8 Movies We're Looking Forward to This Month


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
A lot of them look okay, but to be honest I'm not really sure what they are thinking with "The Equalizer", from what I've seen they are using the title and main character name from the TV series, but then changing everything else about the character.

It's been a while but the original premise was that there was this unassuming seeming former MI6 guy who looked like someone's kindly grandfather, who recovered from the spy game and moved to the US to get away from where he did his field craft, and kept stepping in to protect people from criminal situations with his secret agent skills. What kind of made it different was that you had this old british dude who looked like he should be nothing, kicking people's butt.

The thing is Denzel Washington isn't old, and he isn't apparently acting British. Indeed Denzel Washington seems like you know... Denzel Washington, and carries himself like he could kick someone's butt. What's more they seem to be repurposing him as a special forces guy rather than a spy, which is a little different, being more of an overt blunt object.

Now, I have no problem with Denzel Washington playing an action hero, but this seems about as generic as it can get. "The Equalizer" wasn't exactly deep, it's one real gimmick was that it had an old guy who didn't look like he could kick your butt and had mad skillz but did (sort of like how Columbo doesn't seem like a genius detective... quite the opposite, but he is). You take that away from it, and what's the point? The fact that the Equalizer was British was also part of why he was supposed to be off everyone's radar in the US if I remember as well.

It could be that I'm remembering it wrong, and I know Denzel Washington isn't exactly young, but I don't know... I just think he looks too overtly tough and doesn't seem old/frail enough in that trailer. It's not going to be the same kind of "surprise" thing when he say turns around and drops a few young toughs in unarmed combat. Not to mention he still sort of looks like someone I'd want to back me up in a fight, not the whole "umm that's nice, but what can you do you sweet old man" thing that I remember sometimes happening in The Equalizer... because again, nobody knew that he was basically James Bond after retirement.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I can't wait for Boxtrolls, Laika are amazing at what very few (unfortunately) do.

youji itami

New member
Jun 1, 2014
Therumancer said:
A lot of them look okay, but to be honest I'm not really sure what they are thinking with "The Equalizer", from what I've seen they are using the title and main character name from the TV series, but then changing everything else about the character.

It's been a while but the original premise was that there was this unassuming seeming former MI6 guy who looked like someone's kindly grandfather, who recovered from the spy game and moved to the US to get away from where he did his field craft, and kept stepping in to protect people from criminal situations with his secret agent skills. What kind of made it different was that you had this old british dude who looked like he should be nothing, kicking people's butt.

The thing is Denzel Washington isn't old, and he isn't apparently acting British. Indeed Denzel Washington seems like you know... Denzel Washington, and carries himself like he could kick someone's butt. What's more they seem to be repurposing him as a special forces guy rather than a spy, which is a little different, being more of an overt blunt object.

Now, I have no problem with Denzel Washington playing an action hero, but this seems about as generic as it can get. "The Equalizer" wasn't exactly deep, it's one real gimmick was that it had an old guy who didn't look like he could kick your butt and had mad skillz but did (sort of like how Columbo doesn't seem like a genius detective... quite the opposite, but he is). You take that away from it, and what's the point? The fact that the Equalizer was British was also part of why he was supposed to be off everyone's radar in the US if I remember as well.

It could be that I'm remembering it wrong, and I know Denzel Washington isn't exactly young, but I don't know... I just think he looks too overtly tough and doesn't seem old/frail enough in that trailer. It's not going to be the same kind of "surprise" thing when he say turns around and drops a few young toughs in unarmed combat. Not to mention he still sort of looks like someone I'd want to back me up in a fight, not the whole "umm that's nice, but what can you do you sweet old man" thing that I remember sometimes happening in The Equalizer... because again, nobody knew that he was basically James Bond after retirement.

Edward Woodward was 55-59 during the years The Equalizer originally aired and Denzel Washington is 59 now so the ages are the same.

Harry Mason

New member
Mar 7, 2011
*snoring sounds*

*wakes up*

Oh, Boxtrolls? Laika are amazing! looks great! And a Terry Gilliam thing! Hmmm... And there's al... so...

*falls back asleep*

Snark aside, is it October yet? My head is going to explode if horror movie season doesn't hurry up and get here.


