Age of Ultron Footage Was Almost The Best Of Hall H


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Feb 4, 2014
Age of Ultron Footage Was Almost The Best Of Hall H

James Spader is your new Robot God.

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Feb 13, 2012
Having read the description of the Mad Max footage, I'm a little confused how it managed to blow every thing else out of the water. Granted, I haven't seen it (and I am really looking forward to the full movie) but the excitement seems to stem from the fact a lot of cars were crashing and the whole movie has been described as one long car chase. Everyone has different tastes I suppose but I'm having trouble understanding how this stole the show from the Hulk-Buster and Cap's broken shield!


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Nov 5, 2009
Caffeine_Bombed said:
Having read the description of the Mad Max footage, I'm a little confused how it managed to blow every thing else out of the water. Granted, I haven't seen it (and I am really looking forward to the full movie) but the excitement seems to stem from the fact a lot of cars were crashing and the whole movie has been described as one long car chase. Everyone has different tastes I suppose but I'm having trouble understanding how this stole the show from the Hulk-Buster and Cap's broken shield!
Well ive always thought the same thing as to why the fuck the Fast and Furious films are so popular as they are pretty boring as hell to me but hey CARS CARS CRASHES AND MORE CARS with some half naked women randomly tossed in the mix.


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May 17, 2010
AstaresPanda said:
Caffeine_Bombed said:
Having read the description of the Mad Max footage, I'm a little confused how it managed to blow every thing else out of the water. Granted, I haven't seen it (and I am really looking forward to the full movie) but the excitement seems to stem from the fact a lot of cars were crashing and the whole movie has been described as one long car chase. Everyone has different tastes I suppose but I'm having trouble understanding how this stole the show from the Hulk-Buster and Cap's broken shield!
Well ive always thought the same thing as to why the fuck the Fast and Furious films are so popular as they are pretty boring as hell to me but hey CARS CARS CRASHES AND MORE CARS with some half naked women randomly tossed in the mix.
Based on the posters and general description, I'm inclined to agree - the only thing about Mad Max that intrigues me is its supposed unique "comic book" style and bright distinctive colors. It's simply too early to know for sure when the rest of us haven't actually seen footage yet, but "better than losing your virginity again?" Yeah, this thing better be amazing.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
RossaLincoln said:
Hell, not even getting to lose your virginity again could compete with that.
Whoa. Bro alert, bro alert: we have a bro on board.

I never really liked the Mad Max movies. They seemed kind of juvenile to me. But then, most apocalyptic survivalism movies seem that way to me.