming crippled by Renegade Squadron, resulting in portions of the Galactic Empire trying to fix it.[30]"
So if there was only one it seems to have been the command vehicle of Tempest Force, the unit assigned to Endor


New member
Aug 31, 2010
That video was made with footage from Frankfurt Airport, Germany.
Sooo, the Empire made Germany their bridgehead?
Damn Space Nazis! ehm.....

I mean, the airplain noises are quite silly and the Stardestroyer in the Distance is not also kind of in the wrong place because Imperial Class Stardestroyers were not capable of atmospheric flight and landing is definitely out of the question. Who's the nerd now, mh?


Welcome back Commander
Jun 2, 2009
The taxing and take off of the shuttles makes no sense, their VTOL craft, they don't need a runway lol. Would have been better off setting the runway as a line of landing pads. Still nice work whoever made it, tip of the hat as it looks wonderful!

Hiramas said:
I mean, the airplain noises are quite silly and the Stardestroyer in the Distance is not also kind of in the wrong place because Imperial Class Stardestroyers were not capable of atmospheric flight and landing is definitely out of the question. Who's the nerd now, mh?
Ah fellow nerd, yeah there were quite a few inaccuracies. Still whoever made this did a great job.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
Fake, Star Destroyers were incapable of making terrestrial landings. While an Impstar 1 could enter atmosphere, there were no moorings large enough to house them.

Other than that sperging, that was a fun little video.

Nowhere Man

New member
Mar 10, 2013
FAKE! The shield generating dish is pointing AWAY from the Death Star. Better luck next time Mr. Abrams.