Not Gone Gonzo
Jan 16, 2009
Isn't The Zero Theorem already released? Or is it just not released in the US?


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
youji itami said:
Therumancer said:
A lot of them look okay, but to be honest I'm not really sure what they are thinking with "The Equalizer", from what I've seen they are using the title and main character name from the TV series, but then changing everything else about the character.

It's been a while but the original premise was that there was this unassuming seeming former MI6 guy who looked like someone's kindly grandfather, who recovered from the spy game and moved to the US to get away from where he did his field craft, and kept stepping in to protect people from criminal situations with his secret agent skills. What kind of made it different was that you had this old british dude who looked like he should be nothing, kicking people's butt.

The thing is Denzel Washington isn't old, and he isn't apparently acting British. Indeed Denzel Washington seems like you know... Denzel Washington, and carries himself like he could kick someone's butt. What's more they seem to be repurposing him as a special forces guy rather than a spy, which is a little different, being more of an overt blunt object.

Now, I have no problem with Denzel Washington playing an action hero, but this seems about as generic as it can get. "The Equalizer" wasn't exactly deep, it's one real gimmick was that it had an old guy who didn't look like he could kick your butt and had mad skillz but did (sort of like how Columbo doesn't seem like a genius detective... quite the opposite, but he is). You take that away from it, and what's the point? The fact that the Equalizer was British was also part of why he was supposed to be off everyone's radar in the US if I remember as well.

It could be that I'm remembering it wrong, and I know Denzel Washington isn't exactly young, but I don't know... I just think he looks too overtly tough and doesn't seem old/frail enough in that trailer. It's not going to be the same kind of "surprise" thing when he say turns around and drops a few young toughs in unarmed combat. Not to mention he still sort of looks like someone I'd want to back me up in a fight, not the whole "umm that's nice, but what can you do you sweet old man" thing that I remember sometimes happening in The Equalizer... because again, nobody knew that he was basically James Bond after retirement.

Edward Woodward was 55-59 during the years The Equalizer originally aired and Denzel Washington is 59 now so the ages are the same.
I suppose he just seemed older. I guess the odd thing is that I'm saying Denzel Washington looks too tough to be this particular action hero. To me it would be like trying to do that "Martial Law" show (I think that was the name of it) with a skinny or average dude, I mean the whole point (and a recurring joke) is that Sammo Hung is kind of tubby "Not out of shape, just fat" and lines like that. That's what made him different from other generic tough guys.

The Equalizer is a character where I don't think ethnicity matters as much as some other roles, so that part actually doesn't bother me. To me the whole point was him being old and a foreign (but allied) agent in retirement. Denzel's version seems like it's just generic tough guy #273721. I mean if they want to do a movie about a black retired special forces guy that kicks butt, why not just remake "Street Justice" which was an old show with Carl Weathers as a cop (he had a martial artist sidekick, but he seemed to never get much screen time to me). that seems a somewhat better fit for the role they want Denzel to play, albeit in that show the hero was a cop as opposed to a regular civilian.

In my mind if you want a black version of McCall they should get someone who looks old, and fairly warn, yet we know can also play tough. I'd say they should use someone like Morgsn Freeman rather than Denzel Washington, but that's just my opinion. I don't know how old he actually is either, but the point is that to me he just looks more the part of what "The Equalizer" is supposed to be like.

That said, I get tired of nostalgia remakes, and truthfully this is one of those shows that I just don't think can be recaptured, especially if the only thing your using is the name. I hslf suspect one of the reasons why someone even cares about the name right now is that "The Equalizer" stood out a bit from other shows by dealing more with then current issues, where he would protect AIDS patients and stuff as opposed to just beating up your regular array of thugs and organized crime guys and other stock villains (which he still did plenty of). But nowadays where it seems this is par for the course and entire shows make a big deal about "ripped from the headlines" storylines, that seems like an off chance as well.

Who knows, maybe it could be really good, Denzel Washington is a good actor. Going by the trailers though I'm certainly not going "OMG, they are bringing back The Equalizer, this looks like the perfect remake of the concept". In fact if you didn't flat out tell me that was supposed to be "The Equalizer" I'd never guess.

Of course to be fair since you mention he was "only" 59 part of the problem is that back when I watched that show long ago I might just remember him being a lot older and unassuming that he was, because of my age, and how jarring he was compared to his comteporaries. Nowadays where you have older guys like Bruce Willis and movie franchises like RED it could be that the whole idea doesn't just stick out as much as it did then and isn't as unique. While they did it differently and had them fight the government/other spies rather than street crime, RED was after all a very similar concept to "The Equlizer" (old spies kicking butt against young toughs that underestimate them, or just see old people and don't have a clue).

The Real Sandman

New member
Oct 12, 2009
I feel like I should have enjoyed the Boxtrolls trailer more.

I have a soft spot for stop motion, I liked Coraline and ParaNorman, and I respect Laika for their skill and devotion to this rarely seen animation style.

But if it wasn't for the aesthetic design and the names in the credits, I would have thought this was a slightly warped Dreamworks movie. Everything just seemed so "been there done that", bland comedy, young quirky love, and a fish out of water main character spreading tolerance and compassion. Sure ParaNorman had similar concepts as well,

No narration, no dialog, just visuals and a tonally appropriate rock song. That trailer had me hooked on the film in seconds.

Also, for me at least, part of the charm of stop motion is the "hand made quality" of the details and motions. Major props to Laika for having Boxtrolls look and move as smooth and pristine as it does in stop motion, but you should might as well do it all on a computer if you want seamless detail. I know I don't speak for everyone, but it just seems like going against the very idea of stop motion. Part of the magic of the art form is seeing knowingly clay/plasticine models coming to life before your eyes. Boxtrolls looks and moves so flawlessly it kind of defeats the point of it being stop motion.

Hopefully I'll end up enjoying the movie when/if I see it. The world absolutely needs more quality animated feature films not made by Disney, Pixar, or Dreamworks.


New member
Apr 16, 2011
Triaed said:
Isn't The Zero Theorem already released? Or is it just not released in the US?
I was thinking the same thing. Looking at that list and going, "But I saw Zero Theorem in cinemas months ago. It was awesome." I still don't think I've finished laughing at Management's suits.

I was a big fan of Coraline and a huge, huge fan of ParaNorman, so I'm interested in Box Trolls. I'm not sure about the fish-out-of-water meets high society premise though, those tend to be pretty cringe-worthy.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Azahul said:
Triaed said:
Isn't The Zero Theorem already released? Or is it just not released in the US?
I was thinking the same thing. Looking at that list and going, "But I saw Zero Theorem in cinemas months ago. It was awesome." I still don't think I've finished laughing at Management's suits.

I was a big fan of Coraline and a huge, huge fan of ParaNorman, so I'm interested in Box Trolls. I'm not sure about the fish-out-of-water meets high society premise though, those tend to be pretty cringe-worthy.
Yea, it hasn't released in the States.
I've been holding off watching it online because I really want to see it in the theater first. Gilliam is my all time favorite director and I love his dystopian future style. This almost looks like it takes place in the same world as Brazil.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
Definitely seeing Boxtrolls. I absolutely love stop-motion animation, so even if the movie is bland, I'll still enjoy the duration just for the sight-seeing. Never heard of Zero Theorem, but it looks like just the kinda zany movie that's about life that I tend to get into, so I'll definitely be checking that one out.


New member
May 20, 2014
8 Movies We're Looking Forward to This Month

September is upon us, bringing a lot of great -- or if not great, at least fun -- new movies to theaters.

Read Full Article

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
I did not know about No Good Deed and I LOVE Luther, so I am now excited for a movie coming out this year besides Horns.


Nov 18, 2009
I'm not sure what to make about this Equalizer remake either. I used to be a massive fan of the Edward Woodward show (RIP), the Jag, the smoke, the mad 80's theme tune, the unflappable British ex spy with a level of cool which could bend iron.

I like Denzel Washington, but I don't see it, he's too much of an everyman. Don't get me wrong, he's good; He's been a Cop, a Soldier, an FBI Agent, a Pilot, He's even been a train driver - but he'll never be Ewar Woowar.



New member
Jul 2, 2012
i've only heard of one of these films ,Boxtrolls and while it does look interesting, it's not interesting enough to make me wanna pay money to see in theaters.. maybe on dvd..